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"Cauterizing Blaze" Power Not Working?

St Anger

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I just got "Cauterizing Blaze" on my Sentinel's Fire Aura (Fiery Aura) secondary power set (it's a toggle power that is supposed to heal me for 14 points every few seconds) but I'm not seeing any green healing numbers coming off my toon nor is it listed anywhere in my Combat Attributes. Is it bugged or do I just have to trust that it's working? Cause I can get past the no green healing numbers coming off my head but the fact that it's not listed in my Combat Attributes tells me it's not working. 

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8 minutes ago, St Anger said:

Shouldn't it still be listed in Combat Attributes?


Heals aren't shown in Combat Attributes.  Regeneration, +Max HP and Absorb are.


I recall something added to show float text for powers like this... don't know where they put it, but it should be somewhere in the Options window.  Poke around.  No guarantee that it'll display the text for this power, but it's worth trying.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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7 hours ago, InvaderStych said:

@twozerofoxtrot is correct.


There should be a reference to it in the default Combat tab.  

Thank you. Yes, it's scrolling in the Combat tab.


I still think it's odd that it's not listed in the Combat Attributes. Just my opinion. It should be added to the Combat Attributes by the devs in some future update. 


Thanx again! 

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5 hours ago, St Anger said:

I still think it's odd that it's not listed in the Combat Attributes. Just my opinion. It should be added to the Combat Attributes by the devs in some future update. 


There’s nothing to list, ticks of Healing don’t have a duration. They happen once and then they’re gone.

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