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Earth/Stone ranged archetypes


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Of the Earth or Stone archetypes that have ranged or control powers (not looking at melee at the moment), which would you say is the best?  And from that archetype, what would be the most effective complimentary power set?  I created a pair of "earthbenders" some time back, ran them to 50 each, but I always found the results lacking.  I'll not say which two setups, as I want to see un-influenced results, but I would like to try again with something more impactful.

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Earth control is and always has been a power house set, it does next to no damage, but it is really incredible.


Would Earth/Storm be outside of your wheelhouse for "earth bender"?

What this team needs is more Defenders

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1 hour ago, Psyonico said:

Earth control is and always has been a power house set, it does next to no damage, but it is really incredible.


Would Earth/Storm be outside of your wheelhouse for "earth bender"?

No it would not be outside.  I do have several storm characters and can attest to the power and adaptability.  So if considering a earth controller, I'll have to take a secondary with damage ability, then?  I've several controllers with varying levels of damage.  I'd like something I could solo with if necessary, though it's not necessarily a prime focus.

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One of my "D&D Adventurers in Paragon" is an Earth Shaman, who's built as a seismic/stone sentinel. She works a lot like an "earth bender", basically smashing people with rocks, turning attacks aside with rocks and floating stone armor, etc. While her aoe is lacking a bit (I didn't take meteor because it didn't really fit the concept, and the power is incredibly slow), she's incredibly effective at just slapping things down and taking a beating without dropping.



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If you don't mind having some melee in the mix then an Earth Control / Earth Assault Dominator would seem to be a good fit.  Aside from the Earth Control powers you get two ranged earth-based ranged attacks plus a close-range AoE.  There are also the hammer melee attacks and other goodness if melee is not completely off the table.


I can't comment much on how good it would be.  I gave up on Earth Assault pretty early on when I tried it.  Hurdle + Combat Jumping is a mainstay for me, and a big part of what makes combat fun, so powers that require me to be on the ground to use them are a no-go for me.

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seismic blast / kin

 - staligmite with fulcrum shift empowered... dead things, and your a corruptor, so scourge.

 - similar smash with the cone, aoe, and meteor... and snipe... and everything basically

 - its not fire, but its suprisingly potent.

 - you dont run out of end, just steal some

 - you can heal, and effectively

 - you have some safety from the knockdown aura seismic powers give you


earth control / time

 - 2x hold placables

 - earthquake all the time

 - safe

 - bad / not good damage


better, earth control / tac arrow

 - you control patches of land, and well

 - some proc opportunities

 - bad / not good damage

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Seismic Blast is quite good and is available on blasters, corruptors, defenders and sentinels. You could do a Seismic Blast /Earth Manipulation blaster (secondary is largely melee) or a Seismic Blast/Stone Armor sentinel. If you don't mind straying from the earth theme a bit, Nature/Seismic defender is all kinds of fun.

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