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Something I've been mulling over during my hiatus; while my monitor is finally up here in the new spot with me, my RL Aggro is still keeping me from indulging in much more than theory-crafting.


Anyone successfully running Stalkers in HM?


Here's my thinking:


- Leaning on team buffs/defenses might open build possibilities for a full dmg focus.


- Lower threat value means being less likely to draw a Hard Target's attention away from the aggro magnets.


- Building for mobility (CT/Jaunt/Translocation with binds) + insta-jib levels of single target damage means being able to eliminate troublesome things like teleporting Surgeons or debuffing Smelters with abandon.


- Never hurts to have a ninja that can delete a map and gather the team at the objective if trying to speed.


Or maybe I am just crazy?


Not sure what sets I would pick for this.


As fun and subjectively awesome as my Fire/Stone/Blaze stalker was/is to play, he's not built for this sort of thing - would probably want to take a modified @Linea approach and be able to cycle RoP/Shadow Meld/<Armor T9> for survival potential. Which means more binds, but no reason to fear those.


The table is now open to the experts and peanut gallery alike!



You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.


For Primary: I would recommend Ice Melee for the exotic damage type that is not resisted much and Ice Patch - the one slot wonder that really helps with damage mitigation.


For Secondary: Stone Armor or Invulnerability. Both armors have “heals” and are well rounded with defenses and resistances. I would skip the T-9 with Invulnerability but it is very tanky on Stalkers without it. Stone Armor is outrageously great but you already know that! 😁



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kin/fire ended up being my goto stalker when i want to blow shit up for aoe and single target

slotted for s/l defense

combat/super jump


not much for taking hits outside of s/l content but once slotted you can potentially have up to 30 seconds of buildup with ATO1 proc/conc strike, and placate/conc strike

100% crit chance for Burst is still alive and kicking

Burn no longer breaks hide/proc/placate

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Angel Hornet started as an StJ/EnA stalker years ago.  Shouldn't be that hard to port her back to the Stalker.


StJ Ena ShadowMeld Stalker - 801 - Recharge-T9 ver 1c - [i25].mxdFetching info...


EnM Ena ShadowMeld Scrapper - 801 - Recharge-T9 ver 2J - [i25].mxdFetching info...


I also played with a version with burnout, which works, but was yet another level of complexity.


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AE 801 (link) is a variety of missions for fun and challenge, and is designed for a team of 5+ Incarnates.  Just search '801' in AE.

     801 Difficulty Varies: 801.0 Easy, ..., 801.2 Standard*, ..., 801.5 Moderate**, ..., 801.6 Hard***, ..., 801.7 Four Star****, ... 801.F Death.

I may be AFK IRL, But CoH is my Forever Home.

Posted (edited)

Which reminds me ... I should update mids. 🤣


Couple things on the "map delete" point - most folks on an HM team are going to know the content better than I do at this point. If memory serves there aren't that many maps with a single objective at the end. Several have staggered objectives, so perhaps that less of a use case?


Before I moved I gave a solo 1* ASF a go with the F/S/B, but 'Bricker's have fat resistance to fire, so that was too much of a slog in the moment and I bailed. Survival was a non-issue though. /Stone is a beast.


Comprehensive mez protection is good to have in that content as well. Lots of Taunt and Confuse to deal with, which is a fairly rare coverage to find.


Ice/EA might be very interesting though.




Ditto for Ice/Fire. Traditionally squishy for an armor set, but the KB/immob hole is easy to fill and we are talking a team buff/defense rich environment, so ... hmm ...


Stalker version gets the revamped Phoenix Rising, yes?

Edited by InvaderStych

You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.


I've ran my Db/invun on quite a few 4*s, they do very well and are perfectly viable, however will likely never be meta.



- Leaning on team buffs/defenses might open build possibilities for a full dmg focus.


- Lower threat value means being less likely to draw a Hard Target's attention away from the aggro magnets.


- Building for mobility (CT/Jaunt/Translocation with binds) + insta-jib levels of single target damage means being able to eliminate troublesome things like teleporting Surgeons or debuffing Smelters with abandon.


- Never hurts to have a ninja that can delete a map and gather the team at the objective if trying to speed.



1: Scrapper can already do this, almost as well, but brings aggro management, which stalker can't really get, at least not as reliably. Meta teams currently bring a scrapper for this reason

2: This is a null issue, you should basically never be able pull a hard target off someone who has a taunt unless they straight up aren't interacting with them.

3: Anyone can do this, while stalkers get easy access stealth, it's pretty trivial to obtain for other ATs. The burst is nice, not sure where "debuffs" are coming from though.

4: You really wont be soloing things in a proper speed run, and again stealth isn't limited to stalker.


This isn't to say stalker is bad at 4* or anything, in fact it has the over all highest single target damage in the game which lends well to 4*'s BEEFY AVs, but when looking at it from a meta standpoint all it has going for it is heavy damage, and a decent bit of survivablity. It definitely can pull it's weight, even on a speed run team, it just usually gets beaten out by bringing yet another corrupter, making it more of a secondary pick, if choosing. In content like this, Buff/debuff are worth their weight in gold and stalker gets very limited access to these. Now if you are running these more casually, even if speeding, a stalker can carry it's weight and then some, with it's great damage, just when optimizing it get left behind along with alot of other ATs.

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Kaika DB/INVUN Stalker                                                 Unluck AR/Nin Blaster

Riot Siren Bio/Dark Tank                                                     Ria Greenheart Axe/Sheild scrapper

Ghostflare Changeling Peacebringer                                   Fio Rune  FIre/Rad Stalker 

  • 2 weeks later
  On 8/12/2023 at 12:32 AM, Riot Siren said:

The burst is nice, not sure where "debuffs" are coming from though.



To clarify: I meant critters like Smelters with dangerous debuffs.


Points about Scrapper are interesting though. I play a lot of Scrappers and had gotten the apparently mistaken notion that "meta" 4* teams basically only wanted Tanks in melee.


I'd mostly be running casually though, if at all. Too much RL aggro going on for serious business in the 4* world these days.

You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

  On 8/21/2023 at 4:00 AM, InvaderStych said:


To clarify: I meant critters like Smelters with dangerous debuffs.


Points about Scrapper are interesting though. I play a lot of Scrappers and had gotten the apparently mistaken notion that "meta" 4* teams basically only wanted Tanks in melee.


I'd mostly be running casually though, if at all. Too much RL aggro going on for serious business in the 4* world these days.


I'm talking "Meta" in terms of organized speed run groups, your normally don't see them recruiting outside their own groups, but it does happen on occasion. The ones who generally recruit publicly are usually more balanced in team comps since you have a bigger variety in skill levels, whats available and what people want to bring. Due to the absurd amount of buffs/debuffs/heals meta groups bring (usually 7 corruptors) you really don't need a tanks survivability, and a skilled scrappers can mange aggro very well, though with this setup they hardly need too since everyone is capped in just about every survival stat, it's usually more to manage positioning and for the harder hitting AVs. Taking a step back from optimal speed run play and things open up alot, if someone else for example is handling aggro and the team is a bit more spread out in terms of roles stalker becomes quite a bit better since it can manage its damage and survivabilty very well on its' own, not to mention having some of the best single target in the game.


In terms of what sets to use, I have to agree with everyone saying ice, particularly for Aeon since I think they are weak too it, though just about any other good set like energy could do really well. Honestly as long as you avoid the weaker sets and probably bring something with at least a OK AoE you should be fine with most primarys.


Secondary I would say Bio, Shield, rad, SR, or stone would be your best bet. Bio is one of the best offensive sets in the game, adding alot of extra damage in the form of procs, which work well with a Kin and has a abundance of absorbs and Regen which work nicely with the barrier spam just about every 4* group is running. Shield is good for grant cover giving Def debuff protection, and more def, shield charge and the +DMG is also very nice. SR is basically immune to Def debuff which can be VERY handy, and comes with some nice recharge. Rad comes with two powerful AoEs which can both reset BU if you don't have a kin or missed FS, and Absorbs and regen like Bio. Stone, like Bio has 100% procs that can add alot of damage, on top of capped HP and good regen. Again though, most sets would work fine, but in terms of 4*, but if building for it I would focus on sets with good offensive benefits, as your group will likely cap you on most defensive stats through barriers and buffs.

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Kaika DB/INVUN Stalker                                                 Unluck AR/Nin Blaster

Riot Siren Bio/Dark Tank                                                     Ria Greenheart Axe/Sheild scrapper

Ghostflare Changeling Peacebringer                                   Fio Rune  FIre/Rad Stalker 


You pretty much have the right idea in treating your role as pure DPS. Unfortunately, Stalkers do get passed up for heartier melees that can taunt AVs (Tanks, Brutes, Scrappers for specialized teams), or safer, ranged DPS that don't have to worry about getting hit by stray AoEs (4* Rom will blast you with massive untyped damage if you stand too close to the Tank).


However, this type of specialized thinking only really applies to 4*. 3* and under aren't nearly as pressured to have the perfect team comp.


You can still rest easy knowing that Stalkers still possess some of the highest ST damage, so you should definitely focus on that. Spend your time focusing on EBs, Surgeons, Smelters, and AVs. Bulk isn't really an issue if your team has Barriers and/or lots of buffs, but I would still pick an armor that has a couple of sustain clicks for spicy moments. I know you like Stone Armor a lot. All of that HP and Geode can keep you cozy when the going gets tough!


More examples of HM Stalkers are never a bad thing! Here's one I run.


cyber slice - Stalker (Ninja Blade - Radiation Armor).mbdFetching info...

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Mainly on Excelsior. Find me in game @Spaghetti Betty.

AE Arcs:  Big Magic Blowout! 41612 | The Meta-Human Wrestling Association 44683 | MHWA Part 2 48577

Click to look at my pets!



I don't mind to have a stalker in the team to fill the pure dps role if it comes down to it.  Bonus points if they know the incan spots since they can get places stealthily.  I see them as the big target killers which should do quite well for us with a good team comp.  The team should have a decent amount of aoe dmg covered so the most preferred stalkers would be the high ST dps killers like Energy.  


I've seen both Ice and Energy Melee/Bio's do real well.  My stalker I'd bring is EM/Invuln which has a bit safer feel being in the thick of the fight but honestly the higher offensive secondary sets would be better suited since you're there for that ST damage you can put on AVs.  

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  • 2 weeks later

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