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Trick or Treat mob despawning issue


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Found something that might be a bug, and some testing seems to confirm it.

When Trick or Treating on a storm/storm corruptor, i see that occasionally some of the mobs keep coming through the door - they come through and then disappear and come through the door again, and keep doing so.

It looks (but this isn't conclusive) that some of the powers might be causing this (pesudopets was an idea thrown around).

It seems to be quite repeatably and reliably reproduced at the moment on this toon.

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seeing the same thing, actually i was on same team/league as Destruktor.

Former Player on Server:

Protector, Guardian, Virtue, Liberty, Freedom, Union and Defiant (Hero Side) and part Time Infinity

Justice, Pinnacle, Victory (Villain Side)

Currently Reunion is the Main Server

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That seems to pop up pretty regularly on big leagues. See it just about every time I spend any time ToTing. Being caused by certain powers or whatever would explain why it's so erratic. Once it starts happening, it does seem to go on for a while, so you guys are probably on the right track. This is nothing new, you've seen it occasionally for years. It does seem to have become more common this year, though.


TBH, until I saw this I had just put it down to the Halloween monster's AI occasionally having an uncharacteristic burst of common sense, and saying "I don't wanna go out THERE, those heroes are dangerous!"

Limiting my already guarded posting both here & discord. Just too toxic for my tastes, & the mods do not seem to care.




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We had this issue the other night on a small team, so it was easier to troubleshoot. The issue was Storm Cell from the Storm Blast set, in our case.


The pseudopet tends to drift to right in front of the door and then causes mobs to spawn briefly, encounter the pseudopet, then the mob will despawn and respawn. You can generally get in about one hit before the despawn and the mob retains health amounts between respawns, so you can eventually whittle down the mob between respawns.

Edited by CFIndustries
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1 hour ago, CFIndustries said:

We had this issue the other night on a small team, so it was easier to troubleshoot. The issue was Storm Cell from the Storm Blast set, in our case.


The pseudopet tends to drift to right in front of the door and then causes mobs to spawn briefly, encounter the pseudopet, then the mob will despawn and respawn. You can generally get in about one hit before the despawn and the mob retains health amounts between respawns, so you can eventually whittle down the mob between respawns.



that was Destruktor and my 1st Suspect (Storm Cell) we tested it, but it isnt the only Power causing it, thats why Destruktor posted it as Pseudo Pet Problem, and yes the many Storm Users just make it way more visible to us.

Edited by SuggestorK
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Former Player on Server:

Protector, Guardian, Virtue, Liberty, Freedom, Union and Defiant (Hero Side) and part Time Infinity

Justice, Pinnacle, Victory (Villain Side)

Currently Reunion is the Main Server

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  • 2 weeks later

Magic - Sentinel

Storm Blast, Electric Armor

Level 10 - Hallows


Whenever Storm Cell is deployed, I see this same thing. It also seem to only happen to witches (all variants) and all vampires. Ware wolves, zombies and mummys are immune to this... this... <another word for bug here>.

Make 'em easy to kill! They aren't spawned lng enough to get a shot off. BUT! If I hit them with something causing knocknback (Jet Stream, Nemesis Staff), they are then in the game as normal. Like my toon knocked them into next Tuesday and wouldn't ya know it? It's next Tuesday already!


Edited by DougAuto
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On 10/11/2023 at 11:32 AM, CFIndustries said:

The issue was Storm Cell from the Storm Blast set, in our case.


Verified on my Storm/Storm corruptor.  Storm Cell makes Halloween critters repeatedly respawn (had one poor Sorceress respawn six times...).

Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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