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Archery with an ammo type change

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Cool idea to have archery have different ammo/arrow types the way dual pistols works. Will help archery be played more often and would be pretty cool to see. Can give it different debuff effects rather than having the same as dual pistols

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I don't like the idea of adding ammo switching to other ranged sets because that would tread on the uniqueness/niche of DP, even if the effects are a little different. 


I do however think there is room to replace some of the existing powers with more exotic damage versions, like maybe Stunning Shot could become a Shocking Arrow with energy damage or an Ice Arrow with cold damage. The T1 could maybe become toxic and apply a -regen effect. Stuff like that. 

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As a real life archer I've I used field point, broadhead, spring loaded broadhead, fish point, blunts, and bodkin arrows.


One time I even got drunk and taped a firework onto a field point arrow to give it a rocket assist (wouldn't recommend).


I'm definitely alright with archery having different arrow types to change their effect.

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Rather than ammo switching, it might be easier to add more exotic damage to the current attacks along the lines of Explosive Arrow (changed to 50% lethal/50% fire in Page 4).

  • Aimed Shot: Change to Poison Arrow (50% lethal/50% toxic)
  • Blazing Arrow: Currently 76% lethal/24% fire (DoT). Change to 100% fire (similar to change made to Martial Assault/Explosive Shuriken)
  • Aim: Replace with copy of Martial Assault/Envenomed Blades (adds toxic DoT to all your attacks and provides 12% tohit buff for 40s)
  • Rain of Arrows: Add secondary effect?
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59 minutes ago, Uun said:

Aim: Replace with copy of Martial Assault/Envenomed Blades (adds toxic DoT to all your attacks and provides 12% tohit buff for 40s)


Envenomed Blades is horrible.  I'd have to bitchslap someone if Aim were taken away for that clusterfuck.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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I appreciate the ask and idea, but I do not want a switch ammo for archery.  That would require removing an existing power (like Aim) for it.  Archery already has it's uniqueness with some different "arrowheads" - Blazing and explosive arrows, and stunning shot.  While it's not a lot - and why i understand your ask.... Dual Pistols has none of that / nothing / zip / zero - so Swap Ammo is needed for adding in some sort of different types of damage.  


Adding in an "envenomed tip" power like Martial Assault - no to that as well.  Again, i do not want a power removed from the set to make room for these other powers that to me are unneeded.  


I would be fine with just adding to existing powers some alternate Damage types like Uun suggested, or perhaps Aimed shot could be switched to "Broadhead Arrow" and have heavy Bleed DoT.  But i do not support anything that takes aways from the existing set.  

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44 minutes ago, Luminara said:

Envenomed Blades is horrible.  I'd have to bitchslap someone if Aim were taken away for that clusterfuck.

I agree that Envenomed Blades has issues, primarily that the DoT is too small (the damage varies but generally works out to about a ~15% buff), but I thought that adding an exotic damage type to existing attacks might be attractive.


I'm sensitive to removing Aim from the set. Perhaps tweaking Aim so it kept the same stats but the damage buff was applied via an exotic damage type.

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10 hours ago, lilclaws said:

Cool idea to have archery have different ammo/arrow types the way dual pistols works. Will help archery be played more often and would be pretty cool to see. Can give it different debuff effects rather than having the same as dual pistols


Change ammo isn't a big draw for dual pistols.

Some people think it is waste of a power.


I'm a character conception play, so pretty much alway stake it.


I don't think taking away a power to create a swap arrow type power would be get any more people to play the set.


How many Ammo types would you have, what would you call them, and what would they change about the powers that they arrow type can change?

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