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which barrier for things like relentless Aeon


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Most of the time it will be Core. It offers a stronger buff and can be casted while moving. Radial does bring a 2x rez, but the rezzed allies come back with 0 buffs and are in high danger of being immediately killed again. That's not to say Radial can't be useful, but a support toon with a rez and Barrier Core would provide a lot more benefit than a Radial Barrier.

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I mostly run radial for the rez when things get nasty like tank or heal goes down in the thick of it,  i have not noticed much of a difference, and people tend to stack barriers anyway. (i have both ofc. i am not a peasant)


Mr. Rabbit Lord

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1 hour ago, FupDup said:

While we're on this topic, something I've always wondered is whether radial can only rez allies, or can it also rez the user who cast it? I'm too lazy to test it myself. 


Tested.  No, Radial cannot be used as a self-rez

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