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Teleporters Show Off! Showcase (Everyone join in!)

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Personal base or community hub and everything in between, the most frequented spot in your whole base, show off the envy that is your Teleport room!









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  • Retired Community Rep
Posted (edited)

I'm immediately breaking your "rules", sorry!! This is not a post showing off my teleport room.... Instead, I just have to say - that's a good looking base ya got there! Are you willing to share the code so I can visit? Or, is it in the directory? I must see it live 🙂

Edited by Easter Bunny
Edited for clarity

    (\/)     Easter Bunny 
   ( . . )    Retired Community Rep  |  
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  • Retired Community Rep
Posted (edited)

Yes, please make sure your bases are in the directory! (They can be listed as private without the code, if you desire, but at least we'll know it's there!) But show it off! 🙂


A few of mine: (this was a buff up of someone's base on Torchbearer; transportation hub TBTP-7677)

video clip



ONES-5030 Excelsior (Open for use by anyone)



GAMERS-20972 Excelsior




OVERKILL-2729 Everlasting (All services close to entrance, open for use)


CROSSROADS-18062 Everlasting (teleporters are invisible)



I love teleporters, they can be anything!


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  • 4 weeks later

Well, I've shown my Men Of Action base portals before elsewhere, and the base is currently not ready for public perusal, not by a long shot. Static shots don't really do the kinetical elements justice, but here's what I have:






Edited by Techwright
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Here are a few of the portals from Steel Transit Authority (STA) - the travel base (and much more!) for the Steel Authority supergroup on Torchbearer.  Passcode:  STA-8822


It's set on several islands in the Shadow Shard where water has teleportative properties.






A giant floating ring portal for all air traffic from the airport....




Boats have their own portal to/from the Paragon City, Rogue Isles, and the STA Travel Hub....




Some fountains like these throughout will take you to the other islands and even to city zones....







All central fountains in the temple can also take you to all zones....




Edited by Frozen Burn
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