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"None" option for left pistol

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Saw mention recently that the issue with DP/Tac Blasters that causes either the left pistol or the bow to be invisible depending on which you edited last is a known issue that, like any other, could be addressed whenever someone with the know-how ever has the time and interest. So just putting in a request that if that ever does make it onto the agenda, a 'None' option be added for the left pistol slot beforehand. That glitch has provided a way to create single pistol users, which is just kinda fun, and enabling that without it would open that visual/RP option up to other ATs and powerset combinations.


Most Dual Pistol animations look fine with the left gun missing, since most ST attacks focus on the right hand (or in the case of Dual Wield use both at once so there's still clearly a gun being shot) and the AoEs are frenetic enough one hand being empty is barely noticable. Pistols and Suppressive Fire are the only powers with left-hand specific animations and even then those two have multiple animations, so they actually only use the left hand half of the time (side thought that occurred as I typed: would be neat if "Right Only" and "Left Only" could be added to those power's customization options with "Original" continuing to alternate).


(While I would favor a None option being available to every weapon -- hell Shield too, now that we have asymmetrical shoulders/gloves to let us chunk up our defending/bashing arm ourselves -- just for the sake of enabling whatever creative takes people could come up with to explain their invisible weapons in the context of their character's other powers, my only actual suggestion/request here is to give the option to the left pistol, since the bug ever getting fixed would impact existing characters.)

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3 hours ago, AlwaysAPrice said:

Saw mention recently that the issue with DP/Tac Blasters that causes either the left pistol or the bow to be invisible depending on which you edited last is a known issue that, like any other, could be addressed whenever someone with the know-how ever has the time and interest. So just putting in a request that if that ever does make it onto the agenda, a 'None' option be added for the left pistol slot beforehand. That glitch has provided a way to create single pistol users, which is just kinda fun, and enabling that without it would open that visual/RP option up to other ATs and powerset combinations.


Really?  Is this why my Assault Rifle/Ninja Training/Arsenal Mastery blaster is shooting an invisible gun sometimes?  Because he has a rifle, a katana, and then another rifle?

Because I'd really rather they fix the problem than work on invisible weapon options.

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3 hours ago, Player2 said:

Really?  Is this why my Assault Rifle/Ninja Training/Arsenal Mastery blaster is shooting an invisible gun sometimes?  Because he has a rifle, a katana, and then another rifle?

Because I'd really rather they fix the problem than work on invisible weapon options.

The difference being that adding a ‘null’ set requires no alteration of coding beyond adding any other new costume option (and doesn’t require any new graphics).


Fixing the three weapon issue requires digging into the spaghetti code.


This isn’t to say it shouldn’t be fixed, just that the resources to add null options, should they decide to do so, are unlikely to be the same resources used to dig into the spaghetti code.


When it comes to null options for weapons, I’d also appreciate one for claws, whose animations sans actual claws are just punches to which various existing costume pieces and auras could be stacked.


In the alternative, I’d like to suggest a set of “pure energy” claws (think Psylocke’s psi-knives). The existing plasma blades are nice, but the large shiny metal emitters can clash with some designs.


Regarding dual pistols, given the number of “wrist shooters” in the genre, I’d like to suggest not just the left pistol get the “null” option, but both. Any of the larger glove options could then have concealed weapons in them (and given how they can arc, it could even be variable payload micro-missiles).


I would also like the option to replace the Tac Arrow animations with either a weaponless grenade throw or to use dual pistols animations; specifically because of the three weapon glitch with dual pistols.


currently I justify the animations of the arrows and pose as me launching some sort or weird missiles, but having the option to make it use pistol animations (shot emerges from gun, end effect of net/ice/etc. still spawns on target) or tossed grenades would provide a lot more options.


Heck, I’d like to suggest that even if the spaghetti code of invisible third weapons gets fixed.

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3 hours ago, Player2 said:

Really?  Is this why my Assault Rifle/Ninja Training/Arsenal Mastery blaster is shooting an invisible gun sometimes?  Because he has a rifle, a katana, and then another rifle?

Because I'd really rather they fix the problem than work on invisible weapon options.


Nah, that's sequencer jank. That setup won't run into the weapon costume option limit.

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