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concealment pool question

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13 minutes ago, hakurr said:

in the description for Stealth it say that if you attack or are attacked you will loose some of your defense bonus. how much do you loose?

most of it.


I run concealment stealth a lot.  With one LOTG 7.5% recharge /defense enhancer at 50 this gives 8.12% defense.  When I attack this goes to 2.03%

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22 minutes ago, Snarky said:

most of it.


I run concealment stealth a lot.  With one LOTG 7.5% recharge /defense enhancer at 50 this gives 8.12% defense.  When I attack this goes to 2.03%

Right, you lose 75% of the DEF value.  Despite that I still find the power useful in many of my characters' builds.  Like @Snarky I don't slot Stealth for DEF, other than with the LotG 7.5% piece.  I do use it as a mule for other procs/globals occasionally.  If I take this power, I am almost always taking it early in the build in order to be able to stealth missions when appropriate.  Combined with a Stealth proc in Sprint or some other travel power, a character is effectively invisible to most enemies.  That is worth more than the minimal unsuppressed DEF that the power grants - but that DEF does stack with other sources & can contribute to getting to softcap.

Edited by Mister Mass
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Keep Redside - & Goldside - Alive!

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22 minutes ago, Mister Mass said:

Right, you lose 75% of the DEF value.  Despite that I still find the power useful in many of my characters' builds.  Like @Snarky I don't slot Stealth for DEF, other than with the LotG 7.5% piece.  I do use it as a mule for other procs/globals occasionally.  If I take this power, I am almost always taking it early in the build in order to be able to stealth missions when appropriate.  Combined with a Stealth proc in Sprint or some other travel power, a character is effectively invisible to most enemies.  That is worth more than the minimal unsuppressed DEF that the power grants - but that DEF does stack with other sources & can contribute to getting to softcap.

Exactly.  I tend to take Stealth early in a build.  For levelling or when Exemp'd down I have it.  Before Leadership Manuevers usually by 10-15 levels.  So I put a Kismet +to hit in it.  Since I run stealth constantly this gives a great bonus.  F-ing Gold.  Then when I get more enhancer slots and the build is not tight I add a LOTG.

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On 4/25/2024 at 10:25 AM, Mister Mass said:

Combined with a Stealth proc in Sprint or some other travel power, a character is effectively invisible to most enemies. 

You don't need anything other than just the Stealth power itself. You can walk right up to mobs and they won't see you, no proc or anything else required. 


Generally when I take it on a character I have either the LotG global or that + def/end just to make the toggle a bit cheaper to run. On a setup that needs every last bit of defense to reach various caps (both normal and incarnate) that 2.5% or so defense can push you over the edge into the soft-cap range. But it's not always necessary. 

Stealth is incredibly handy to have, though, and I tend to take it on any character that I can justify their concept as having it.

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Yeah a celerity +stealth proc is useful when a character has a power like dark’s shadow fall that gives partial stealth.or Blaster device’s partial stealth.  When wanting full stealth just toggle on sprint.  Turn it off to save endurance when the need to hide is over.  

But Concealment Stealth is a “full” hide/stealth.  Except against the usual suspects: Ritki drones, Rularuu Eyeballs, a few Nemesis arseholes (they all look alike. ) You’ll know they have when when every Nemesis in a spawn suddenly points their rifle at you…. Some mobs just see through stealth and tell all their friends. 

Edited by Snarky
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44 minutes ago, Snarky said:

a few Nemesis arseholes


You're probably thinking of the Comet/Trieulers (spelling?) who are Sniper class enemies.  Snipers can see and engage from pretty much anywhere in render distance but thankfully are very limited with Nemesis being the only group that runs them on the regular.  Crey and Council have Snipers on the rooftops in Founders and Peregrine while 5th Column and PPD have them in specific missions (Retake your cloning facility and Doc Buzzsaw's new missions respectively). 


Meanwhile despite not being Snipers, Vanguard can see you at pretty much any distance as well.


Edited by ZorkNemesis
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Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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The amount of defense Stealth provides varies by AT. On a defender or tank it provides 2.5% that doesn't suppress plus 10.0% that suppresses. On a blaster or sentinel it provides 1.75% that doesn't suppress plus 7.0% that suppresses. The other ATs fall in between. The unsuppressed defense is exactly the same as that provided by Combat Jumping or Hover. The portion that suppresses is 80% of the total.

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