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No Dual Pistols for Doms?


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Posted (edited)

I'm just wondering if there is a reason why they can't/ shouldn't have DP available to them and if not, is it on the horizon?

Edited by Arnabas
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  • Arnabas changed the title to No Dual Pistols for Doms?
Posted (edited)

Doms generally get a mix of melee and ranged powers in their Assault sets.  Having a gun in both hands makes it awkward to punch people and simply pistol whipping people lacks elegance.  On top of that trying to work in Martial Arts style kicks is already taken by Martial Assault so it wouldn't be creative, or even unique in comparison since Martial Assault already deals the Lethal damage from the throwing stars and presumably ammo swapping wouldn't make your kicks set people on fire.


My understanding is that at one point a Handgun/Sword powerset was considered and was even meant to be the main powerset for Spark Blade, a member of W.I.S.D.O.M. who never came to be since the game didn't take off in the Korean markets as hoped.


Edited by ZorkNemesis
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Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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  • 3 months later

I would rather Dom’s get a Single Pistol set as opposed to Duel set.


Have a single Hand Blaster is used more often in Comics than a duel pistol set anyways and it would look better lockdown mobs with one hand while firing with other. (Theme Wise)


This would also work with having the other hand free for melee. 

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