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I got this to work with wrong image and then i couldn’t get it to work again. Populates the image and reads the text but doesn’t execute the power. Here it is:


/macro_image “MentalControl_MindControl” “Tooltip” “Command” $$ local “$target you are under my control now!” $$ powexec_name Confuse


P. S. It seems to activate the power when I hit enter to complete the macro but I get the error “unknown command:command” error when i hit the macro.


I don't know how to do this, but I can work it out given time. It looks like you've copied a command off a guide, is that right?


It looks like you need to remove the quotation marks, first, then you should maybe put something proper where it says tooltip (it's the ability name you will see on hover-over), then where it says command you put the command, which you want to be MindControl or whatever it's supposed to be - you may have to look this up somewhere, you may also need to put a target after that similar to the one below.


Zolgar wrote this for me in another thread;

/macroimage Jump_SpringAttack SpringAttack powexeclocation target Spring Attack


It makes a Spring Attack macro that uses  the powerexeclocation of the target.


From Shenanigunner's GABB... http://www.shenanigunner.com/

The command is:


NAME is required, as for other macro commands, but will only show up on hover or when the Info panel is opened. Names longer than two or three characters can thus be used for clarity.

COMMAND_STRING is the same as for any bind or macro definition: all the commands you want execute when this macro is called.

TEXTUREFILE is where it gets interesting. This must be a string that points to an existing power tray icon bitmap or texture within the game’s PIGG files, and is composed of POWERSETNAME_POWERNAME, where POWERSETNAME is the power set name – duh – all run together as one word, and POWERNAME is the power within that set, again all run together. The underscore is probably optional but should be used for clarity. The most important thing is that no spaces are allowed in this texture-name string.

All power sets and power names are listed in unpacked PIGG files. A complete listing has been extracted and uploaded to the website; it’s as useful for figuring out naming anomalies as it is for finding any one power set or power name.


So something like... (this may be wrong)...

/macro_image MentalControl_MindControl MindControl target Mind Control  $$ local “$target you are under my control now!”



I know it looks like it just says mindcontrol 3 times in a row but one is the icon, one is the tooltip for the icon, and the next one is the actual cast.



  • Thanks 1

Boycott American.

/macro_image MentalControl_MindControl Control "powexecname Confuse$$local $target, you are under my control now!"



That works perfectly. I had to substitute Placate to test, but it's spot-on.

UPDATED: v4.15 Technical Guide (post 27p7)... 154 pages of comprehensive and validated info on on the nuts and bolts!
ALSO:  GABS Bindfile  ·  WindowScaler  ·  Teleport Guide  ·  and City of Zeroes  all at  www.Shenanigunner.com




Just to note, quotations are required when you're making a macro do multiple commands.


See, if I do /macro Blah powexecname smite$$say DOOM!


It will create a macro named Blah that will execute the power Smite, and I will say DOOM!


If I do /macro blah "powexecname smite$$say DOOM!" then I will create a macro named blah that will execute Smite and make me say DOOM!


There were no quotations used in the macro I made you because it was only a single command.

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.


Looks like you don't have the quotation marks quite right, and there's an extra argument in there you don't need. Try this:


/macro_image MentalControl_MindControl Control "powexecname Confuse$$local $target, you are under my control now!"


That worked! Thanks everyone!

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