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Mastermind Primary Power Proliferation Possibility Program Post

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Silly topic name aside, I came across some information stating that the reason Masterminds are unable to customize their units is because of the spaghetti bake that is the code of the game. That made me think about how the devs would be able to add more Mastermind primaries in the future and the certainly laborious task that would befall them in creating models, animations, let alone the powers for these new sets. So I came to an idea that is probably already discussed and dismissed but I haven't found it yet so I'll toss my idea in the arena.


Use current villain groups as new Mastermind primaries with some curated powers from them as the non-summoning powers.


Now, I'm not suggesting a 1 to 1 conversion. Rather use the echelon system already in place Minion, Lieutenant, Boss to reflect Henchman 1, Henchman 2, and Henchman 3 respectively (henceforth H1, H2, H3).


For example:


Arachnos Forces:


Pistol- Level 1

Wolf Spiders- Level 1

Mace Beam-  Level 2

Weapons Upgrade- Level 6

Poisonous Ray - Level 8

Fortunata- Level 12

Arachnos Tech- Level 18

Arachnobot Disruptor- Level 26

Gear Upgrade- Level 32


Further detail:

The Wolf Spider Huntman is a good candidate for a Minion. Graphics can start off with the Wolf Spider and upgrade into a Wolf Spider Tac Ops, then subsequently Wolf Spider Huntsman.


Powers they would start with are: Rifle Butt and Shotgun


Weapons Upgrade would grant: Venom Grenade and Frag Grenade


Gear Upgrade would grant: Web Grenade and Wide Area Web Grenade (debating on giving them Wolf Spider Armor or not).


Now I know nothing about coding since my only experience has been writing choose your own adventures and mazes in DOS (many moons ago) but using existing textures, animations, and powers would seem like a good place to start working on it.


I don't know about you but I'd be pretty happy with commanding my own Carnival (one of my favorite villain groups).






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I'm pretty sure Positron said the reason was because he knew the CoX fandom was full of the horniest people imaginable who'd immediately use it to get their rocks off. And if there's anything Positron feared most; it was CoX being associated with internet horniness.

"Titan/Bio scrappers are the stealthiest toons in the game."


"How's that possible? They don't have any inherent stealth and you'd never take concealment pool powers on them!"


"You see; they're perfect at stealth because nobody will notice if there's nobody to notice."

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I'm pretty sure Positron said the reason was because he knew the CoX fandom was full of the horniest people imaginable who'd immediately use it to get their rocks off.


He never said anything of the kind.  Other players have always said that as the supposed "official" reason that there were no female pet powers, but the devs themselves never said anything of the kind.  (Especially since there are a bunch of female pet powers in the game.  You can summon Fortunadas and Seers and Carnies and Knives and Talons and even Ghost Widow.  I can understand wanting more, since it's not exactly balanced, especially in the MM powersets, but it's just not true that there aren't any)

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This is interesting.  Paragon Studios always said "New pet sets are hard."


I'm curious to know if that really meant "a new pet set that is distinct from what we already have is hard."  I wouldn't even know where to start with the code to really figure that out, but I feel like most of us would be very happy with some mostly-copy/pastes of the current sets.  E.g. Create a copy of all Thugs elements and rename them Skuls, change out the loaded character models to Skulls and poof, a Skuls power set.

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There's an Arachnos Arbiter in one story arc mission, in Faultline IIRC, that summons a pair of Arbiter Drones.


I want that as an MM primary - summoning Arachnos-style robots.  Even if it's just a "reskin" of the Robots primary.

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If there's an MM set that lets us summon Knives of Vengeance, the first thing I'm gonna do is make Angel Summoner, and the second thing I'm gonna do is try to find BMX Bandit.


I would adore copy MM sets that are mechanically identical to existing sets with different factions.

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If there's an MM set that lets us summon Knives of Vengeance, the first thing I'm gonna do is make Angel Summoner, and the second thing I'm gonna do is try to find BMX Bandit.


I would adore copy MM sets that are mechanically identical to existing sets with different factions.


I was hoping more for new primary power sets for MMs. A lot of the different villain groups have powers that aren't available and could be used for the non-summoning powers that MMs get.

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I don't know about you but I'd be pretty happy with commanding my own Carnival (one of my favorite villain groups).



Oh god that would be nuts... I would like the Cimerorans. And instead of something Like Gang War, Summon a Minotour and Cyclops for a limited time.

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Oh god that would be nuts... I would like the Cimerorans. And instead of something Like Gang War, Summon a Minotour and Cyclops for a limited time.


I would think that the Minotaur would be their H3 and your Gang War would be Nictus ;)

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There's an Arachnos Arbiter in one story arc mission, in Faultline IIRC, that summons a pair of Arbiter Drones.


I want that as an MM primary - summoning Arachnos-style robots.  Even if it's just a "reskin" of the Robots primary.

You can do that quite well with a Crab Spider. You get three Spiderlings, two Disruptor Bots and, assuming you take mace mastery, a Blaster Bot

Defender Smash!

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