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Just finished a run at Drowning in Blood.  Tanks, Brutes, Sentinels and MMs.  We were a little damage heavy, experience lite, support poor.  At the Big Twins, we had a Team Wipe occur.  So I am trying to herd the three cats (my granddaughter and her two friends who are just learning the game).  We're scrambling for breath.  All the inspirations gone.  Girls are having a great time, but pretty much screaming in the headsets. 


Thank You So Much to Ripper-Chameleon. (Everlasting)


On a Sentinel, he pulls the second twin all the way back to the longbow landing and keeps it busy while the rest of us whittle down the first.  I have no doubt without him playing tag with the giant shivan all by himself we would have had more than just one team wipe.

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If you do not face plant at least once a day; Go reset your Notoriety.

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This is why CoH puts the leather boot squarely on all other games, forever: the community. The best people in the realm.


+1 on you for the shout out to a teammate!


I’ll echo Switchfade, it’s awesome you took the time to shout out.


+1 inf

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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  • 2 weeks later

Many Thank Yous to Chaos Unlimited (Everlasting) and their subsidiary SGs.  Fifteen MSRs, Five BAFs, a handful of other Trials and a Hamidon raid.  They run regular MSRs and accept really just about anyone who is willing to contribute.  Thanks guys for your effort.  I did six back-to-back MSRs yesterday.  My butt hasn't been this numb since Quatermain TF back on Live.

If you do not face plant at least once a day; Go reset your Notoriety.

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  • 4 months later

Much Big Thanks to Boy Band!  An All Master Mind Mothership Raid is no easy feat to pull off.


Sunday was a blast, everyone had a great time, the Ultravox Manuver Works!


The CoX community is indebted to players like BB who spend their time herding cats to get late game content run for everyone.  An all MM MSR is like herding cats who are herding cats.  Thanks again for running it BB.




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If you do not face plant at least once a day; Go reset your Notoriety.

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Twice in the last week (on Everlasting) we tried to start a TF and someone was not quite the right level. Both times we ran a couple radios and solved the problem. No drama.  I love Everlasting. It is everyone Doing their part too.


I was trying to level a lowbie blaster redside and someone was pulling a team in the 45 range. There were some new players in the team and when the mayhem came up they really Wanted to try it


Do i have to say it?  Team wipe out and trip to jail. I sent a tell i was alting and came back on my main. A Brute designed by Hyperstrike that cannot be killed except by MoM death patches. Went to the jail. Killed everything. Tanked as team headed to the bank. It was a team effort, from Hyperstrikes design to the team leader to the new players rolling with the craziness of a mathem. And we robbed that bank, like real heroes!


/em holdchicken


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Hey, if we are giving shout outs here, I'd like to shout out Eda for running MSRs on Indom every fekking night where all are welcome (I've done it on as low as a 2nd level) as long as they participate, and mooching is not slightly tolerated.  And Cultivated Darkness for his incredibly patient iTrial marathons practically every night. I don't know how long it took anyone else to learn Keyes, but I can say for me, it was more than a few times, and some of those early times I really fucked up. We do have a great community here!

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There is no game I'd rather play, or community I'd rather play with! 


I don't suffer from any illusion that there aren't some bad actors in our community.  But, for the most part, we are willing to help rather than criticize, and I think there are more examples of those kinds of positive interactions, and is more representative of the kinds of folks who gravitate towards this game, and make it a great place to be!

Edited by Abraxus
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What was no more, is REBORN!

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  • 2 months later

Thank you to, I believe, Risa Breedem.  


Got on the game today and my nieces (9 and 11) were excited to tell me they ran their first MSR.  I said, you've done MSRs before and they repeated they RAN the MSR.  


It sounds like Risa was their first recruit and helped them organize the invites and run the bomb door assignments.  They were so excited and proud and happy.  

If you do not face plant at least once a day; Go reset your Notoriety.

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