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I am predominantly a solo player and I don't have fortunes to spend on IO sets. I used to be a hardcore player back in CoH's heyday, but now with adult responsibilities and children, I'm more of a casual player, getting on for an hour or two a night.


I used to have a SS/Elec Brute way back when, so while I know SS is old as dirt, it's the gold standard almost every other set is measured against. It also has that nice "superhero" feel to it's smashiness.


Titan Weapon I have limited experience with, and I know it's painful at low levels until you get a decent attack chain and Build Momentum, but from what I read on these forums, it's an absolute BEAST later on.


Kinetic Melee I have almost zero experience with, but it looks neat, and I can color the energy gold to maintain my "divine power" theme, but from what I hear, it's very "meh" at best.


I'm sold on Radiation Armor because nowadays I'm a filthy casual so the "overtuned" armor set I've never played before sounds fun to me and I like the nice utility belt of powers it has.


I concur that TW is very slow going early on.  I couldn't get into kinetic melee, and the effect of the build-up siphoning damage from enemies, while cool on paper, just doesn't seem like enough of a payoff to me.  SS is still a very good set, though.  Have you tried street justice, radiation melee, or psionic melee?


I honestly think that given your situation you will probably dislike tw a lot. I mean if you predominately solo, and can only play so long per evening, it will feel like a real slog getting to the point where you have a consistent and reliable attack chain. Kinetic Melee, I haven't played this set to high level, it was just too slow feeling for me with its animations..which is funny cause you'd think by virtue of it's brethren kinetic powerset it would be fast paced. I mean, I can deal with a slow animating power, but it needs to pay off by hitting like a truck in my opinion. Out of those options, SS seems the way to go, no frills, consistent and no gimmicky mechanics. The rage crash sucks, but it's not completely game breaking.




As someone who LOVES KM at all levels (But particularly at high levels) I have to say it would pair pretty well with Radiation Armor... -initially-.


I say initially because the Repulsing Torrent power, while solo, can help make Alphas easier to eat. Radiation is a self-healing set, which is great, but it means Alphas can be rough.


But a lot of people feel like the set is too slow-paced for what it gives you and I really can't fault them for that opinion (Smashing and Energy are ridiculously resisted in the end-game)


I've played SS to 50 and it was a blast. Could never get into TW. I think SS might be your best bet unless you're willing to mess with Street Justice which is -also- a lot of fun but gets more engaging animations, for my money.

6 hours ago, Steampunkette said:

But a lot of people feel like the set is too slow-paced for what it gives you and I really can't fault them for that opinion (Smashing and Energy are ridiculously resisted in the end-game)

But this is true of all three of the sets the OP asked about, so it may not be very useful as a way to help differentiate among them.



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