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WP vs Invuln on SS Brute. Pros/Cons?


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My main is a MA/WP Brute. I love him. I have spent a lot of time and influence on him and there is still some work to do ( only two Tier4 right now, and some accolades and such yet to get, but for the content I do, he is an easy, no worry toon to drive).  Being MA, he lacks in AoE. So I thought I would make another toon to autofollow (I've mentioned this plan in other threads, and have played with a few other builds). My main is a Batman concept (my costume is mash of Batman and Moon Knight and looks pretty cool--I get lots of random compliments, so some others must agree). I've decided, for now, to shelf the other builds I was considering for two boxing and make a World's Finest kind of pair (I know, my altitis is showing). So I'm going to make another brute that is a Superman concept. My only decision is should I go with WP secondary or Inv?


My first instinct was to go for WP as it is familiar and I know how to slot it for for easy, worry free +4x8 SL farms, but also perform well outside AE. Basically it would just be a copy of my main that follows me around and Footstomps on autofire. 


But I am open to Inv, I am just not that familiar. I know WP is basically click free and when slotted right can have high def and virtually no endurance issues. How does inv compare as far as the set it and forget it nature of WP? If the character is basically going to /follow most of the time and throw out a footstomp on every recharge, then I cannot really be managing powers. WP would be great for that. But on the other hand, this toon will venture beyond the AE at times as well. AE will be used to PL him and vet level grind, so he will spend a lot of time attached to the hip of my main, but will be untethered out in the wild at some point as well. 


Basically, is inv a pain to manage endurance wise? Is it very active and require much clicking?  The endurance aspect is mitigated somewhat by the fact that when he is in his /follow footstomp role, I won't care much about endurance as only one attack will be firing off. But like I said, I will use this toon for who knows what down the road. 






Edited by dmaker
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Given the context, I'd vote Invul.  There really isn't much of a pro/con discussion its more about emulating the World's Finest.  Plus, you already have WP on a character you love. 

The Energy Mastery Epic can net you Superior Conditioning and Physical Perfection which help on endurance until you max out Ageless.  So I wouldn't too much about that.

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I think if there was an issue going Invul it would be the Rage crash. /wp at least has more tools to cover def getting nuked.

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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Thanks for the input, folks. 


Another thing popped into my head with this plan: can you footstomp while hovering? I am guessing no, which is kind of bummer. I think combat jumping is kind of an important toggle, no? I believe hover is similar, but if I can't do my one aoe while hovering, that kills that idea. Flying is a deal breaker. For concept reasons, I want fly in this build. Are we allowed only 4 ancillary pools?


Leaping (for combat jumping)

Speed (for hasten)

Fighting (for Tough and Weave)

Leadership (for man, tactics, etc)


Doesn't leave any room for Flight.  I guess I will have to do without Leadership...?




Agreed, regarding Energy Mastery. It was always in plan for superior conditioning, physical perfection and laser beam eyes!




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9 minutes ago, dmaker said:

...can you footstomp while hovering?...

Yes, as long as you've pushed yourself as close to the ground as possible. Eventually it becomes habit, but you will find yourself annoyed on occasion when it doesn't go off.

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Thank you, that is good news. I won't feel that I have to waste an entire ancillary pool on Leaping just to get combat jumping.  Now the question will be when on /follow while hovering will I be able to autofire footstomp consistently? That might be TBD. In which case, I will spec out Leadership probably. 


Alternatively, I can drive the two box duo with the SS toon because I know dragon's tail has no vertical constraint on the MA toon.  Once the SS half is built up more, of course. 



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3 hours ago, Without_Pause said:

I think if there was an issue going Invul it would be the Rage crash. /wp at least has more tools to cover def getting nuked.

Not really.
Either way, the Defense Crash is going to hit you.
Generally WP out the gate delivers lower Resists and is harder to cap Defenses without frankenslotting.
WP delivers better Psi protection, Regen and Endurance Recovery.

Now, that's not to say that WP CANNOT be built Godlike.
It's just tougher than it is with Invuln.  Mainly because Invuln is just so damn good.

If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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5 hours ago, Werner said:

Yes, as long as you've pushed yourself as close to the ground as possible. Eventually it becomes habit, but you will find yourself annoyed on occasion when it doesn't go off.

Yea, I feel the same way on my /Atomic blaster.  Atom Smasher has the same requirement and works when I hover as low as possible, but one little bump up and nothing.  But she is a demon with wings so not like I can just drop the wings and take combat jumping and redo the costume.  That is just crazy talk.

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How hands-off you want this character to be?  You can only have one power on auto-fire at a time, so if that's going to be Foot Stomp, Rage and Hasten would have to be clicked, and leaving Hasten out would allow room for Combat Jumping for more passive performance.  Maybe one build built around passive performance with cheap IOs, and another that includes Hasten, Laser Eye Beams, and performance-oriented slotting?

Bonnes from the old forums.


's doesn't make things plural

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