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Dang level 39! Got to push myself to catch up!


P.S. I wouldn't mind supporting the server, anything to help keep up the maintenance.

Until the world goes cold, nothing will keep me from this throne, I'll fight.


Adding my voice to the chorus of thanks. I have missed this game so much and when I first entered AP I cried. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Fingers crossed you guys can get a Donate button up quickly.  I'd be happy to throw in more than a few bucks for all the amazing work you've done bringing this to functional light again.


Thank you for bringing CoX back...it has been a joy playing the new architype (I think it's called Guardian or something like it) today...when I could get in.


I look forward to a more stable server. Or Three. Or Four.:) (hint hint)


A lot of people are willing to donate. I saw the screenshot of another game with the paypal link. What about kickstarter or something?  Or a paypal link on the coh page? Maybe I missed something. It seems many are willing to kick in a buck or five to help. I'm among those.

  On 4/25/2019 at 11:23 PM, xyrrie said:

A lot of people are willing to donate. I saw the screenshot of another game with the paypal link. What about kickstarter or something?  Or a paypal link on the coh page? Maybe I missed something. It seems many are willing to kick in a buck or five to help. I'm among those.


I'll definitely donate as well!


Can't we donate to help with the cost of running this webpage? I'm sure it cost a lot.. if you happen to get more than needed then you can do as you wish w/ that money. *wink* *wink*


I sincerely want to thank all those involved in this project and I want you all to understand how appreciative we are to be able to hop on CoH again, something that seemed impossible to me a week ago. Kudos to you all, Heroes.


This 32 year old and his 24 year old brother spent the entire night staying up entirely too late running around with our heroes, fighting crime and taking ourselves back to when I was in high school and he was in elementary school.


You guys rock for bringing this experience to all of us, those who have said something, and those who have played and said nothing.


Count me and my brother amongst the many who will gladly help with server (servers?) cost to keep this afloat.


--Andrew (aka The Human Pencil)


From The Bottom Of My Heart Thank You Thank You Infinity & Beyond For All The Team Has Accomplished For The Community. I Feel Thank You Is Not Enough To Accurately Express My Gratitude. Your Time and Efforts Are PRICELESS.



1st: Thanks for bring this back to the community!

2nd: I'd be willing also to donate for server costs.

3rd:  Hunt Skuls?



Is there currently something in place for people who are just simply AFK for hours?

I don't really want anyone to be kicked out, but with current limited resources, it may

be a good idea to set a limit on how long someone can AFK in the server for. This

will give others who love the game a chance to actually play and also cut down on

server load when hundreds of people are literally just standing there AFK.




Thanks so much for all you do:  This is the greatest team ever!  I played this game with my family and friends for 8 years until shutdown.  My Dad passed away waiting for its return.  I figure you want to wait to hear how TonyV does talking to NCsoft before setting up a "donation bin," but I will be first in line when you do.  Three cheers for the Torchbearer Homecoming team!  Five stars!

  On 4/26/2019 at 1:02 AM, spinecus said:

Is there currently something in place for people who are just simply AFK for hours?

I don't really want anyone to be kicked out, but with current limited resources, it may

be a good idea to set a limit on how long someone can AFK in the server for. This

will give others who love the game a chance to actually play and also cut down on

server load when hundreds of people are literally just standing there AFK.




It seems like the time out use to be about  20 mins. Cause I have afked due to phone calls in the last two days or so



I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to relive the glory of the City! It is silly for a grown man to miss a game so much but the last couple days

have been crazy good to me. . .

It has been a rough road the last few years and this truly has made my day. I hope we can keep it going for a long time and when the time comes

I am happy to contribute my share to keeping the server lights on!


How much coin would set you on a server you can hold all the traffic without needing to wipe.


Also have you thought about reducing character creation down to 12?


Many people are going to hoard names.


You are doing a better job then paid teams out there are doing! Thank you so much for everything! You guys basically made a dream/wish of mine come true again by reviving CoH like this

I never expected to be able to see to be all cool zones again not to mention actually doing the content! Thank you again!


Maybe an option to kick people afk for at least 20-30min to reduce server load a bit?


I have to say you are all doing a fantastic job. For all the years I've been away from Paragon City to finally visit the streets again the last couple of weekends and find that the amazing community spirit still exists puts faith back into humanity. NCSoft should just cut their losses and officially release the code to the public domain. Once again amazing work by all those involved. See you on the streets.

Global handle @Appledance, known as Spiritess from ages past.

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