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Looking for Sentinel Suggests

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Since i don't have confidence that we will keep sentinels for whatever permanent server we end up getting i am planning to experience them as much as possible before we potentially lose them. I know they are new so no one really knows what to do with them, but for those that have played with them. What Primary/Secondary combinations are you liking.

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  • 2 weeks later

I started an Ice/Ice one (Kelvin Zero) and the name was a bit of a self-full-fulling prophecy lol! A bit of a lackluster blaster, not much of anything else, but he looks really cool! :)


Went back to my MMs & Kheldians eventually. Even had more fun with a staff/ninjitsu scrapper (MonkeyKing :) for a while & I don't like melee heroes at all, eh.

Game over man, game over!

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Make a blaster..... Honestly blasters have high HP and semi decent defense their secondary's offer a lot of extra DPS and utility a Sentinel is just half baked... its a jack of no trades.. its random debuff/buff mechanic hardly ever comes into play as things die too quick so apart from tanky foes 90% of the time a Sentinel is just a subpar blaster.... They need to be re-done/re-balanced badly its a good concept.

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Sure, blasters can do more upfront damage, but if something so much as looks at them the wrong way, they have to pull back from the fight.  And if there is a bad pull, patrol, etc., they are often the first to hit the ground for a dirt nap. 


I've actually re-rolled blasters as sentinels for the express purpose of being *more* useful to team fights.  By being able to stay alive a lot longer, and taking stress off of the healers, you do more damage over the length of the battle without being a burden to your support.  I can't count the number of times while playing as a sentinel, I've been one of the last ones standing, alongside the remaining tank, while the blasters have either run away or have been incapacitated, their potential damage output having been lost long ago.


As a sentinel, you can stand your ground, and keep shooting, whereas, as a blaster, you're having to re-position, retreat, and try to make some use of your secondaries--many of which serve to make you more vulnerable.  As a sentinel, your secondaries are always useful, especially to the healers, who can let you take a few hits while they concentrate on keeping the blasters, scrappers, etc. alive.  Work in some powers from the Fighting and Presence power pools, and you can easily play as an effective bodyguard for your more fragile teammates. 


It's too easy to just pass the sentinel archetype off as some kind of second-rate blaster.  Because fights in this game--especially at higher difficulties--can always get sloppy, there's almost always a need for more people to take the punches than not.  And on boss battles, or any fight that isn't against trash or easy 'con' enemies, offensive opportunity is most definitely useful.


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Since i don't have confidence that we will keep sentinels for whatever permanent server we end up getting ...


Where does this FUD come from?

The current servers are just as 'permanent' as anything likely to be built.


The Archetype is fun and awesome.


Why bring in the FUD?

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What makes you think a) these servers aren't going to last, and b) the sentinel archetype won't stick around?


Even if the majority of folks want to switch to an i24 based server (thus getting rid of Sentinels), I don't think they will just chuck out the i25 ones (so you can still play sentinels on those.)


I mean, I'm not a prophet or anything but I think it'll be okay. ;)

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One of the great things about this game is that there are roles for all kinds of archetypes, even roles that don't necessarily fit the archetype can be performed well.  We see/hear about non-optimal builds all the time.  CoH has always been about experimenting with character builds and having fun with team dynamics.


This is why I find it baffling when people bring this "Holy Trinity" kind of thinking--blaster/scrapper, tanker, support only, please!--into this game, when, from the ground up, that's not how it was designed.

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I'm really enjoying my Fire/Rad Sentinel, absorption is a great mechanic, and the one in rad is great, even have a heal but hardly ever need to use it with the absorb. Fire has a couple of oddities (fireballs short range) but blazing blast is a super strong kb with lets you solo tough mobs fairly easily, i think the pairing has a lot of high end potential and am already planning to get some purple sets in there and looking forward to see how it goes with incarnates, currently 41

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I've been playing Pistols/Dark and I've been happy with my solo survivability. End use has been a bit of an issue, but overall I do good damage and can last a good long while even if I make a bad pull or get in over my head. In teams I certainly haven't been the best damage dealer (I think, anyway) but found a niche in my strong single-target damage. While everyone spammed AoEs I found and singled out the boss, taking them down while contributing some AoE damage. It feels different than a Blaster or Dom or Corruptor, if only a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later

Running electric / bio-armor and loving the survivability along with the nearly limitless amount of endurance I have to keep rotating skills without the need to pop a blue tic-tac. Being able to really impact the enemies endurance pool with this build is nice.


It has a really good AOE / DD setup and I am having a blast with the lvl 32 AOE lightning nuke. Will be interesting to see how it plays out late game!



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