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Everything posted by Azari

  1. Just what I said in the title. How about when you take teleport you automatically also get a premade target TP macro.. like a permanant one. I use this as my TP macro: /macro_image InherentWarshade_ShadowStep "Target Teleport" powexeclocation target “teleport” Something like this should be available by default…
  2. I know Tanks have better AOE but what about ST DPS?
  3. Scrappers don’t have Super Strength 😞
  4. I’m fine with brutes being the midway point between scrapper and tank. They’re a good jack of all trades melee AT.
  5. Magic and drugs go together pretty well IRL too
  6. Invuln/SS is my favorite due to having insanely good tohit debuff res. And just high tohit buffs in general. Then you get even more accuracy from vigor and fill all your attacks almost completely with procs.
  7. New epic archetype: Super Person basically superman. Can fly, fire laser beam eyes, FROST BREATH!, some super-strengthish moves, etc.
  8. If you copy a costume at least have the decency to change the name.
  9. Exactly. Nerfing procs means nerfing everything that isnt fire blast. It’s just so uncool.
  10. How about this: it would cripple MANY people’s favorite toons.
  11. That costs a lot of inf lol I’d rather sell em.
  12. I dont think it’s even that broken. I dont know anyone who actually has a proc based toon who says it’s broken. You always safrifice something to proc out powers. Toons with lots of procs have significantly fewer set bonuses.
  13. That’s absurd. Especially since I’m talking about Super Strength. There’s no reason other than ansolute blunder why the most iconic powerset ever would be made to be the worst set….
  14. I feel adamantly against this idea. It would totally cripple my favorite toon, my super strength tanker, who is embarassingly weak without procs. Also my mind/time controller, who also nearly completely relies on procs to do any damage at all. I don’t get why people think procs are broken. We need more hard content not more nerfs. It would piss off too many people who have spent a lot of time and inf weighing the advantages and disadvantages of slotting another proc vs slotting a set bonus. If procs are really nerfed to such an extent as these anti-proc goons I see in general chat seem to want then it would literally make Super Strength into bottom tier garbage. Please dont. The set is already misunderstood and claimed to suck enough as it is, don’t make it *actually* suck. Also a major proc nerf would force hundreds of players to extensively re-design a good portion or all of their toons and I assure you some people would be pissed enough to leave the game entirely. At least more than 0 people. instead of nerfing people, make Kallisti Wharf content, and develop a hazard zone version of Galaxy City with harder content.
  15. Petition to let the OG Back Ally Brawler play as his namesake signature hero with original costume. Plz. There’s gotta be a way. 😛 we all want to see the real BAB running around in-game… oh the nostalgia. He was one of the few devs I’d see appear every once in awhile. What was he, an invuln/energy melee tank with a few custom moves added?
  16. How about a “chance for untyped damage” hami enhancement? Yes, a hami proc.
  17. So, basically you want to turn nukes into suicide buttons for hard mode runners?
  18. They should make it so if you stand next to the portal too long, you get sucked into it and teleported to a random zone. Lol
  19. Sounds like someone needs to make a tank.
  20. Yeah this has always discouraged me from using white costumes. Would be nice to see if fixed.
  21. Þis þread is proving to be ſomewhat difficult to read...
  22. I’m working on an EM/Invuln/psi mastery. I’m quite looking forward to it—it should be a good AV killer.
  23. I can’t even imagine what reason HC would have to lie about a licensing agreement with NCsoft… o.O
  24. I disagree. TW and Street Justice look nothing like Super Strength. They feel nothing like Super Strength. I dont see it at all as a replacement.
  25. My SS tank toon is my main and I’ve never thought the set was that broken or weird.
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