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Goblin Queen

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About Goblin Queen

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Yep. I've made many a shapeshifter with that in mind.
  2. You can! Just at special ones. The one in Pocket D allows that.
  3. I came here to post how Spectrum gloves aren't available in Trenchcoats and Jackets for Males. Seems like an oversight and something that hopefully is easily fixed?
  4. I assume the same as Coyote and suggested as such here Not sure how suggestions get reviewed by the powers that be but if more "love" and "bumps" help at all, feel free to give the suggestion some. The poor thread is languishing on page 7. 😛 Seriously though, would be great to get at least one of our own 1-6 costume slots or a custom costume slot dedicated to applicable pet powers.
  5. This occurs with Lightning Field on Brute Electric Armor as well.
  6. I've been doing that with some goblin minions. I started a suggestion thread about letting us have a dedicated costume slot for custom pets. Either a current one we have, like #6 maybe, or allow us to pick any given slot from the basic starting slots. With the 15 second cool down for the costume change, it's a bit messy to do it the way we're doing it now so having a slot for it would be amazeballs. Also, if you zone while you have these cool custom pets out, they'll revert to whatever costume you have active.
  7. I'd like Blind to have an alternate animation with the flash of bright light coming out of your hand. It's one of the standard alt animations for other set customization so I hope it's not too difficult to port over.
  8. Now that PA Customization is out, something I've noticed is that if you do the "creative", i.e. janky, way of making different costume minions by switching to a new costume while the PA is out - they will change to your currently active costume if you zone. Not a huge deal but just a heads up. If we got something like what's proposed in this thread, I would imagine the above wouldn't be an issue (hopefully!).
  9. A few bugs notwithstanding, I love that the new patch is out. I can't wait to play around with the PA changes! Hopefully one day we can have further customization where we can point to a predefined costume slot (slot 6 for example - or a brand new slot just for pets) that would allow us to summon something other than our own image. I'd imagine it'd look like this for the Power Customization: Original Bright Dark Mirror Mirror Custom Phantom Mirror Phantom Mirror Custom I *can* pull the below off but it's clunky and awkward - I have to change to the male goblin form, summon the PA, wait for the 15 seconds to pass for the costume change, change back to my other costume. Until then, awesome change! Love it!
  10. Agreed on all counts @Replacement! I do wish we'd have a quicker cooldown for changing costumes in general but it would greatly help something like this as well (if we didn't get the Custom slot option).
  11. Yep! That's what I had suggested a couple posts up. So the original, bright, dark and what you see on Beta now would still be intact + a Custom/Slot for Mirror and Phantom Mirror. 🙂 If this gets squared away then I totally agree, has great future implications for other pets.
  12. Some of the Icon NPCs can do body type changes (male, female, large). The one in Pocket D is the one I go to for that stuff. It's pretty handy for stuff like this or say, changing from a normal sized guy into a large werewolf or some such. 🙂
  13. I think if this happens then it's definitely a step in that direction. I'd be thrilled with this but if it lead to further customization - win, win, win.
  14. 1 dedicated costume slot would be simplest for sure. I'd imagine it'd look like this for the Power Customization: Original Bright Dark Mirror Mirror Custom Phantom Mirror Phantom Mirror Custom The Custom options would point to Costume Slot # (whichever deemed by the Devs) I'd gladly "lose" a costume slot in this situation that was only dedicated to my Decoys and not something my character would wear around (in this specific example).
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