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Carnifax last won the day on January 14 2023

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  1. Just want to drive-by and point out one of the most cost effective ways to slot Hot Feet is the new(ish) Ice Mistral's Torment slow set. 5 of those (omit the damage proc) gives decent Acc, Dam, End Reduction & Slow. Top it off with a random Damage/End IO or Acc/Dam/End (Scrirocco's Dervish for example) and you'll cap Dam & End while having decent Acc and a nice boost to the -run speed. Set bonuses are also nice. 7% Accuracy, 10% slow resists and 6.25% recharge. So it's not even a "I'm frankenslotting to sacrifice Set Bonuses for Enhancements" option, you still get useful bonuses. And it's cheap, you're looking at less than 1 million per IO, compared to around 15 million per purple or 20 million per Winters. Also not really worth slotting Bonfire for damage. You'll rarely keep something in it long enough for it to matter. 260 damage over 45 seconds is meh. Go 1 kb2kd and one Forced Feedback and spend the slots somewhere else IMO.
  2. Cold Snap was pretty much (re)designed to be Ices opener. What's your secondary? For example Trick Arrow can Flash Arrow them so they can't see you barrelling in / casting Ice Slick and once they do chances are the barrage is going to miss you thanks to the debuff, whereas a Dark will Darkest Night em.
  3. This is me too. I've always read it as "I can do it at my level but some of you might end up missing your shinier powers, so does anyone else want to?" Happened with a Yin I joined during the week. Leader asked the question, I happily took the star, asked what diff we wanted, set it accordingly and off we went. If someone tried to drive-by Star me, especially for a mission team rather than a TF I'd just quit and move on.
  4. I've always loved TA (even the Live version) but the version on Homecoming is even better. Got some great buffs throughout the set. Works well with a Corruptor / Defender (I've one of each, plus a Grav/TA controller) because a lot of the big debuffs are quick to cast. So it flows in between the blasts really nicely. Plus it really doesn't care if you're pure ranged or want to be in close (Water/TA works as nicely as a TA/Elec Defender who gets in quickly beside the Tank to drain & debuff things).
  5. In case anyone is wondering "surprisingly good" = "Did as much damage as Hotfeet + Fire Imps added together on a LGTF during the week". All while buffing the teams Acc, Dam and Recharge a bit. It'll also trigger the Chance for Damage proc a fair amount of the time on teams, you'll notice your damage bonus is frequently around 110 from Shifting + the proc + Tidepool . It's a tad strong.
  6. In Primaries Ice > Fire in terms of procs because the single target blasts can take Slow sets + you have two very proccable Hold-Attacks. Holds get lots of Proc options. Water is pretty proccable as well and very Scourgy (Whirlpool is a Rain). Nature isn't particularly proccable I'm afraid (I've a Fire / Nature corruptor and a Zombie / Nature MM), there's not a lot in Nature that's worth / capable of proccing up. Still a great set though. Proc secondaries I'd lean towards Trick Arrow (Ice & Acid Arrow), Time (Time Stop & Slowed Response). Time is also handy in that it boosts Def & Recharge by a lot, giving you more space for procs over sets. Maybe Marine too (Whitecap is stupidly proccy). I've included my Water / Trick Arrow (which is a very fun combo) build here. You could probably lean in even heavier on them if you liked. Corruptor - Water - Trick Arrow.mbd
  7. The "DPS readings" Tina mission in PI where stupid Dr Calvin hides stupidly and is stupidly dressed exactly like some of the stupid enemies. It's stupid It also ignores the "last objective gets highlighted on the map" rule added a while back, so once you clear the glowies you've still no idea where he is. Fine. Stay in there so. We'll just make a clone or rob an automation or something and tell Tina that it's you.
  8. Honestly I think I got lucky with the new Renaming Policy freeing up the name (maybe, maybe not : Got Carnifax on Everlasting recently too and that WAS taken previously). Once I'd nabbed that it made itself.
  9. I'd forgotten I have a level 50 Necro / Nature so I brought her to the RWZ and tested the Soul Extraction. Answer seems to be that the spirits strongly prefer ranged and will never close in to do their holds. Guess they might if something is in their face maybe, but Pylons aren't known for their melee abilities. No Holds = No hold procs. Given the AI I'd say Cloud Senses proc all the way and don't bother with others (I don't have it slotted because Mombie predates the Necro changes and I haven'ty updated her)
  10. So I ended up dumping the Storm / Marine I'd posted previously and replaced them. So introducing my newest 50, Waxwork : Fire / Marine Controller : Master of molten wax. Cossie itself is plain enough (spectrum coloured white with orange to give that "lava lamp" feel) but like the way the "Slime" Aura + Bubbles Path Aura + Hot feet + Toroidal Bubble come together to give a "pool of molten wax" feel.
  11. If you run the log through my parser it should tell you which powers the Soul Extracted mob is using, along with the procs. For example here's Phantasm for Carni. https://www.carnifax.org Does sound like it's never using its hold to me though (or maybe the hold is bugged and not triggering the proc)
  12. I've done Staff / Inv and it's quite fun. Inv is a very decent scaffold for an IO build. You can make yourself pretty tough. Pretty passive though, no clickie tricks but with Staff that was a blessing (redraw irritates me). I'd second EA as a good shout too.
  13. Yep, it's a copy of the newish Blasters Devices Mine, not the original Traps one with the long, interruptable cast time. So it's a decent AoE for a domi. Quicker, can't be disrupted but a smaller boom.
  14. I disagree here. I think I'd make one uber-char, play it, get bored and move on. I'll have "exhausted" the game. Making a powerful IO build within the sandbox of "these are your powers" is interesting. Making a powerful build with "there are no limitations" is awesome for a bit, then gets boring quickly.
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