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Everything posted by Snakebit

  1. If you are a trademark owner you must aggressively protect the trademark or the trademark loses it's value. It doesn't matter if you actually incur damages from the offending material. You cannot allow offending material to exist without challenge, lose or win. For a trademark holder, it is better to make several small complaints that you lose than to not pursue action. In the event that a serious problem comes up down the road, you have established validity and value of the mark. Even if a trademark holder were unable to win any actual damages in a lawsuit against the Homecoming team, it would be a financial disaster for the game and a huge pain in the ass personally for our gracious hosts.
  2. You'd be able to hear the screaming on the other side of a brick wall.
  3. I think adding a stun or fear to TP Foe would make it a lot more attractive. It should take whatever set fits the mez. Maybe targeted AOE stun at the beginning of the animation that hits the spawn should be considered. I think TP needs a range and cost buff and a knockup PBAOE, damage not required. The animation, interrupt, recharge and cost of TP Friend needs to be dropped to almost nothing. Its a utility. Team TP needs the same as TP.
  4. End use on Elec/SD is no joke. I went Cardiac. It made a serious difference, especially with Ageless.
  5. I see people offer free PL's for under 10 toons on the daily, in LFG. I just came out of the game and someone has posted "free farm, 7 spots open".
  6. Oi, I can't stand people like that. I'd have straight up put him on ignore after the 3rd tell.
  7. It might be time to find another hobby if you think that changes to a video game are like being mugged.
  8. What will end up happening with no aggro or taunt cap is exactly what happened on Live: 1) Enter mission 2) "Wait here" 3) 10 minutes later nuke mobs. Every. Single. Time. No thanks.
  9. Looking for missions that spawn single EB's instead of regular mob spawns, not level gated.
  10. Slightly better AOE, better damage scale, better damage cap, Leadership buffs... The only argument against the buffs versus bruising is AV fights. AV fights where bruising is not nearly as good as people want it to be because A) It requires a hit check and has a 10 second duration meaning there are periods of time where it will not be debuffing and B) AV's resist Debuffs, meaning it's only good for about 10% resist debuff. It sure as hell makes it more attractive to me. I don't care about how it stacks up to brutes or scrappers, I care how it plays. And right now tanks sit in the same category as Defenders without proc bombing...zzzzzzzz. If you want to back up your claims with actual numbers I'd love to see it. Because I've rolled 3 different tanks on test now and the changes are a huge improvement to the AT as a whole. SD/Elec, Dark/Dark, and Bio/Spines. Which ones have you actually PLAYED with the changes?
  11. I'm going with assault for my Elec/SD scrapper. Does doublehit work with the telenukes/chain being they are psuedopets?
  12. Why not? Bruising only works on one target. Assault works on all targets, so every attack including ST attacks on non-bruised targets does more damage. How is this not better? I know you are going to reply with AV, but that doesn't answer the question.
  13. You still have to type in at least a portion of the name, click the salvage, enter a bid, click bid. If you have 80 recipes to craft, that's a lot of searching, bidding, and clicking.
  14. What do you all think about a toggle option to autobuy missing common and uncommon salvage at crafting tables? I see it like this: Set the option to yes, set the autobid price/qty to x. Head to the university, open the crafting bench, open the AH, click craft. Missing salvage is sent to the AH window as a bid, click get, click craft again, and done. The player maintains fine control of bidding and it dramatically speeds up the crafting process by eliminating repetitive searches and new bid placement. No worry about overspending on Rare because you have to manually buy it. Thoughts?
  15. A Katana/Nin scrapper would be super easy to play and bring plenty to the table on teams. Simple defense setup, good damage output, very little micromanagement. 95% damage mitigation plus a self heal, permahasten, and very manageable end use plus a couple of utility powers.
  16. In the AE there are a some missions that spawn a single boss per spawn point. They are level locked at 1 or 2 and usually have a buffing NPC. Bads in the City is one, and Tunnel Witches is another. IMO, these methods are the fastest way to solo PL prior to having decent attack chains/defenses. Getting to 20 is not at all difficult, just tedious and repetitive (but it beats the hell out of door sitting!). I've paid 2 million per run for PL's and I've been paid with dropped PVP recipes and up to 5 million for a run. I don't charge for PL but I do answer LFG "Tipping for PL" chat.
  17. I mean, come on. Nothing has been rolled out and nothing is being slapped on. They proposed a buff to the set that benefits the entire AT and are testing and responding to the tests. Because they are doing it incrementally from high to low instead of low to high doesn't mean anything.
  18. When you say "reach" you mean after spending hundreds of millions and getting Incarnates right? Yeah? GTFO with that.
  19. Inside the Tank AT box they do respectable damage. In relationship to the rest of the melee pool, yes they are conforming to boundaries defined by trivial damage. Highest of the lowest is not a prize.
  20. So much of this. The only thing that has kept me from playing more than 1 tank is the lack of damage. You can get decent damage on every support class solo EXCEPT tanks. I'm not a "solo only" player, but when I have time to log in and play I'm not waiting for teams and I don't run teams, so I watch LFG and I solo. That might be for 2 minutes or it might be for 2 hours. But when I log in, I don't want the decision on what to play be determined by LFG invites. There is nothing fun about aggro herding and plinking away at a spawn for 20 minutes. I'm still waiting for someone...anyone...who is of the "Role is meatshield" opinion to explain why the "Role" has to include trivial damage. I can at least empathize with "mediocre damage is good enough". I don't agree, but there can be a point made that isn't driven by dogma written by 1st gen MMOs. Defenders can be developed to do very respectable damage while still maintaining their "role". Controllers with high end dps and team mitigations can be built with ease. Corruptors bring plenty of damage and mitigation. Brutes have huge mitigation and huge damage. Scrappers have huge mitigation and huge damage. Stalkers are on a whole 'nuther level. Yes, I realize it is possible to play a build that can't fight through wet paper and still be huge force multiplier, but every AT has the ability to produce builds that go off the rails with either burst or DPS. Except the Tank AT. All of those AT's fill their "role" with mitigation and damage. Why does the "role" of tank have to conform to trivial damage in order to maintain "balance"? The only role and the only balance I care about are "Fun to play". The proposed changes will not diminish any other AT, they will not marginalize any play style. Steamroll teams will continue steamrolling and teams that struggle will continue struggling.
  21. Why all the semi-hostile non-sequitor and empty hyperbole? You seem almost offended that I asked for your thinking in your post. I was under the impression that a discussion board was for discussion. My bad.
  22. This happened to me but with a Brute. I was stalking in an even level (for me) radios and someone (not the Brute)started getting snitty about me playing wide, not waiting for the spawns to coalesce around the brute, so I stopped and watched (as I usually do when someone complains). Then the complainer said "hey why don't you kill the boss in the hall" so I ran into the next room (2 spawns) and said "This boss?" and cleared both spawns. Sent "Can I play my toon now?" to team chat and got no response so I started playing wide again and nobody complained. They continued to corner pull and I continued to grief Paragon Protectors.
  23. What about the damage cap makes it unbalanced? Tanks can't reach the cap on their own, meaning it requires a team environment, which means the entire team will be capped which means that the increase to the damage cap makes the AT better than it is only under certain conditions. Like in a duo. A tank at the damage cap is still doing less damage than Blasters, Corruptors, Scrappers, and Stalkers with the same buffs. What's the issue? Bruise is out, thankfully. Nobody has a taste of anything, it's all on test and won't be rolled live until they are done testing. The playerbase doesn't get a taste. Why do you support a lower damage cap? Why can't tanks do non-trivial damage? Saying "Damage sponge" is an non-answer artifact of a decades old vision from a game designer with demonstrably flawed ideas of how to make an MMO. Give us a reason that doesn't involve "Role" or "Brute".
  24. Because aggro cap is tied to critter AI, not players. It can't be done with the existing code.
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