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Everything posted by Snakebit

  1. Just realized it's the same person complaining in Tech Support that GMs aren't fixing technical issues. Either very very poorly informed or like you said...
  2. GMs are there for player support, not tech support. The petition tool is not a tech support ticket. Savy?
  3. Don't buy anything until 22. Skip SOs entirely. Don't spend merits on enhancers. Buy converters and sell them. Get the explore badges in AP, KR, and SC. That's 15 merits = 4 million inf. Without clicking an attack
  4. If you expect rando players to meet your elite expectations on high level content in a pickup group, you are in for disappoint. Cry moar.
  5. Same. And why are we gatekeeping, ladder pulling, whatevs?? If you don't want people new to the TF on the TF, say so in LFG.
  6. I'm not cherry picking anything. I'm talking about the ability of a single power to constantly provide a health debuff with zero interaction from the player other than optimal slotting. Auras are fine as is.
  7. Inefficient slotting doesn't make you worse than you are with no slots. Slotting for peak sets will let you take a toon to insane capabilities but rarely will not having "the ultimate" build cripple your ability to enjoy the game unless you can only enjoy the game by having the ultimate build. Every slot you put an enhancer in makes your character more effective. IO sets take it a step further. That's it. You can absolutely play the vast majority of the game with nothing but Single Origin enhancements, the game was played with SOs (and Hamidon Origin for the truly l33t) for about a third of it's life. I don't know if that's the kind of answer you were looking for, but this game is very casual and new player friendly. The difficulty can be adjusted easily and tuned to your personal liking. If you play long enough and want to start setting foot into the "solo an AV/GM/+4/8 " arena then you'll need to start min/maxing. But if you are checking out toons to see if you like them for the long haul, get IO's at around 27-33. That gets you better than SO bonuses and will give you an idea of how the sets and AT will play. Sets only make life easier. It'd be easier to give you an idea of what combos you are considering. It's easy to say a TW/Bio with a weak build will still crush most content, but on an elec/storm controller it's different. There are different things you want to achieve. Sets are just a goal, really. As in, "just how badass can I really be?" kind of a goal.
  8. Death shroud attacks every 2s for 12.51 damage and .52 end/s. So if we take accuracy and mob numbers out, you get 6.225 damage per second at .52 end cost. Over a minute that's 373.5 damage for 31.2 endurance. By comparison, Golden Drangonfly can attack 4.2 times in a minute for a total of 703 damage for 47.44 endurance. Adding .5 mobs to Death Shroud gives it 560 damage for 31.2 endurance. Even if you ran on 0/1 you are looking at 3-4 mobs per spawn, which skyrockets the dmg/end efficiency of damage auras. An 8 mob spawn gives a damage aura 2888 damage for 31.2 endurance over a minute. This is not including build up or crits. Damage auras don't need to be touched.
  9. Right? It's not like the AH on live was the buzzing town center/marketplace/forum some would have us believe. It was run in, do your transactions, leave. The community is on chat. What zone you are in is meaningless to the social gathering aspect of the game. OP the only way I would give up /ah is in a trade. You give me a 30' PBAOE that immediately detoggles and suppresses all player non-travel toggles until zone and I'll take your "click on the glowie" entrance to the AH. I might settle for a toggle suppression around all points of interest.
  10. This is the real McCoy. If I had to grind any toon like my first 50 (fire fire blaster started in Issue 0, had 1250+ hours on it) I wouldn't play... Farming as it stands right now is a pretty good sweet spot without /makeme50. Which I don't really want but wouldn't complain about.
  11. There's some blaster builds floating around that are pretty amazing. More than one forum member has solo'd the ITF with a blaster. I've seen some builds with capped resists and softcapped defenses that still had enough AOE and ST DPS to make Brutes cry. I know one of them was /nin, and one of them was ice/.
  12. All enddrain needs to be made relevant is the -recovery element. It needs a duration that allows for two -end powers to stack before the -recovery wears off. It works very well in the dom/controller primary. It could easily be ported to a support set across power with multiple small dual affects like the +regen and +recovery.
  13. Stan Lee is not trademarked. There is a company that owns the mark for Stan Lee Presents and Excelsior. POW Entertainment. https://trademarks.justia.com/880/85/excelsior-88085000.html https://trademarks.justia.com/880/03/stan-lee-88003957.html Stan the Man is trademarked, serial number 86964501 This trademark is owned by Stand the Man, Inc and is for Barbeque Sauce. Honestly, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to stay Stan the Man, with the exception of the impersonation rule.
  14. I would say ignore it. There is dedicated iContent. Even though most people don't play it all that much, there is still content for that bracket.
  15. There is. The build with capped resists, softcapped defenses, and peak damage output be it from raw damage or recharge for slots available. That's the peak performer for xp/time.
  16. Sure you can. There are limited nimbers of sets. Of those sets, only one combination is the best, everything else will fall off until you reach the performance levels of common IOs. If we draw an arbitrary line between common IOs and max performance and use that as a baseline for balance, then sets that don't reach that base line will underperfoem and sets that exceed the baseline will overachiever. Data mining will give you information on the most common set bonuses and tell you that only x% of the AT has slotted over the base and that x% has slotted under the base. Then you can contrast that data against the same data for other ATs and come to a reasonable conclusion about how well balanced the ATs are in relation to one another. Which is all you need because the Player vs AI balance left the building a decade hence. You could however use that data to tweak future content. Ala Market Crash type content, but with buffed mobs. Imagine a mob group that is (sky raiders+100% damage +25% defense) on normal.
  17. I get my characters to about 38 and then run radios with a hefty dose of Abandon Mission, join the task forces and trials I like (Yin, any of the respect trials, Market, TTtV, etc) and patrols or some of my own AE missions that some may consider farms but don't fall under the usual umbrella of "farms".
  18. So I played from Issue 0 for 5 years and then I left for about a year and then played again for about 6 months, kept my sub active for a year or so. I didn't actually cancel it, my debit card expired. So I've played from both perspectives, which is grinding up new toons without travel powers or inherent fitness, when mission bonus was half what it is now, and when you could easily hit the debt ceiling by sticking with a weak PUG. No IO's, no set's. Everyone was scrambling to fund their alt's with SO's and it was an actual problem to level too fast through the 20's. You could easily run out of missions, which left street grinding. Then they changed the debt structure so that running missions was more efficient than patrolling, so you could no longer find patrol teams. So when you ran out of missions you could either solo street spawns (while struggling to fund your DO's). Farming did eventually sprout up and the dev's nerfed the game realllly hard. So pretty much everything that can be done I've either done or done something similiar enough to say "yeah, done that but at level 20 instead of level 50 +2 level shifted with 10 to 20 times more offensive and defensive power". It's all the same now. Speed ITF is a shorter version of FrostFire but easier. But only just recently did I roll an actual farmer with the intent to power farm to max efficiency. I'm not quite there yet, but it's getting close. I can now PL my main account toons whenever I feel like it, or don't. And I was surprised at how NOT GRINDY feeling it is. I can jump in fast clear or long runs and I can focus on one thing....clearing spawns in the shortest possible time. I don't know if you ever played Gran Turismo, but I get the same feeling of satisfaction from tuning the build and running it as I did tuning and running 1,000hp burners and running Laguna Seca. I'm a much bigger fan of doing that right now than I am TF's. Plus I don't have to set foot in another damned cave.
  19. I do that in the middle of a fight on squishy toons when I'm trying to avoid or shed aggro. The new slash commands for location AOE's are a godsend. I have a try full of macro's for them on my elec/shield/spring scrapper.
  20. Targetting is important to me, and Tab isn't really a great solution by itself. I recommend that you bind a key to Target Nearest Enemy. I use might 3rd mouse button. It's natively bound to Ctrl-Tab but that's too clunky for me, I hit the windows key way to much. Something that gets missed a lot: Assist. Select a teammate and you will see their target, and you will attack their target if you are in range. If you watch, for instance, how a blaster scans a room and a tanker scans a room you'll see that they are often looking at different things. Blasters will probably be targeting the biggest threat to them, the tank will be targeting the biggest threat to the team (not always the same thing) and the supports will in assist or setting up target locations for their buffs and debuffs. You can figure out a lot and sort of glide your way through the spawns by help teammates with their targets. Don't be afraid to mention that you are a new player and you'll get lots of help (maybe even more than you want). You'll find that most of the players in the game have a lot of experience in the game, even on new characters. Anything you're doing has been done hundreds or thousands of times and /help is mostly there for you. There are a few trolls from time to time but mostly /help is good to go. You're in for a hell of a ride, I kind of envy being in a place to play this for the first time in this environment. You can play through content as quickly as you want or lock your xp gains and do everything available on one toon. There's no long term penalties for defeat and almost every player you'll team with is competent. It's a much better sandbox than it ever was on Live.
  21. I read this and I think "What problem"? If I have a concept for a melee toon that I will inevitably be playing solo at some point now I don't have to chose between a Brute and a Scrapper. I can now throw Tanks into the mix. That isn't on option with the Live version.
  22. Has anyone Solo'd the Market Crash? I was talking with a friend tonight about duo'ing the TF and can't make up my mind if I should suggest 2 solo capable scrappers or a brute and a support. It'll come down to budget I guess, I've got 120m to spend but probably don't have a toon that would be a lot of help in an AV fight, except maybe an Ice/Rad corruptor, but the adds... Traps seems iffy because of the AoE. Anyway, what's your thoughts?
  23. I've crafted and sold about 25 of them in the last 2 days, I post at the average of the last 5 -10%. I do that on every IO I sell. I've decided to forgo recipes and just buy IO's. I have kept bids on a few that I can reliably buy at less than 300k, and to my surprise they flow in at a pretty decent clip. I feel like if I use merit converters then I can afford to use 9, if I used AH converters I can use 6. I went from 20m in seed money for a newly PL'd fire farmer to 170m in two days. I took a break from converter roulette and did about 9 Super Packs along the way. I kinda like them. The return is worth it. I do still craft, but not nearly as much. Recipes I want to keep and defense/health recipes that I can convert. The defense/health recipes I'm not willing to pay enough for to get a lot of.
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