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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Widows are great but it may seem tough going until you get up towards level 24 with one. Everyone loves being buffed, so Defenders, Corruptors, Controllers, and Masterminds are always welcome in groups. Edit: I second Meknomancer's suggestion of a Brute--tough, status protection, and solid damage all in one package.
  2. I was only addressing primary/secondary (or secondary/primary depending on AT) considerations. If you have an epic which obviates the benefits of Distortion Field, that is fine so far as it goes but outside the scope of what I was looking at. Time is buffing recharge and debuffing resistance. Corruptor gets 100% Recharge, 22.5% Resistance Debuff, 10% To-Hit, and 9.38% Defense. Defender is getting 115% Recharge (values are the same on Chrono Shift for both Corruptor and Defender), 30% Resistance Debuff, and 12.5% To-Hit and Defense. So going from Corruptor to Defender you're looking at +15% Recharge, 7.5% Resistance Debuff, 2,5% To-Hit, and 3.8% Defense. The relative merits of the difference depend considerably on where the impacted character is in terms of those benefits already. A character at 0% global recharge will cycle powers 2.15/2=1.075 times as fast from being buffed by the Defender than from the Corruptor--that's not a lot and it declines if the character has other sources of global resist. Roughly a third of the melee AT's defensive sets give Recharge boost (typically in the 20% range though it can go higher). Under IOs it will likely be even higher. Say a character had base 50% global recharge up their sleeve. The Defender is then boosting that character's recycling of powers over the Corruptor by 2.65/2.5=6%. A similar considerations holds for Defense. To-Hit is a bit more in the Defender's favor though it is hard to imagine that most teams or solo players are playing at the boundary of being able to hit their targets in the first place let alone the very narrow range where the Corruptor's boost to their To-Hit is not going to do the job and the Defender's will. Resistance Debuff most favors the Defender but even there I am not sure how make or break the difference is. A power would deal 100 damage to a target with no resistance but hits a target with 30% resistance and so without either Corruptor or Defender present would deal 70 damage. The Corruptor would apply a 22.5% Resistance Debuff, which is resisted by the target's resistance, thus lowering their resistance from 30% to 30%-(1-30%)*22.5=14.25% taking the 100 damage output from dealing 70 damage to dealing 85.75 damage instead. The Defender would instead lower the 30% to 9% and so increase the 100 damage output from 70 to 91. That is a roughly 6% difference in results. Last I looked Defender damage lagged Corruptor damage by more than 6%.
  3. The build I posted has Beta Decay providing 8.78% and Darkest Night providing 15.95%. The build OneFootOnTheGas posted has Beta Decay providing 5.63% and Darkest Night providing 15.95%. Darkest Night is applied at range to a target and anything within a 25 radius of the target. Beta Decay radiates from the character to a radius of 8. I do not know that the values are additive. They may be inverse multiplicative. If so the build I posted will get to 23.33% instead of 24.63% if they are additive. The build OneFootOnTheGas posted would get to 20.68% instead of 21.58 if they are additive.
  4. Twice I have drawn inspiration from the design of Alan Moore's character, Promethea. The first time, at the launch of live, I took the colorations (hard to go wrong with white and gold) but did not (and could not at the time) replicate much in the way of Promethea's costume. Sadly I do not have an image of the character to share. With the launch of Homecoming my first character here was another visit the to well (she's back on page 11 of the thread). Again proper colors and at least this time I got Hellenic sandals to work with. While I do not have a new character in mind with which to gift the following, I have been drawn back to trying to get a more faithful homage to the original inspiration and have come up with the following: My mind shudders at the thought of combining Valkyrie (Norse), Roman, and Imperial (Chinese) elements, but I think it works. No, I did not use the Hellenic sandals this time...partly because having wings on both head and heels is something only Hermes/Mercury should attempt and adding a fourth culture to the mix would have pushed me mentally over the edge.
  5. That is one of the hands down, best costumes I've ever seen. The color and patterns evoke the name the gun theme perfectly!
  6. There is this over in the Tanker forum: However I am wary of looking at defensive sets in isolation as offensive sets can offer opportunities for mitigation which are meaningful.
  7. Are you taking into account that enemy Accuracy is being debuffed by both Beta Decay and Darkest Night?
  8. You just had to mention Jack 'the King' Kirby. Now see what you've made me do?
  9. While I intentionally went with lower Smashing/Lethal resistance, thinking, "Why have Scaling Resistance slotted if it isn't doing anything?" I like the resistance numbers on your build, particularly E/N/T/P. I pride myself on being able to think outside the box, but I missed the notion of taking and not slotting Smite in favor of slots elsewhere. I tend to get reflexively take the initial powers from the standpoint of levelling but the low levels are over quickly. Yeah, I think I will reconsider the existence of Shadow Punch in the build. Does anyone know how effective To-Hit debuff is? There is not a great difference between the 24.73% I have between Beta Decay and Darkest Night and the 21.58% you are showing with the two powers. If To-Hit debuff isn't that grand then I might as well save those slots. Since Homecoming opened I have gotten away from my old standby of perma-Hasten, becoming considerably more ambivalent about it. I have a Fortunata Widow build that naturally gravitates towards it. Most other builds I have find opportunity costs less inviting. On DM/Rad being not quite at perma-Hasten seemed to be the best bang for the buck but I personally would not miss not even going down that path. Depending on how hectic this weekend in, I may just have to spend some time planning out the love child of our two builds. Thanks!
  10. Great minds and all that, I have a mage character who looks similar:
  11. How "traditional" a mage look were you shooting for? EarthMage.costume
  12. You've got Repel...why is anything standing long enough to be dangerous to you?
  13. I made my Grav/Nrg with soloing in mind...just secondary to the annoyance factor. What more do you need than dropping things behind a Singularity to solo?
  14. I agree that Time Stop is junk that can be skipped and I would love to do without Time Crawl but its mandatory. But Distortion? A 45s, they enter this zone and they go slow, don't attack as often, and sometimes get held power whose recharge under perma-Hasten (You are playing Time, so why aren't you doing perma-Hasten?) is down towards 16 seconds...Why would you skip this? As for being a defender (my first AT to 50 in live), your de/buffs would be stronger and your damage weaker but I think there is enough brought to the team either way that corruptor is the better choice for sake of the stronger damage.
  15. Artemis and Apollo are considered heroic. When Niobe bragged that she had 7 sons and 7 daughters whereas Leto only had 2, Apollo and Artemis, Leto sent Apollo and Artemis to slay all of Niobe's children. Notions of what is heroic apparently change over time. Or perhaps depending on who you are. Probably not wise to tell a god they are not heroic. 😛
  16. You're going to lip off to a god? One with an axe? Bold. Unwise, but definitely bold.
  17. I have been a fan of Marvel's Thor since the late 70s (read him earlier in The Avengers but did not read his individual comics). I've got nothing against people liking the character. But you know, there are other gods of thunder and it has prompted me to create a costume even if I do not want to actually create and play the character. (Why does the game deny my ankle bands?) I'm thinking a bio something along the lines of:
  18. The best time to apply the buffs I find is when people are fighting as they are relatively stationary and generally together. Of course you can also announce you're going to give buffs too. The issue with Kinetics is between Fulcrum Shifting, Transference, Siphon Power, Siphon Speed (because you do want more Recharge for yourself) and Transfusion, it can be challenging to find a lot of time to use your primary powers. Said as the player of Water/Kinetics and Ice/Time corruptors.
  19. Gotta decide how much you want to be guided by the principle of maximum annoyance. 😁
  20. Back on live I used Wormhole all the time on teams and never had a complaint. Of course I would usually gather things up and stick them in a corner and not drop them on someone (other than a ready Tanker every now and then as the situation warranted). Of course back then I got compliments for my (rare) uses of Dimension Shift to save groups too. Having a power does not mean using it willy-nilly. The old saying about having only a hammer as a tool making you see all problem as nails? We have more tools at our disposal.
  21. If it is fair for you not to bothered by it, it is fair for the OP to be bothered by it, especially in light of them not having any fun with their powers. The only question is what to do about it. I was on a team with my Water/Kinetics Corruptor and repeatedly, just before Fulcrum Shift would animate on a large spawn some person in the group would blow the spawn apart, meaning Fulcrum Shift delivered far less than it could have. I was on another team with a Blaster and the person with Gravity kept opening up with Dimension Shift. When I noted that meant I could do nothing to them they said all I had to do was get close. Me...a blaster...get close. In both cases I simply thanked the group for the invites and moved on. No muss, no fuss. I was free to think poorly of the people doing such things and they were free from my thoughts about their thoughtlessness.
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