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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Heaven give me strength to resist these endless attempts to provoke me to making yet another alt.
  2. Darn this thread, I am now thinking about a Willpower Tanker. Isn't it enough I got goaded into an SR Tanker (whom I really enjoy)?
  3. I am NOT posting that picture a 3rd time!
  4. Towards the end of live I created a Assault Rifle/Poison corruptor. There was a guy locally who told the most obvious lies about himself regarding money and acquaintances of his and on a whim I decided to make a character who looked somewhat like him. At this point I honestly cannot say why I settled on those two powersets--was I trying to be ineffective or did I have some concept in mind. I do know it was out of concept for him to have any of the travel powers, so I equipped him with a hoverboard. I almost always played the guy solo and may have two man teamed at most a few times. Did I mention ineffective? He was a corruptor, so status effects were definitely an issue and while Corruptors can obviously be built that solo well, Poison...well, it leaves a lot to be desired in terms of secondary powersets. Effectively the guy was an underpowered blaster--all glass, no cannon. And yet, figuring out how to survive and complete missions turned out to be a complete blast even if I had several other characters which would have waltzed through them with no difficulty. He was in the high 30s or low 40s at shutdown and I probably would have tried to push him to 50 if shutdown had not occurred. Of course not being a complete glutton for punishment I did not remake him on Homecoming.
  5. My forever character should have been my original Defender back in live. But bad interaction with a developer/Statesman soured me on the game and I stopped playing for a number of years. When I returned I decided to leave my previous existing character untouched and started anew on a new server. So at this point no forever characters but I do have The <Archetype> characters, at least for the following: Blaster Brute Corruptor Tank Widow These are not the only ATs I play nor the only example of those ATs that I play but for each of those ATs I have one character that stands out, fires the imagination, and performs well enough that I cannot see ever getting to a state of not playing them.
  6. Force Feedback: +Recharge does not modify Knockback. It gives you 5 seconds of +100% recharge. There is a video at this link showing its effect:
  7. Trick is to work its effects into your character concept (though the ablative shield ability is nigh unworkable). It really needs a minimal FX option.
  8. I will not tell you it is better than other choices people have mentioned but I am quite happy with my SS/Bio Brute and was happy with him before IOs.
  9. Its so rare one gets to use something twice:
  10. What more can you want from a game that gives you Ninjas vs Nazis?
  11. From live, an example of DA recoloring: The red miasma surrounding the character is Dark Armor. The black sword is Flame Sword from Fire Melee.
  12. Dark Armor has a bit of a reputation for being endurance hungry, so you can see why Dark Melee would be a perfect fit for it. Not sure I have ever paired any two powersets, primary/secondary, which have the same theme (which is one reason I didn't do it on the Tanker) but it makes so much sense in this case. Dark Armor's offensive calling card is Disorient (once you get to Oppressive Gloom). I would look to pair a powerset with Disorients dripping from it,...Energy Melee or War Mace
  13. My first successful attempt at a Tanker and Dark Armor user was a DA/FM Tanker. Nothing really special about the combo though.
  14. That wouldn't have gotten you to perma, just really close. 450/120=3.75 3.75-1 (base) - 2 (6 slot Recharge Reduction pre-ED) - 0.7 (Hasten) = 0.05 With 3.7 (base + 6 slot Recharge Reduction + Hasten for 120 seconds) you'd convert 120s to 444a worth of Hasten's 450s base cooldown, leaving you 6 seconds short. I got to perma-Hasten on my Rad Defender at the end of that first month of live but had Accelerate Metabolism to add another 30% to Recharge.
  15. So apparently I have given up any pretense of not making a bunch of new characters. This is my latest attempt at a Widow, Arachno Lad. (How was that name not taken?)
  16. Typically main floor but in public view. After all, your heaviest traffic is the ground floor.
  17. Sometimes character defining events occur which change/enhance/modify a superhero's powers that have nothing to do with the character's existing backstory/origin: Danielle Moonstar (Mirage) of the New Mutants originally had the mutant ability to manifest other people's fears as illusions. An adventure involving Asgard granted her the mystical ability to sense individual's impending danger/death. Lightning Lass of the Legion of Superheroes had her powers altered by magic to the ability to make things light or unaffected by gravity, shifting her name to Light Lass. Rogue gained permanent super strength and flight after an incredibly strong application of her original power to leech other's powers and memories on Carol Danvers aka Ms Marvel and now Captain Marvel. Hamidon transformed itself from human to whatever it is now via magic and science and the Devouring Earth are its creation. Since your character's origin is Magic, perhaps some sort of magical interaction occurred during an encounter with the DE to cause new powers to manifest.
  18. My first attempt at a Tanker (live) was Fire/DB. I shelved him and moved on somewhere in his 20s I think.
  19. I enjoy EA but am determined to not keep dipping into that well. But darn it, I Rad Melee/EA keeps whispering to me!
  20. Because leading a bunch of enemy into a ambush is something that has never happened in history.
  21. Be a good husband. Make a corruptor so you (a) get to deal damage but (b) can BUFF THE WIFE! She's got good defense so she's the tank. Your job is to support her. Its right there in the marriage vows.
  22. Old school buildings with elevators had a status panel showing where elevators were and which direction they were moving in. I tend to look at that display as a version of that.
  23. And in the Can't Win Department you then get blamed when others bite off something they cannot handle for not being there. Was in a group last night with 3 Kinetics users (my corruptor and two defenders), one melee, and a blaster and a spider. It was fast, things died stupidly quickly, and I remember questioning after one mission if we could not get larger spawn sizes only to be told we were at max setting. It cannot have been a lot of fun for the melee guy because if he got a punch or two in it was only by running ahead. Heck, wasn't always fun for me because it sucks to start animating Fulcrum Shift only for everything to die before it can go off (but max damage bonus Geysers and some utterly stunning tick values on Whirlpool more than soothed any complaints I might have had).
  24. Exactly what I wrote. Its posted above but here is a Cliff's Notes version: That is the opening line of the post. Everything that follows is to elucidate that point. And I clearly stated the validity of one's subjective view of a powerset combo. The only meaningful objection to what I wrote is to hold that there are powerset combos which objectively are bad--not a matter of personal view, they are definitionally or emergently bad in a way that is as clear to everyone as the Sun rising in the east.
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