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Everything posted by Hyperstrike

  1. Dear sweet baby Jesus' crap napkin! Who greenlit this epic turd? Crap CGI. Plot ripped from Spy Kids and its Nickeloden ilk. Recycled Disney Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack.
  2. Are these only dropped randomly through time capsules? Or can these be encountered thru random encounters?
  3. Inanashnashabadappressure! Uh. WHUT?
  4. I never take it. The crash is absolutely insane. It's like stuffing a live grenade....uh...in a dark, poopy place, and then betting yourself tiy cab whip a guy to death with a wet noodle and and fish it out before..."explosive diarrhea".
  5. Why? Basically Hollywood has been a lost cause for a while now.
  6. Damn, I'm a dumbass,. Melee core disabled. Okay, I'm an idiot. 😃 Corrected: Better?
  7. Which is going to be EXTRA SPECIAL TOUGH. Why? NONE OF THESE BUILDS USE UNSTOPPABLE, It's not even a chosen power! Here's Mo version 4, built for Psi. Mo Durable 4 Psi - Tanker (Invulnerability).mxd Turn off Rune Mo Durable 4 Psi - Tanker (Invulnerability).mxds. THEN come back and tell me I "fudged" numbers". And Maelwys, I've previously outlined the shortcomings of Mo. The default Hyoerstrike build, is geared towards grabbing at least SOME global Recharge via LOTG, still being "tough enough" while being faster to a kill. Not saying ANY of these builds are "end-all-be-all". If you heard THAT anyplace, you didn't hear it from ME! (So who's lying to you?) My goal in presenting them and justifying my choices is to open up OPTIONS to players.
  8. "That's not baseline..." I don't build for "baseline". I may as well advertise "No IOs"> And with variable values in things like INVINCIBLE which depends on the number of enemies in range, it's always going to be variable. In that case, please tell me how much damage zero enemies are doing to you. When even ONE steps into range and softcaps you.
  9. Various SO enhacements. 2-4 RMs out of VM conversiions. Vanguard rewards. Badges to a certain point. Lots of recipes, salvage, etc. Eckspeez!
  10. "That's OVERKILL!" Me: Yes??? AAAAND? There is no such thing as "Overkill". There is simply "KILL" with ever greater confidence levels.
  11. In team/League scenarios, all danger is shallow. Sorry, I don't build EXPECTING teaming. I build with tossing the tank in, bare naked, recovering from a hangover AND a head injury while being debuffed. Is it a REALISTIC scenario? Maybe... When I go out to the shooting range, do I NEED to truck out a GAU-8 Avenger? Maybe. I don't do it because it's NECESSARY. I do it because it's FUN!
  12. This is the primary reason why I avoid the instanced vesion. Coming in with no league control and being team-scrambled is ALMOST as fun as being traditionally impaled by Vlad Tepes...
  13. Sometimes dragging a full league of lowbies (Hi! Just showed up with two teams full of Level 1's) is a recipe for pain. But when you have sufficiently numbers of 50's to cover the team captains, it doesn't APPRECIABLY slow kill seed, and are able to mix in some higher
  14. Bah! Enough of this BS and existential questions! SOMEBODY COME ON UP AND WHACK ME IN THE FACE!
  15. Calling me "Mister" is well above my pay grade,,,, As for "better than the usual best possible". Base Invincibility.
  16. Little aside, in BattleTech, I was a founder of a group called "The Church of Munchkin:" Getting the picture? I'm a big fan of survivability in a steady state. It gives a lot more opportunities to stumble out of a nuclear powered meat grinder, with others popping their eyes and going "HOW THE **** DID YOU SURVIVE THAT?" Never claimed I didn't have an ego... "Good" is not "Best Possible". Sure, I could trail a team of healing types like some Hami raids do. Why take the time when I can just run up, pimp-slap them and invite them to hit me in the face?
  17. Don't get me wrong. I don't really play the set anymore either. Precisely because I can build a better Tank/Brute with effectively no difference in surviavbility (especially when taking into account the Recharge and damage debuffs) Don't get me wrong. I've got several characters rocking Granite. Because I wanted what was, at the time, the most Survivable tanks in existence.
  18. You've missed all the briefings on why women don't generally have boob-plate armor. It's not necessary, weakens the protection of the plate, etc, etc, etc. Such conceits as "carrying the boulders" out front gain you nothing but notoriety as a "vulnerable" target.
  19. Krypto is a terrifying, but loyal Good Boy! And possibly the fastest retriever of treats (barring a Flash adjunct) in existence...
  20. My point is that simply burning multiple power selections just to get the one you want is a poke at my sense of build efficiency. My POV. YMMV
  21. Not saying they cannot. But there ARE enemies where battles can be...prolonged. In long battles, scrappers have problems with survivability without support or burning through temps. Brutes fare a bit better, because the differences between tanks and brutes have largely equalized over time. In the end though, the ultimate edge of tanks is in raw stats. But what do I know? I've only been Tanking, Scrapping and Brutalizing since 2008. I'm a N00B.
  22. Been running MSR for around 13 years. For people having to deal with truly noxious player types, I can see the attraction. I'm going to say, I HAVE had such people in the past. To the point where individuals have screwed with a raid by dragging U'kon and DELIBERATELY not listening to the raid leader;'s direction. I'm still here, have a relatively thick ...skin...and most of those people got tired and left. As for 3-500 more VMs. Not going to say I don't believe it. Just going to say that if I'm pulling down 1500-2000 VMs, I'm good. The differential earnings are vanishingly small. Most of the queue bugs in gen-pop are fairly shallow. And the fix is for the raid leader to manage. Drag them to another team, then drag them back where you want them. Also I specifically organize to try to avoid catastrophic de-levels. A minimum of 2 50's at the head of each team usually is an easily doable safety margin. Again, don't begrudge you preference.
  23. Except it requires multiple power selections. In a VERY tight build, that's problematic.
  24. They always seem to forget that Taunt can be slotted as an attack. It's a form of control as well. AND IT IS AUTO-HIT! What more do some people want? An expressly created "I Win" button?
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