Honestly, unless my objective is maximum gaming performance without any other benchmark, it's not worth the price premium.
I think the need for actively controlling the CCD cores (disabling the cores you're ALREADY paying so much for) is a waste of time and money.
Primarily, air-cooled vs liquid is an effectively dead argument.
The price of a competent liquid cooler as a way to stabilize CPU is worth more (IMNSHO) than opting for X3D,
Remember I have history overclocking dual Celeron setups and have familiarity with such "home brew" setups.
For me, if it's "more power" or "more stability", having had rigs go t**s-up at the drop of a hart, has broken me of badly planned "Clock To The Moon And Back" stuff.
Considering how much you spend on a rig, you're NUTS if you're doing it any other way.