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Everything posted by Hyperstrike

  1. Hedgehogius The Woodchipper...
  2. No. I asked a question. Contrary to popular belief, I have not built "one of everything in existence". Hence, why it's A QUESTION. So please, drop your personal inflections and assuumptions.
  3. Sorry, one-shotting EBs, Villains and GMs is cool... For about a minute... After that, the brokeness sets in and the fun stops. A balance pass would eventually leave us with a new, COMPLETELY SEPARATE "Super Strength" set they'd have to develop and proof, that'd be BROKEN on any non-scrapper.
  4. Yeah 9 isn't QUITE enough... A few odd stacks and you wind up like Joe Piscopo fighting Chuck Norris.
  5. You are a bear, standing atop a ball at a circus (my pardon for those who are too young to get the reference). Lots of directions to go. Lots of ways to get there in a controlled fashion.
  6. I've found that going all "Yoda" and asking the question leads to better understanding of the answer as the person is required to do a little bit of skull work and winds up with a better, fuller understanding of what AN answer entails. Rather than simply regurgitating "THE" answer. Not trying to be an ass here. It's just my natural baseline. HEE HAW (HELLO? TANK?) 😁 Also, flat text is a TERRIBLE medium for conveying nuance. Bonus! I've found that people GENERALLLY SUCK (mightily) are interpreting this stuff on cold reading. So if it pisses you off? I apologize. Not trying to DELIBERATELY troll you. (Much. And there's a real reason being it.)
  7. Dump fly. With the improvement for travel, the slightly faster Fly speed, is less useful. ANd if your purpose is to just stack defense, it isn't terribly necessary.
  8. English comprehension. I asked a question. And if a solution isn't appealing to you, or doesn't do exactly what you want it to (make you an uber-invincible Tank Mage, not my problem. In short, I'm talking about how to get around "gotchas" for in game mechanics.
  9. Looks mean as hell.
  10. Hence my talk about "base level". I'm not talking about MINIMUM Defense. I'm talking about maximum defense AT REST. Can I build 80+% defense? Crashes? BRING IT ON! And yes, 75% Resist isn't phenomenal compared to someone who can do 90%. The basic point isn't "just build a brute". Otherwise ALL YOU PLAY IS BRUTES! BO-RING! It's "You build the best, most effective "whatever" you can. YES, sometimes you "fall down and go BOOM". This is always true.
  11. Build high enough base defense or accompanying high Resist, and it mitigates the "Oops! I die now!" effect
  12. Forgive me, buthav ALMOST as much use for a Chip from Cupertino as I do DIY orchiexctomy with a taffy puller.....
  13. For general computing, I have ZERO (less actually) use for ARM. Sure, it's useful for some gimmick applications. But, as of right now, if I'm not writing the software myself, I need x86 virtualized, and a whole host of software, etc, etc. Seems like a great way to sell people more stuff they don't need. And software licensing gets expensive.
  14. Links pls. I have yet to see any reliable information that it's killing 10th-12th generation chips
  15. Intel is a bit too large and diversified to kill off anywhere near that easy.
  16. Here's hoping that R&D resumes on consumer grade R&D as well as being continued on their professional grade stuff. While I'm a big AMD booster. Had both first-gen A64 and A64x2 units and LOVED THEM in the wayback times.... Only reason I had Intel last time was that my boss turned over the guts of a server to me, complete with SAS drives...
  17. For 13th & 14th generation CPU, if you are buying new? AVOID At all costs. Aside from other issues, there is a microcode issue that gradually degrades the stability of the CPU because it's causing a state where the CPU is essentially running in a badly/uncontrollable power stat that gradually burns the chip out. If you are ALREADY running one, YOU ARE ON BORROWED TIME! Because the device is ALREADY affected (to a greater or lesser degree). And the eventual microcode update WILL NOT "fix" it.
  18. Not saying that if you have 7th-12th gen CPU, you should trash it all and buy NEWNEWNEWNEWNEW of the most expensive thing available. Something like your 8000 series Intel chip is fine. Just saying that 13th and 14th gen stuff are ALMOST as useful as self-trepanation to get smarter, or using a saws-all to lose weight.
  19. Recently enthusiast forums have been tracking a problem specific to INTEL based CPUs. The most severe BURNING OUT A CHIP PERMANENTLY. In SOME cases people are able to restore function by lowering voltage and other things. But these methods ARE TEMPORARY FIXES. Once a chip begins presenting the behavior, there is NO SOLUTION. It seems to be a microcode error that allows an uncontrolled/badly controlled state. At some point there will be microcode updates on newer chips that will stop this abnormal behavior. But it is out several weeks/months in the future. And it will NOT repair already affected chips. SO you're kinda screwed with the hardware you have now. Though one MAY be eligible for RMA replacement (in time). DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS! And if you are buying RIGHT NOW, DO NOT even purchase new! Not even at slashed clearance "deal" prices. There is NOTHING that makes it a deal. You may as well bring the chip home, and toss it into a fire. (NOT A JOKE.) If you're looking to get yourself a new system , look at AMD. The Ryzen 7000 series is fine. The Ryzen 9000 has been delayed until August (if you gotta have the latest and greatest) because the scare the Intel problem tossed into the market and additional testing is being done to make SURE their parts are solid.
  20. "I can see my girlfriend from here!" Falls under the heading of "Vast tracts..."
  21. I've been told the 8 foot tall guys, that jamming a foot up someone's butt is painful, distracting and generally makes movement impossible... 😃
  22. So? You had one extremely elderly, ruinously debuffed Tank who cut off both legs and an arm? And someone was under the mistaken assumption that it'd be a "fair" fight? Starry eyes optimist eh?
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