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Everything posted by Hyperstrike

  1. And the thing it's saying is NOT GOOD!
  2. No it does not. What is DOES do is raise the standards for EVIDENCE. Simply having an Electric blastere named "Mu Howard" doesn't automatically mean he's an Expy of Curly (Jerome) Howard.
  3. Captain Barbenheimer.
  4. Nah. Snagged it from an Anthony Edwards/Linda Fiorentino fim from the 80's. Where the MORE offensive was a quote from Lady Marmalade. And everything I learned about International Diplomacy was summed up in this scene....
  5. Mon crayon est large? Sorry, that's about the limit of my french vocabulary....
  6. Have the same thing with Hyperstrike on multiple servers
  7. This was the point I was trying to make. 😚
  8. And how much space in the DB is that? And how big is the DB? And what is the ratio of individual character space vs total db size? Yes, I understand the anger over deliberate name camping. It's annoying. But you need to be able to prove that's what's going on IN YOUR SITUATION. Not simply claim "It's happening"
  9. If someone's talking "Nova Form Only", that's EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
  10. Sorry, you're essentially playing an underpowered blaster and hoping your teammates will soak the aggro up before they come for you.
  11. This is EXACTLY why they did it.
  12. It might FUNCTION. But anyone running that is a load. Akin to dragging a Level 1 blaster through a Mothership Raid...
  13. No biggie. Legitimate question. And I wouldn't honestly remember if you hadn't asked.
  14. The basics for the Resistance powers aren't exactly hard. They're a semi useful formula regardless. Also, I had shuffled through multiple posts that day and thought I was responding in an Invuln thread. Hey! I'm a Tank! The only think I'm supposed to use my head for is catching blows! AND I'M DAMN GOOD AT IT!
  15. Ain't No Rangle Plot - Mastermind (Robotics).mxd
  16. I can post the build itself.
  17. Just do a search for "Invulnerability" and control the results by username.
  18. Sorry, you're not going to guilt me into making a thread where I create every possible build in existence.... 😉
  19. Last I checked, you can only complete two actions at a time... Flypose, Autorun and Toggle are three.
  20. I feel like this is a setup...
  21. Sorry, IMNSHO, longevity and survival count as victory.
  22. At a certain level, the fatigue is real. But mostly BECAUSE the current offerings are such shit. But not entirely. Do I think CoH si going to "save" the genre? No. What it'll do is change how the superhero genre accumulates (and loses) mind-share for a while.
  23. Now I have a mental image of vamps trying to say "Thqueal Like a Piggeh!" around fangs...
  24. Yes. By the devs. All the name DB is is a trace of random characters by pattern. And the main rule is "No dupes". You can rant and rage against that. Unless you have a fully working, drop-in example of code to fix that, you are essentially pissing in the wind. I know. It kinda sucks. I'd LOVE to have copies of my main on all the servers. However, some people managed to sneak in and snag those before I did. C'est la vie.
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