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Everything posted by flakoff

  1. I think pa not taunting on doms is fine, you have a whole secondary that is just pure damage. You have an aoe hold and the new stun. Surely with huge recharge you can handle +4×8 mobs. Some powers aren't affected by domination in other sets also like the aoe hold in earth, so don't see why spectral terror needs to be.
  2. This is my annoyance, we build a toon and one day you say, oh the sets don't suit the power let's change them.
  3. Even testing on beta we all know fire attacks will keep the -def. We know Ig will still be worse even after "testing". We know it will be harder again to farm. If only the devs would just say the truth, they are trying to stop farming. Unless it's toting or similar of course. I personally am rubbish at playing the market so farming is my way to afford stuff. Even the new hard mode excludes those that don't have certain builds. Rant over 🙂
  4. Regardless of builds there are many other sets that perform better than radiation and obviously different sets will be left alone. Look at what is really happening, the two most popular sets for farming having their main aoe damage nerfed. Which also affects those that enjoy the sets not farming.
  5. flakoff

    New Invul Tank

    I did and hated it lol
  6. It's a free game where people can play how they like, no need to nerf farming, or powers that will affect an entire build someone loves. All that will happen is people will play more on other servers and get irritated that their builds are nerfed. Also imagine when they nerf procs, soo many builds nerfed again. I think the Devs have done a great job running this but now seem to be getting like the Devs from live.
  7. One point that I feel is really important, a shield/dark can destroy a mob way faster that a shield/rad on live so we going to nerf shield next or dark? The point being rad melee is not even a top set and you are making it actually worse?
  8. Tested on beta v live and may as well drop ig now as rest of set is so longggg to attack. Which means goodbye a toon I liked. Teams move so fast ig really only helps solo play mostly. It's like nerfs to fun tbh
  9. flakoff

    New Invul Tank

    I'm thinking to go sj and my build can have dn in it or not, if not I can squeeze some slots into t2 attack
  10. flakoff

    New Invul Tank

    Is darkest night worth it even if you were resist capped?
  11. flakoff

    New Invul Tank

    I figure I don't need extras from the attacks as invul is solid enough, I try and like en just because of the single target damage but Street Justice just looks better lol My build has no room for procs unfortunately.
  12. flakoff

    New Invul Tank

    Hi all, not looking for a build as always prefer my own. But want opinions on what secondary you feel is better with it. At the moment I'm between ice/fire/en. Quite fancy Street Justice too actually.
  13. Public space is for anyone, unless griefing then no one has a right to tell anyone they aren't welcome . They can always find a quiet zone easy enough anyway.
  14. Hi, got the new mids but the option isnt there to alter the base acc to 39 instead of 75?
  15. Hi all, just in case some are not aware the updated mids reborn is up on their website.
  16. I have an en blaster and sent, both max dam and both with all kd so don't see the issue. Some people forget that it's a game and concept and fun rule. Though others are about speed times or challenge, the game can be played on any setting to make you feel like the hero and is still fun. I have a pb that is all kd too as obviously in teams it can annoy others if a mob is suddenly scattered.
  17. I think brutes are fine, give love to sents and mm pets first.
  18. It's a free game we all thought had gone, roll with the punches. The game will still be fun.
  19. I'm talking about new people and yes facts as in many vets I personally know that have left. Let's not turn it into a I'm right you're wrong discussion. Now back to making another alt!
  20. Facts need proof though, not that it matters as the Devs will do or not do what they feel is best.
  21. First off, I'm not judging others. I also have played from the beginning. We all have an opinion, doesn't make any of us right.
  22. But getting it all so fast will not retain players, they will eventually become bored and leave. Coh was great for a reason, teaming and enjoying the lore and the feeling of achievement when 50.
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