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Posts posted by biostem

  1. 6 hours ago, merrypessimist said:

    The game has cel shading now?  I was completely unaware.

    It's one of the "experimental" graphics options that you have to enable in the settings.  It definitely gives the game a fresh look, but it also kind of obscures some of the textures, IMO.

  2. 1 minute ago, Vanden said:

    Yeah, this.

    It always bugs me when I train up, choose a pool power, then have to go to a tailor or through the trainer to set the power colors/animations;  I wish they could be set to our liking right from the get go, based upon what we've selected during character creation.  Most of us are experienced players, so have our builds in mind way ahead of when we actually unlock/choose the actual powers...

  3. 5 minutes ago, StrykerTyger said:

    So, this may have been asked for before, but I'd like to see a few things implemented for both sides during creation.


    1.) 3 new size options: Overweight Male, Brute Female, Overweight Female

    2.) All NPC clothing and form options opened for PC use (i.e. Snake bottoms, new weapons like Rocket Launchers, Ancestral Spirit chests, etc.)

    3.) Different options for Bio Armor appearance

    Keep in mind that the Homecoming devs aren't really in a position, currently, to start creating new assets.  You could use the "minimal FX" option and create a bind to change into an "armored up" costume, though, (since you basically have max additional costumes right from the get-go).

  4. 4 hours ago, Trickshooter said:

    Critters use endurance. I think it used to be said that they have discounted endurance costs, but I haven't verified that lately. I think it's more likely that they just attack more conservatively than players do.


    What they don't have is toggles. They have clicks that pretend to be toggles, but they won't turn off if they run out of endurance like a normal toggle would.

    Thank you for the clarification!

    • Like 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, Galaradian said:

    My Elec Dominator shuts down most groups to pathetic levels. I take them out one by one using the elec patch and the aoe imob. Single targeting down one at a time.

    Yes, but is it because of the end drain or because of the holds, sleeps, immobilizes, confuses, etc?

  6. 54 minutes ago, Nealix66 said:

    I couldn't find anything but my search-fu is admittedly weak.  I am currently level 21 and so far it sounds like levels 1-15 is DFB or the AE Tunnel mission.  After that 15-25? is DiB and Yin?  What comes after those?  Finally back in game after 7 years and want my first level 50!

    A lot depends upon what you consider "quick";  You can certainly level to 22 using the AE tunnel missions, accumulate enough inf to fully kit yourself out with level 25 IOs at level 22, then start soloing missions with their difficulty/team size cranked up from there on out...

  7. 1 hour ago, SmalltalkJava said:

    I really find that I dislike them.   Aim, Build Up and buffs like that.  I just find them annoying.   I think that is why I never leveled a blaster very high.   On my brute I have it macrod in my razer controller to cast before I hit burn patch.   


    It’s probably silly.  But I can’t help it. 

    I'd love to see an option to choose either the current build-up/aim type powers, or an always-on auto power that gave much lower buffs, but they were persistent, (like how super reflexes got those 2 mutually exclusive powers).

    • Like 3
  8. 2 minutes ago, Sniktch said:

    SRU: read my post.  It's not tracked on the player at all, it's tracked on each individual critter.  And there's no way currently to hook from the critter aggro sheet to a buff on the player without risking a nuclear fireball of code meltdown.

    Can the game track how many enemies have tried to attack you, then, (regardless of whether the attack landed or not)?  Perhaps the mechanic could be based off of that;  "Gain X% defense, Y% damage resist, and Z% bonus damage for your own attacks, for each enemy that attacked or attempted to attack you in the last 10 seconds"...

  9. Why would a hero's sexuality be part of their registration process?  Also, if it were a cop who confronted a badguy, who turned out to be strapping a bomb and it took out several innocent people, how would the results be any different?  I realize game mechanics are different than how things would be viewed within the game world, but you'd think there'd be a standing evacuation order for instances where you saw a bunch of animated clockwork automatons mulling about.


    In reading your post a few more times, do you mean that the hero was contacted by the police and told *not* to engage the clockwork because they had a bomb, or do you mean that said hero had already engaged them and only then was informed about the bomb, but by then it was too late?


    From a purely pragmatic standpoint, I'd say that there should be regulations in place to this effect:  Heroes are permitted to intervene without having to seek permission, in fighting low-level crimes, (muggings, robberies, etc), provided they take reasonable steps to use nonlethal means and either wear some sort of bodycam/data recorder.  For larger incidents or those with a much greater potential for a loss of life, they need to seek permission from the authorities.  A key here is that they'd need what amounts to "hero air traffic controllers", who can respond to requests and events quickly.


    The whole problem with what was presented in Civil War, (I'm not too familiar with the comics, so I'm goin by the movie), is that they wanted UN approval for all actions, which would be so horrendously slow to respond, and likely take so long in deliberations, that the crime would be over and done with, and they'd be better off spending that time picking out caskets for the victims...


    From an RP perspective, I'd imagine that many vigilante-style heroes or those whose values differ enough from modern Western societies wouldn't pay the regulations very much heed...

  10. 49 minutes ago, Communistpenguin said:

    End drain does actually work, just not that great. Mobs do require end, its just that their requirements are lower than ours, so you have to keep them very drained to get the best effect.  It is most noticeably useful when fighting boss mobs that have annoying powers.  End drain has helped my storm/elec defender take out more than one boss who otherwise wiped the floor with me. That being said, I would not complain if the end drain got boosted on most of the attacks.

    That's the rub, though - someone using ice blast could, for instance, just stack their holds to completely lock down a boss.  End drain should be effective when weighed against things like dark's -tohit, sonic's -res, and so on.  I do like the lightning attacks - I just want to see their secondary effects made more useful...

    • Like 2
  11. 36 minutes ago, Zepp said:

    Technically, going back to Lewis Carroll, meant deadly or well-crafted. The vorpal judgement basically means deadly judgement. It just sounds so close to warp or portal, as in warping spacetime, or a spacetime portal, that it feels right.


    That being said, I think that adding an attack where you throw a knife through a portal as the T2 would be a good idea.

    It would be interesting if they implemented something like a "Flash Step Melee" set, which had a slightly longer range than typical melee attacks, (maybe 20' or so), with an ultimate that was an AoE that teleported you to the target location to deliver a series of blows to all enemies in the area.

    • Like 1
  12. What if you set their defensive values a bit lower, like around Sentinel levels, but they get a 2-fold inherent:


    1. Their attacks generate aggro on par with a tanker's, but only against single targets, (with AoEs doing the same for each target hit).


    2. For each enemy who is aggro'd against them, (whether in melee or at range), they get a def, dmg res, and dmg buff.


    This would encourage them to want to keep as many enemies as possible aggro'd against them, while also assisting them in doing so...

  13. 30 minutes ago, Chance Jackson said:

    But there are multiple robins & captain marvels in the same continuity, supermen & spider-men from different continuities have met etc, etc

    Yes, and typically those instances are around the time one of said characters is about to die/retire/go off on their own and change their name, (Robin -> Nightwing, one of the new Supermen to Superboy or Steel, etc).  You also have to remember that the name you're choosing is, in-universe, part of an official registration process, so even though your "real name" may be "Cyclone", the rep at the registration office may flatly tell you that the name is already taken for official documentation purposes, but you could be "Cyclone 12345" or perhaps incorporate some aspect of your costume design or power effects to amend that original name...

    • Like 3
  14. On 8/15/2019 at 7:31 PM, gamermikefx said:

    if the game is a s good as everybody says

    I bought a lifetime subscription to Champions Online when it came out.  On paper, it is the superior game, yet here I am, playing this one over that.  No doubt part of that is nostalgia, but I do genuinely believe that City of Heroes is a great game...

    • Like 1
  15. My only concern is that a) you'd basically have to either use some sort of generic silhouette or body shape for the attacks, (picture something like phantom army), and/or you'd need at least 3 versions of the power, (male, female, huge).  I suppose you could do something like what shield charge or lightning rod do, but would you be vulnerable/targetable while you're moving around?  Also, and sorry for being pedantic, but I always thought that "vorpal" was used to denote something that was unusually sharp, (like the vorpal blade from the jabberwock), or the "vorpal bunny" from Monty Python, not some kind of hyperspeed "flash step"...

  16. 12 minutes ago, Steampunkette said:

    Do you know how many Green Lanterns, Captains Marvel, and so forth there are? Hell, there were even 4 or 5 Supermen running around for a while, there. Plus all the Robins and Batmen.


    There's plenty of tropes in both directions and Legacy heroes to muck it up even further. 

    I love the little jabs you put in, here. Little defensive spines. Very cute.


    I'd prefer a better system, Biostem. I'll take what we've got 'cause there's no alternative, obviously. But I hope, someday, things change. It sucks being the only Cyclone on my server and having to "cheat", regardless.

    Hey, I call 'em as I see 'em, and if your response to me wasn't loaded with snark and passive-aggressiveness, I wouldn't need to push back.  Either way, has it ever occurred to you that "Adjective Noun" is a comic book tradition with a long history?  Perhaps you should embrace that, instead of misspelling  your character's name... Red Cyclone, Azure Cyclone, Mighty Cyclone, Beyond the Cyclone, etc.


    "Why can't *I* be Statesman?"  "Why can't *I* be Synapse?"  The answer is because they're taken, now let's keep it moving... 

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