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Posts posted by biostem

  1. 3 minutes ago, Steampunkette said:

    Honestly... I feel like Teleportation -should- have a dual-use-power in it... but not Hover/Teleport.


    I think it needs Teleport and Combat Teleport.


    Combat Teleport should work like Burst of Speed. You get 2-3 uses within a minute and thirty or whatever but the range is shorter and the animation is -much- shorter. MAYBE add in a short-duration defense buff... but nothing bigger than that.


    No PBAoE Damage effect. No stun or slow or anything applied to others. Just a nice and simple way to use the power within the confines of combat without hovertar or a long animation leaving you vulnerable.

    What if "combat teleport" didn't have any hover effect, had a much shorter animation, but also only a 10' distance.  Don't give it a cooldown, but perhaps have the end cost slowly escalate each time you use it, which resets once you're out of combat...

  2. 6 minutes ago, PaxArcana said:

    That's been true since Issue 3, at least.  😄  And I say that, despite my main back on Live being a Teleporter.

    Give teleport foe a disorient effect or maybe a defense debuff/tohit debuff (to represent said disorientation).


    Give team teleport a defense buff to all affected allies.


    What if regular teleport generate a PBAoE knockdown if you appear next to enemies?


    How about having recall friend grant a very brief period of stealth to allies teleported by it?

  3. So I'm kind of in love with archery ATM, so I was thinking of ways to incorporate it into other ATs.  To that end, I present "Ranger Assault", (basically a combination of archery and broadsword attacks):


    1. Snap shot


    2. Slash (I believe this is actually the faster recharging of the initial BS attacks)


    3. Aimed shot


    4. Slice (I'm debating putting Parry here, if you don't think it'd be too overpowering).


    5. Build up


    6. Whirling sword


    7. Explosive arrow


    8. Ranged shot


    9. Hawk's Insight - This would be a slight modification of the Tactical Arrow power "Eagle Eye" - in addition to the recovery, regen, and acc buff, it'd also grant a small buff to your powers' secondary effects.


    Now, I realize that this set could be a nightmare with the redraws, but if you were to include a 'no redraw' option, then it could work quite well.  Please let me know what you think.  Thanks!

  4. 22 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

    Only speaking for myself - I believe there is a distinction between trying to scare others into submission with fear of the game shutting down and just asking others to leave people doing things they don't like alone.

    It, IMO, is that fine line between genuine concern and people concern-trolling/being busybodies, that is constantly skirted...

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, DMW45 said:

    Something that kinda bugs me about /Traps, and since /Devices was worked on recently I thought I'd ask and see if something like this could be worked on?

    I kind of assumed that it was on a timer to either bring it somewhat in line with the end cost over time of FF's dispersion bubble, or that no set (barring MM primaries) gets a permanent pet that early...

  6. 1 minute ago, srmalloy said:

    The animations and power activation time slapped me across the face recently when I was watching a YouTube video about archery in the Middle Ages, and it was pointed out that, except for crossbows, if you have a heavy-draw-weight war bow you don't stand there with the bow at full draw while you take aim carefully, then release, because you can't hold it steady, and your aim turns to slime because you're waving the bow around trying to hold it steady -- and then seeing the animations in CoH where you're doing exactly this, and the high-damage, high-accuracy attacks are animated as you shooting your bow completely wrong,in a way that would be destroying your accuracy.

    Well, how about the fact that they use the exact same animation for a longbow, a recurve bow, and a modern compound bow?  But, yeah - a lot is sacrificed in the name of balance and ease of implementation...

  7. Below are some screenshots of one of my current favorite characters, "Hit 'n Run".  She's a former Malta Operative who, as part of a plea agreement, now plies her skills in the hero trade.  She's an archery/tactical arrow blaster, with a distinctively high-tech flare.  Due to strict military indoctrination while with Malta, it's been hard for her to loosen up, so her clothing retains a military theme, even though she currently holds no rank or commission.  As her name implies, she utilizes her superior maneuverability, (mystic flight + translocation) and stealth in order to gain the advantage over her target(s).  She's also not above deceiving her opponents, (represented via the pacify and intimidate powers).  I am currently looking to see what kind of art, if any, I can get for her.  Without further adieu, I present "Hit 'n Run":



    hit 'n run flying toward camera.jpg

    hit 'n run hovering passive.jpg

    hit 'n run bow hovering.jpg

    hit 'n run loosed arrow.jpg

    hit 'n run bow out back.jpg

    hit 'n run bow out.jpg


    Thanks for reading!

  8. 1 minute ago, Gravitus said:

    Chaotic evil is a thing. And Phipps technically does have a goal. He states himself he keeps the dredges of society low so those in power can stay there. He also points out that since he’s undercover as a  philanthropist , it’s a good way to gather intel to feed to arachnos.  The guy just happens to like his work , hence Chaotic evil. 

    Well, if we're going by D&D alignments, wouldn't he fall more under "Lawful Evil", since he kind of respects systems and rules - only that said systems and rules are extremely twisted and vile?  He's not acting randomly or without some plan/goal in mind.  I kind of envisioned "chaotic evil" as the bloodthirsty monster that randomly attacks passerbys or a gang that just attacks or robs people on a whim or with no provocation...

  9. I kind of feel like the difficulty is lessened/the attempt made easier, by the expansion of the various power pools, (to 5 powers per set).  Fighting, alone, can make for a decent supplement to some builds, and between air superiority and spring attack, you have yourself a decent rotation.  Now factor in acrobatics for a bit of status protection, and perhaps the ultimate power from sorcery or presence for those "oh sh*t" moments, then aid other/injection and aid self, and you're not too bad off.  If you chose to be a tanker, and took inexhaustible from bio armor or gamma boost from radiation armor, you'd be even better off, IMO.  A stalker with just hide from their secondary also has some unique benefits.  Cheers!

  10. 4 hours ago, Argulus said:

    Haven't really looked at /Nature.  What exactly does it bring to the table in regards to synergy with Dark/  ?

    So the most obvious, IMO, is Spore Cloud, which imparts a -tohit, -dmg, and -regen on enemies.  Entangling Aura is a toggle hold, which would stack very nicely with your primary hold powers.  The -res in Corrosive Enzymes means that all your and your teammates' attacks will do more damage,  and the cone from Regrowth, which also heals you, when used in conjunction with a "target_custom_next" bind, to target either one of your pets, or if created on the fly to target your team's tank, is very effective.

  11. This is basically why I've taken mystic flight in places where I would have previously taken teleport.  I wonder if they could, lke /SR got, add 2 mutually exclusive versions of teleport; One where there is no hover that immobilizes you, and another with a slightly longer hover time, (perhaps slightly reduce the end cost in the 1st version).


    Alternatively, they could add something like COs implementation, where you basically phase out, become self-affecting only for a few seconds, and gain a fairly fast movement speed in any direction...

  12. 3 minutes ago, Steampunkette said:


    But a Voter ID Law is an 'Equal' law, in that it applies to everyone equally, that affects black people more than 3 times as much as white people: https://nationalequityatlas.org/indicators/Car_access 

    Except that what you really should be measuring is how difficult it is in getting a state or other official ID, not who or doesn't have a car.  If you can walk or hop on a bus/subway to get an official ID that would meet the requirements of a voter ID law, then you're covered.


    5 minutes ago, Steampunkette said:

    2) But that would require Rules and Laws that explicitly benefit Gay and Trans people but -NOT- Straight or Cisgender people. Which is what you're railing against, here. These rules would 'Widen the Divide', wouldn't they? Or is it just that you agree with them and thus don't find them objectionable as a result?

    No it wouldn't;  You pass a law that you cannot claim some sort of distress or psychological trauma as an excuse if a person you engaged with relationally/sexually didn't turn out to be of the sex or gender that you thought they were.


    7 minutes ago, Steampunkette said:

    The second law is great! But here's a question for you: Do you earnestly think White People get stopped by cops -because- they're White? Or are you just favoring an 'All Encompassing Description' of a law that will only actually protect minorities?

    Do you think that every person that is stopped, who happens to be of a minority group, is questioned merely because they are of that group?  Is it not possible for such people to be stopped because of other actions/characteristics/etc?


    10 minutes ago, Steampunkette said:

    I think that's what the big thrust is, here... You seem to not like the idea of EXPLICITLY protecting minorities, but IMPLICITLY doing it is okay, so long as it doesn't smell like it's going to protect minorities.

    Then you would be wrong.  Attribute to me and my motives whatever you like, but your track record is .000 so far.

  13. 36 minutes ago, Steampunkette said:

    Right Wing Catchphrase meant to shift the onus of the divide onto the people who are trying to protect the marginalized group.

    This sounds very conspiratorial to me.  Do you think the different laws for black & whites during Jim Crow served to bring the two groups together, or to separate them?  Let's say a law was passed, which prohibited police from stopping and questioning anyone identifying themselves as LGBTQ+.  Do you think that would endear said group with the greater populace, or serve to drive a wedge between them?  Wouldn't a more general "police must provide a very strong & demonstrable case for stopping *anyone*, and may not do so solely based upon any race/gender/sexuality/manner of dress/etc", be better?

  14. 6 minutes ago, Steampunkette said:

    What -are- the actual points you made? Please put them in a numbered chart because if I'm not hitting them I'm not understanding them.


    Here's what -I- got from your post:


    1) Codifying laws and/or rules to protect minorities increases the divide between them and everyone else.

    -Right Wing Catchphrase meant to shift the onus of the divide onto the people who are trying to protect the marginalized group.


    2) Our justice system is adversarial.

    -Completely irrelevant to the discussion, unless you're trying to say that the Gay/Trans Panic defense SHOULD be allowed in which case this conversation is over.


    3) Same as number 1, stated differently.

    -Tried to explain the difference between Equality and Equity, 'cause you still don't seem to understand that 'treating everyone fairly' only works after the systemic barriers have been removed.

    You just can't avoid mischaracterizing people you don't agree with, can you?  Let me spell it out very simply:


    1. Everyone should be treated the same and as equals.  This means legally and in most social settings, (I say "most" here, because, for instance, if two people were talking, and one started randomly cursing or threatening violence, then obviously how that other person is treated will have to/should change.  Or a child should not necessarily be entitled to the same level of autonomy as an adult).


    2. I made this point because defense attorneys likely use the "Gay Panic" defense as a way to get charges against their client dropped/reduced.  I agree that it is extremely distasteful and should be done away with.


    3. As I have already said multiple times - I acknowledge that people were historically, and still are in many circumstances, treated unfairly.  My point of contention is that creating new laws and policies to treat even more people unfairly is not the way to bring about some ultimate equality among everyone.  How is making a law that you cannot discriminate based upon race, gender (identity), religion, etc, not sufficient?  What sort of "special protection" law wouldn't be encompassed by the former one?

    • Like 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, Steampunkette said:



    That's the best explanation I think can exist. Until the basic inequities are addressed we need to treat groups differently when it comes to the inequities those groups face.



    And it doesn't 'Create Further Divide', Biostem. That's just a right wing catchphrase to vilify any attempt to accommodate the differences that exist in our society. Any attempt to protect people from mistreatment based on the things that make them different. It's just another way to place the onus of responsibility for the mistreatment of minority groups on those minority groups.


    It's just like saying "Racism wouldn't be a thing, anymore, if black people just stopped talking about it!" 


    Which, by the way, as a white child in Georgia in the 80s I heard soooo often that I even believed it at one point and recited it more than twice. I was taught that racism only existed 'cause Black People didn't want to be treated in a racist manner. Can you imagine being that goddamned stupid? That somehow the world would be without racism if people just stopped talking about it, or protesting about it, or trying to address it with hate speech laws. It would just be gone. After all, the Civil Rights Act had passed 20 years before!

    Oh look, more strawmen.  Try arguing against the actual points I made.

  16. Just now, TheAdjustor said:

    I actually have an Archery/TA that's incarnated out and has a reasonable build. The damage just isn't there. I am not sure but I doubt even fire can break 300 dps all at range.

    Noted, but I think that goes back to the old mentality of "safety at range", thus the reduction in damage vs melee...

  17. 6 minutes ago, Steampunkette said:

    NO SHIT.


    But until All Cops crack down on each other for harassing trans women it's gonna keep happening.


    Until every state bans "Trans and Gay Panic" as a legal defense it's gonna keep happening.


    Until we no longer need special protections, it's gonna keep happening.

    So obviously the solution is to codify the different treatment of people based upon their immutable characteristics, right?  You understand that our justice system isn't based upon getting to the truth of the matter, yes?  It is an adversarial system where the prosecution wants a conviction and the defense wants an acquittal - that means that either side may employ any dirty trick that they can in order to win.  Are you able to look at this objectively, and see that 1 set of rules for group A and a different set for group B does not promote justice or equality, and only furthers the divide between groups?  I've already stated that we have much work to do - but the way to accomplish that is to make sure that everybody gets the same treatment.

  18. Just now, Steampunkette said:

    The dangers I face in the day to day as a trans woman aren't all the same as the dangers you face. You're never gonna get arrested for walking in the bad part of town with a condom in your pocket. Trans women get picked up on prostitution charges for that. You're never going to get harassed for using the Bathroom. Trans women get that shit allll the time, to the point where I was -terrified- to use the ladies room after my transition.


    You're not going to face the danger of being raped, murdered, dismembered, and set on fire for being who you are or advocating for the fair treatment of a group of people. But that shit just keeps happening to trans women activists.


    And sometimes just trans women who get murdered by a dude who was attracted to her and then found out she was trans and got himself in a tizzy over it.


    So far the "Gay/Trans Panic" defense has been banned in California in 2014, Illinois in 2017, Rhode Island in 2018, and Nevada, Connecticut, Maine, Hawaii, and New York  in 2019. But it's still a valid defense in the state -I- live in. A Man could think I'm hot, murder me, and literally GET AWAY WITH MURDER because he claims he was so distressed about being sexually attracted to a trans woman that killing her was the only logical response. Ahmed Dabarran, for example, was beaten to death in his -sleep- by Roderiqus Reshad Reed in 2001. The jury acquitted him -despite- his full confession. Did I mention that Dabarran was an Assistant DA in Atlanta Georgia? Did I mention that the JURY, a collection of radom people and not some murderous fucknuckle, decided to set the dude free because he was scared of 'The Gay'?


    So long as you don't face those dangers, and countless others, rules and laws that protect 'all of us' will not always protect me. Rules and laws that protect your rights won't always protect others.


    Until we get to a society where we don't need special protections, a society I fucking -LONG- for, we're not going to have true equality. But until then I'll take special protections to try and mitigate the damage between now and then.

    All of those issues would be resolved if we treated all people equally.  Do you not understand that the examples you gave were for people being treated unequally?

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