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Posts posted by biostem

  1. I really wish we could customize the appearance of our MM pets.  As for my MM primary wish-list, here are a few I'd love to see become a reality:


    1. Supers - Basically, you lead your own squad of superheroes; First tier would be something like blasters or scrappers, second tier would be a defender and tank, and 3rd tier would be a controller.


    2. Either a medieval-like group or a D&D-inspired party;  1st tier would be footmen - 1 with a sword & shield, another with a 2-hander, 3rd with a spear/staff (maybe a cleric), 2nd tier would be archers or an archer and a rogue, and 3rd would be a wizard/mage.


    3. Aliens - Either your classic "greys" or maybe just use the Rikti; 1st tier would be basic soldiers with energy blasters, 2nd tier would be alien scientists with weird experimental devices that buff/debuff/heal/control, and 3rd tier would be an overseer-type or alien in a powersuit that acts like a tank of sorts for the group.

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  2. The best way to implement this, IMO, would be to have a power create a pseudo pet some distance away from you, that is pointed directly back at you and emanates a kb/repel toward you.  Make said pet invisible, and the net effect should be that enemies appear to be knocked or drawn toward you...

  3. 27 minutes ago, Zepp said:

    The powersets sound like it is a proposal for two new Mastermind powersets (that are quite similar to Robots and Traps) rather than a new AT.


    Edit: Can you give me a little more of an explanation so that I can decide whether or not to add it to the compilation thread...

    My take on the proposal is that you basically start out as a very limited blaster, (using just a sidearm or such), but you get a power to "call down" your mech.  You'd basically get into this mech and now have a whole host of better attacks and defenses;  It almost sounds like a dominator, except your non-super mode is very much more limited, (but presumably the mech would be available much more often).  I'd have to assume that there's a time limit on how long you can be in said mech;  Perhaps if it started with a full endurance bar, but could not recover end from any source, (so it would basically be recalled once said end bar was used up).  Like I said earlier - I'm not against this AT concept-wise, but it'd take a lot of work, and you'd probably want to include a lot of arcane/biological/animal looking pieces, so you wouldn't be shoehorned into a tech origin, (though I guess Arachnos soldiers are no worse off)....

    • Like 1
  4. 22 minutes ago, Spotlore said:

    Time for a respec.  I have the whole pool unlocked and never ever use it.  But the problem remains, what do I choose instead?  More powers I'll never use?

    I'm debating taking the presence pool on my mastermind, for the placate, fear, and pseudo-ultimate power, so maybe it'll interest you too...

  5. I vote for demon/nature.  You can color the nature powers to look like deadly or nectrotic vines, and it is actually very heavy with the debuffs.  The 1st power is a good damage resistance debuff and looks cool.  The heal takes a little getting used to, but it also affects you, which is great.  One of the buffs is a power centered around an ally, so I'd use a bind like "targetcustomnext demon prince" or something, in conjunction with the power.  Whatever you decide to go with, good luck!

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  6. The first power in /nature affinity applies something like a 20% damage resistance debuff, so don't discount that.  I also seem to recall corruptors getting a great damage resist debuff out of sonic attack than blasters.  Of course, blasters do get stacking damage buffs from all their attacks, however.  As Without_Pause mentioned, the deciding factor would be whether you want to contribute more to a team or max your own damage...

  7. Here are my thoughts:


    1. Reduce the cooldown on all the mercs' basic attacks.


    2. Remove brawl completely, or replace it with pummel.


    3. Get rid of the crash at the end of serum's effect, and allow it to be used on any friendly target.

    • Like 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, GM Sijin said:

    I believe this is unlikely purely for the reason that they do not want you to have an actual invisible character in any form, even ignoring PvP concerns. I love the idea, but I think a better implementation would be a "hollow" set that doesn't have the body there (or has options for the body including 'none') but forces an additional layer on top of it so the invisible character problem is bypassed.

    Makes sense.  Thanks!

  9. If you have a group that plays well together, and someone in said group is able to act as a GM/storyteller of sorts, then you can make a long-form story work well.  Bonus points if that GM-type person is good with AE and can make custom missions for that group!  Frankly, you could probably work off of newspaper/radio missions and weave a story together from those, on the fly as well.  It's all about the group you've got and how well they work together...

  10. So my suggestion is pretty simple:  We have options for head, torso, arms, legs & feet that allow you to basically just glow a certain color.  Once concept I'd like to be able to explore would be an animated suit of armor that has nothing inside of it.  To that end, what if we could simple have our head, torso, arms, legs & feet be invisible?  Perhaps in PvP, you are forced to have a glow effect, so you couldn't be completely undetectable.  You could then layer over the various armor pieces or patterns, to your liking.  Your thoughts?  Thanks!

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Shadowsleuth said:

    So basically you're piloting something on the size of a Nemesis Warhulk.


    Your upgrades could be handled with branching paths like the Villain Veats Bane/Crab; You choose between Primary Power Sets: Firepower or Melee Attacks & your Secondary Powersets, you choose between Armor or Control.


    You would have to accept that your mech form *is* your costume. 
    (But you could choose between several mech forms, colors & patterns/logos on it.)


    Perhaps the screen could have a computer/UI overlay (ala Iron Man), with the option to turn it off for players who don't like it.


    A good Tier 9 power would be the ability to call down 2 other Mechs to fight by your side for a short time.

    While I'm not against your concept in general, you have to think in terms of what could be done from a pragmatic perspective;  They could make a temp power where you become a warhulk or hercules titan, and give you a handful of powers that the NPC gets, but to create a whole AT centered around this would be difficult.  A better option might be to add a bit more to the maximum size restrictions and add some less human(oid) costume pieces as costume options.

    • Like 1
  12. It is an easy matter to make the power permanent, and possibly even double-stack it.  Since it is a click power, there is no endurance drain after the initial casting.  You can't be detoggled out of the power.  Not every armor set should be identical.  I can understand how this can be an issue early on, but the threats are less then as well.  It's just a bit of a learning curve/growing pain you need to get passed...

  13. 5 minutes ago, Weylin said:

    When I say a mech, I do mean those big stompy robots, nothin a costume can really accomplish 😛

    Well, if you make your base character of a normal size, then make your mech suit a max height and use various robotic pieces, you can pull off a pretty convincing look.  Yes, you're not going to be as large as a Freedom Corp Cataphract or Malta Hercules/Zeus Titan, but it could work...

  14. 5 minutes ago, Andrewvm said:

    Does it look good though? 😎


    Can't find videos or images to see what happens when you turn storm summoning black 

    I'd go for grav/storm.  Yes, you can tint the colors dark, but basically every dark option becomes black with little hints of the other color you select.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Haijinx said:

    Regen seems popular with Sentinels for some reason. Maybe the early Recovery bonus.   

    Well, radiation and bio armor offer that too, and other benefits as well.  If I had to guess, it's probably fewer toggles to have to worry about and less "must have" powers, if you want to dip into pools a bit more...

  16. Try a dual pistol or beam rifle defender or corruptor with the traps powerset.  Then, dip into the fighting pool if you want to be a little tougher.  Use the various costume slots and costume change emotes to make it appear that you don/call down your armor - perhaps have a bind that changes your power tray and only use tough/weave when in your armor.  You may be able to pull this off with a robotics mastermind, if you also want to command a squad of said robots, but if you just want it to be yourself and your gadgets + "armor", then go with the defender or corruptor.

    • Like 1
  17. So I recently rolled a demon/storm MM and have been loving the hell out of it, (pun intended).  I noticed that one of the 2nd tier demons has a heal ability.  Is it worth slotting for it?  I have O2 boost from storm, so it's not a big deal if I don't, but it seems pretty effective.  Your thoughts?  Thanks!

  18. So after some pondering and some great feedback here, I present to you my concept for 'Gravitic Armor'.  This armor set makes use of an effect called "event horizon";  Certain powers will inflict this effect, while others make use of it in different ways.


    1.  Hyperdensity: Auto, grants minor resistance to all damage types except psionic, as well as some protection against slows.


    2. Point of no return: Toggle, minor negative energy damage, minor taunt effect, and applies "event horizon" to nearby enemies.


    3. Graviton barrier:  Toggle, grants a base moderate damage resist buff vs smashing & lethal + a small bonus amount for every enemy within 10' or so, who is affected by "event horizon". 


    4. Point singularity: Toggle, grants protection to Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Repel, Knockback, Teleport, as well as a minor HoT for every enemy within 10' affected by "event horizon".


    5. Gravitic lensing:  Auto, grants minor defense to all, (except psionic), and an extra amount of DEF for every enemy within 10' affected by "event horizon".


    6. Gravitic collapse: Click power, provides a minor heal, amount of endurance, and a temporary defense buff, for every enemy within 10' affected by "event horizon".  Consumes "event horizon" from all such targets.


    7. Gravitic distortion: (This one may be tricky) Ally-targeted click power, applies a stealth effect to an ally and wipes them of threat.


    8. Einstein–Rosen bridge: Click power, you perform a short range teleport, causing heavy negative energy damage and stunning enemies in an AoE around where you appear.  Consumes "event horizon" for added damage.


    9. Big crunch: (Another tricky one to pull off) - Summons a micro-wormhole behind all nearby enemies that are affected by "event horizon", which rapidly collapse, knocking them inward toward you.  Deals high negative energy damage and consumes event horizon.


    Thoughts?  Feedback?  Thanks!

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