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Everything posted by Heatstroke

  1. Oh now I wouldnt say that.. I play my Nrg/Nrg Blaster Airhammer as a hover blaster hence the name.. One of my favorite things to do is drop down and hit the Nuke.. my SG used to call it " Death from Above"
  2. The "Try one" comment wasnt directed at you.. it's in response to when people say " people say Sentinels are terrible.. " etc etc
  3. Again.. build makes a difference.. You can isolate two powers.. but most people dont play this way... My Fire/Rad Sentinel.. Typical attack chain for Mobs is Fireball, Fire Sword Circle ( Epic ), Inferno, Ground Zero ( buncha Procs ) and that mob is usually dead.. or pretty hurt... and I still have Fire Cages and Rain of Fire if I need it... And never worried about getting stunned, or killed when I run into a mob..
  4. Blaster because of their damage modifier in a single attack will do more damage that a Sentinel. And thats by design as Luminary points out very often Sentinels are ranged scrappers and have the same damage modifier as a scrappy but they do not crit. However in the actual mechanics of playing its not as simply that cut and dry. This is why I always say that the " build " of the characters matter. While yes you CAN make a blaster more survivable with IOs and defense based build and Incarnates powers (especially Clarion to mitigate stun), a Sentinel can do that same with IOs and Build.. but doesn't need Clarion. so they can take other Incarnate powers to accentuate their build. There are quite a few Sentinel armor sets that not only have damage mitigation built in either through resistance or defense ( like a scrapper ), but they also have the ability to heal damage. So the ability to mitigate damage, Heal Damage and NOT be mezzed means more up time.. More Up Time means more consistent damage. There have been many times I have been playing a Sentinel on teams and the blaster is dead, or stunned and I am still pumping out damage. Now again that will depend on the build. My point is always that Sentinels are viable choices, try one and see if you like it..
  5. Im the exact opposite.. LOL I hate that its showing the number mostly cause I am on Excelsior. People see big numbers and they think its a better server and there is more going on so more and more people join that server. Its like back in the day when Freedom and Justice were always struggling and lagging. My entire SG and our Favorite coalition people moved to Virtue.
  6. sad.. no votes for Willpower...
  7. Just a word of advice. Dont care what other people think or say. Always play something for yourself and decide if you like it or not.
  8. Rats... I got excited LOL
  9. Just throwing in 2 cents as someone who played a lot of blasters back in the day and now plays a lot of Sentinels.. Sentinels really depend on the build to some degree.. Everyone is correct.. Sentinels have a lower target cap for AoEs and Nukes.. However a Sentinel can pretty much with semi decent recharge have their Nuke up every mob. One of my characters is a Rad/Fire Sentinel. Having an Absorb Shield and a Heal is very beneficial, as well as the fact he cant be mezzed. He has 4 single target attacks, 3 PbAoE attacks, 3 Ranged AoE attack ( Fire Cages, Fireball and Rain of Fire) Add in Aim and Meltdown ( which is basically Build up with some end recovery built in ) Blasters are designed to be " glass cannons" Lots or burst damage, so they can take foe down quickly before the foes beat them. You can use IOs and Incarnate powers on a Blaster to get better defense, resistance, healing buffs etc etc.. but that usually comes much later, and with a lot of investment. Sentinels get that as a part of their powerset, and they can still add IOs and Incarnate powers to layer on top, and from my experience I have found that again depending on the sentinel build, I can continue to attack constantly because I dont get mezzed.. Just my two cents
  10. I played this game since Issue 2. And there is no way you couldn't beat a mob -10 level from you. Here is what I would do if I were you. Log onto the test server. On the test server you can make a level 50 character and outfit in with basic S0's Then go fight some mobs... Then decide if you want to play again or not
  11. Yes. Thorny Assault.. and it is awesome.
  12. I have one.. Love it.. Build it !!!
  13. Ok you can stick with what you said.. but harder foes.. AVs wont be beaten by tier 1 and 2 attacks..
  14. I have never played Cold/Dark. I have played Ice/ Controllers and /Dark controllers. Could be a good combo. Damage will be less that fire. Ice doent do a lot of damage. Epics really help Ice. Dark has good debuffs and the pairing of Jack Frost and Dark Servant definitely could make a good combo... hmmm I might try this myself.. BLACK ICE.. yeah.. that could work LOL.. I have made an Illusion/Dark.. I deleted it.. why?? It was kinda OP and Boring.. LOL Here is my Phantom Army Pets.. Here is Spectral Terror.. Here play with this Phantasm AND his decoys.. oh and here is a Dark Servant too.. OH and by the way.. Im Uber invisible.. so I draw no aggro.. and let me use Deceive (which DOESNT aggro) with the Contagious confusion proc to make the mobs attack each other.. so now they are terrified.. and confused.. and being attacked... and debuffed.. and I havent even used any Dark Debuff yet.. Your basically a Master Illusionist and a Dark Ring Mistress rolled int one LOL.. If being an OP pain in the butt is your thing.. GO FOR IT.. LOL
  15. Because Blasters dont have mez protection. They have the ability to use weaker attacks WHEN mezzed. Your still mezzed, you are not protected FROM being mezzed, which is what mez protection is. When my blasters get mezzed I can attack, with my two weakest attacks. My Sentinels dont get mezzed. They can use every attack in their arsenal all the time. Huge difference
  16. Hi I dont quite understand what my comment relates to your post. I hope I didnt give the wrong impression because that certainly wasnt my intention. I have played every AT to 50 and find most of them enjoyable.
  17. Everything this guy said is dead on point. I play Sentinels A LOT.. several 50s all maxed out and the VERSATILITY is the number one thing..
  18. Change the effects to minimal..
  20. AMAZING and CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! Thanks for all the hard work and dedication of the Development team and thanks to one of the BEST gaming communities EVER !!! YAY US !!!
  21. Would be glad to help... but im not invited
  22. hope there are some new powersets..
  23. THIS 100% !!!!!!!!!! and im not even a fan of Masterminds.. but this idea ROCKS.. ( see what I did there )
  24. No. Not for me.. I said Wind CONTROL. There has been a CONTROL set in the pigg files for a long time. It would help Controllers and ESPECIALLY Dominators who have the least amount of options between primary and secondary. https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Wind_Control
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