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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. I love the new LRT window. The highlighted background accent colors help distinguish the alignment or zone characteristic. The colors for each are perfect and shouldn't be changed IMO. As for the top of the list, I would recommend adding a star (or some such icon) to a zone like the Winter Forest for events (kind of like how there is a yellow circle icon for a mission I have in the RWZ) to encourage players to check it out. If that is beyond the means of the HC volunteers or if it doesn't meet the intent of the power, I am okay with that the current layout. Lastly, perhaps the Enter Supergroup Passcode line may need to be even more distinguished, maybe it's own subsection or distinguishing characteristic?





    One last thing, the Long Range TP Zone Check section at the bottom of the Fast Travel Menu looks straightforward and it is a nice alternative to using the LRT power outright. I think I would continue to use the LRT menu as it takes you to that anyways, but this is a nice alternative.

    • Like 2
  2. This may help as well:



    Craft Rebirth Total Core Invocation (or Rebirth Core Epiphany for max +hp healed)
    Start any level 50 Flashback
    Go to Mercy on the helipad (behind the elevators)
    Stand in the middle of the 1-6 large spawns of marching Arachnos
    Set Rebirth on auto, you can almost hit all of them
    Come back a day later to all badges if there were 6 spawns



    One additional tip for getting higher heal numbers.  In addition to getting Rebirth Total Core, get the Vigor Boost Alpha (the very first level of the Vigor Alpha slot).  This will increase that +heal by 33%.  I went from about +857 to +1139.  It's all common incarnate salvage to build it, so it may be worth it to slot during the time working on the badges. 


    Now if I can find some other locations with the number of mobs that you can get at Mercy.  One downside of this location is if there is someone else camping the location working on their badges the groups will not reset or re-spawn.  So if that person is camping 3 spawns AFK, then it will stay 3 spawns the entire time and you cannot leave and hope to come back to find more groups. 


    Credit found in: 


    • Like 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, Blackbird71 said:

    Not when it's used with a base passcode as part of the command; then there is no screen popup whatsoever. 

    This is so wrong lol 


    Can you some how load a zone without getting a load screen?


    Edit: nice edit @Blackbird71, glad you could clarify your inaccuracies for us.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Coyotedancer said:

    To be fair, Glacier... While getting the accolade unlock itself may be quick if you know where the Atlas badges are, getting an exploration badge from each of the potential destinations in order to make that accolade power actually useful is absolutely NOT something that can be done in five minutes. I think we do need to be honest about that. 

    But that is a fair trade off, it's an accolade power. If it followed the same rules as the other accolade powers,  it wouldn't unlock with just one requirement. The HC team are being extra helpful to players by doing so. As an example, Portal Jockey takes way longer, Task Force Commander even more so, Archmage even more(r) so 🤣

    • Like 2
  5. 11 minutes ago, NewXToa said:

    I agree. I'm losing interest in continuing the discussion because nobody on the other side seems willing to discuss it in good faith. Faultline drawing a false equivalency between /completemission and /ebfp is the biggest example, but many valid points have been disregarded with a simple "So you want everything given to you free then?", and it's frustrating that they're not willing to admit that other people's opinions are valid too.


    It makes sense to me that /ebfp is no longer available to players. What doesn't make sense to me is why LRT needs to be so inconvenient to unlock for people who have no interest in exploration badges, and why the cooldown can't be 2-5 minutes rather than 10. To compare it to a hypothetical situation, it's as if they made it a requirement for each hero to have an in-depth backstory in order to unlock fast-travel: People who were in the habit of doing that anyways don't see an issue with it, because they enjoy that sort of thing. People who aren't in the habit of that find it inconvenient, and go to the forums to complain, but are being drowned out by RPers who are being rewarded for something they already do.


    I have no problem with RPers, or people who want to collect exploration badges. What I don't like is being forced to play the game the same way as them just because they don't think my way is valid.

    LRT is literally a 5 minute unlock power. No matter how many times you say it, it is still NOT A REQUIREMENT. You are not being forced to do anything. Get the power or don't get the power. Play how you want or don't play how you want. You can still access your account and play in any style you want to your heart's content. The biggest benefit of this issue has been the increase in accessibility to so many more options of travel for players. It expanded base teleport beacons, making base travel even more relevant, efficient, and easy. It gave us an accolade power which can get us to any zone we desire as long as we have completed the prerequisite to do so. There are FOUR powers that can get us to a given base, let alone the countless zone base portals (more of which were added this issue), the in-game transportation systems via the Tunnel or the Trams/Black Hawk Helicopters, or the good ol' shoe lace express. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, NewXToa said:

    Why do so many people keep acting like the change to /ebfp and LRT makes it easier to get around than before? Previously, in order to do a fedex mission, I could hit the button to pop into my base, head to the appropriate zone, deliver the package, pop back into my base, and go back to whatever zone I was doing missions in.

    The reason it was so easy for you to do those fedex missions as you described was because you were using an exploit. Period. 

    • Thanks 5
  7. 49 minutes ago, NewXToa said:

    It is definitely a hassle. Just because you don't find it to be one doesn't mean everyone's experience matches yours - not everyone plays the way you do, after all.


    What are the downsides to making LRT more accessible by removing the prerequisite to unlock? Anyone who wants the exploration accolades is still welcome to go get them, but it would mean anyone who doesn't like being forced to wander around a zone getting badges again and again and again on each new toon would be able to do things they enjoy, instead.

    I am not going to fall for your circular logic on players gaming experience. We can agree that players play this game differently.


    But I just have to ask you though, what forcing mechanism exists in this game for you to have to get anything? A player can go through this entire game without using any of these travel abilities, or all of them if they so choose. Are really unable to play your character with these changes or is your gripe more about how you are personally struggling to cope with change because you don't understand the benefits of the new OPTIONAL travel abilities? I would be more than happy to communicate the benefits of the new zone travel updates.


    Look this is how it works, if you have an existing character that you play and you WANT any of these useful abilities, you can earn them, very easily through the use of influence, time investment, or both. If you don't WANT these useful abilities, you don't have to use them or earn them at all. 

    • Confused 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, EmperorSteele said:


    For what it's worth, I've been playing missions solo, and 10 minutes is fine. I get in, do the mission, and by the time I'm done, LRTP is usually back up. And if it's not, I still have two portable base portals, two mission teleports, and an Ouro Portal to get from place to place. Or, I can just use my travel powers to get to a train in about a minute or two.


    That's just been my experience though, YMMV.

    This is my experience as well. Doing flashback missions is even easier now with so many ways to return to contact at the beginning of the arc.

  9. 1 hour ago, ZacKing said:

    It's a hassle to do on multiple alts.   it may not seem like a lot to you and that's fine, but not everyone plays like you do or wants to do what you do.


    We know,  some people set up bases to actually get used as hubs.  You've just handed people more of a reason to use them less because they can completely bypass using them so thanks for that?


    Sorry for this, you're right that I included recharge time in that.  that's on me.  I had meant just the inf costs were the same for two powers that don't do the same thing.  P2W base portal should be cheaper IMO.  Sorry for the confusion there.  my mistake.


    Right back at you.  You all asked for testing and feedback, which people gave.  pretty clear now you all are only interested in hearing positive things about your changes, so its pointless to engage with any of you any further.

    It's not a hassle at all. You're making it sound harder than it is. Just like you said though, not everyone plays the way you do so this shouldn't be a concern for the larger community right?


    You say this update (which gave players more teleporter beacons and made zone base portals closer to other zone transportation hubs) gave players a reason to not use bases as hubs, which is incorrect and misleading. Players have more accessibility than ever before. How are you not seeing that?

  10. 3 minutes ago, dominatr37 said:

    Hi again, gang, I have another question. where is the new contact located for teh new mission set?

    New Story Arc: The Graveyard Shift (Hero, Level 20-29)

    FBSA NetOps Agent Watkins has set up a small command station in North Steel Canyon, as an optimal location to investigate... something. Being somewhat dodgy about his assignment, he has constantly referred heroes to Positron first, to establish a reputation. The tasks that Agent Watkins has for you are no small feats, and involve the clean-up of one of the city's most exciting showdowns. Heroes 20 and above should seek him out, and bring plenty of club soda to wash out any stains.

    • Contact: Agent Watkins, Steel Canyon
      • Listed in Ouroboros under Champion (Level 25-29) > The Graveyard Shift (27.01)

    New Story Arc: The Freakish Lab of Dr. Vahzilok (Villain, Level 30-39)

    A notorious and well-admired sociopath of the Rogue Isles has put out a straight-forward distress call through the Broker network, asking individuals of highly dubious moral constitution to save her neck in the name of Science. Doc Buzzsaw is being stalked by a notable ne'er-do-well and the price on her head is significantly less than the value of preserving it. Villains of level 30 and beyond should seek her out in Sharkhead Isle, in the usual place, and relief will wash over you after the discovery that her attachment to bank accounts has disappeared in the face of her mortality, as an added bonus.

    • Contact: Doc Buzzsaw, Sharkhead Isle
      • Listed in Ouroboros under Captain (Level 35-39) > The Freakish Lab of Dr. Vahzilok (27.02)
  11. 22 minutes ago, Llewellyn Blackwell said:

    You know after going through it all, I really dont care about most of your changes one way or another. But I have to ask who thought taking away the actual power pool long range teleport and replacing it with a shit tp foe power was a good idea? My teleport pool LRT had a nice low CD making it actually useful and on the toons who sued it preffered even over the old base macro shit. And I dont mind you giving everyone a generic version, thats fine too. But why take away the best top tier aspect of the teleport pool, and all we get in turn is combat tp which is honestly meh at best because really its not that useful in combat still lol?


    I mean sorry but for those of use who used the actual old TP LRT power, and used it to liberally travel around the game world quickly, this feels like a pretty big nerf to an actual legit power.


    Could you of not just given the teleport pool lrt the new fast cast time and leave it in, so those who willingly invested in the power had some way to be a better long range teleporter then those using a generic power?

    The OG Long Range Teleport and the Warshade version had a synonymous exploit associated with it.

  12. 15 minutes ago, dominatr37 said:

    So how do I get this mysterious long range teleporter accolade? That's the most important question.


    LongRangeTeleporter.png.4970195b31b9e2546510622430b293f0.png Long Range Teleporter

    • Long Range Teleporter is unlocked by the gaining the Passport Accolade, which can be acquired by earning:
      • An exploration accolade in any zone with a Base Portal (see the "Complete Base Portal List" below for reference), or
      • The Pocket D VIP Gold Club Member badge (for spending 1 hour in Pocket D)


    • Complete Base Portal List

    • Paragon City
      • Atlas Park
      • Kings Row (Base Portal moved down to ground level)
      • The Hollows (Base Portal added)
      • Perez Park (Base Portal added)
      • Skyway City (Base Portal moved up to the small park with Synapse and Mynx, near the Monorail)
      • Steel Canyon
      • Boomtown (Base Portal added)
      • Faultline
      • Talos Island
      • Striga Isle (Base Portal added)
      • Independence Port (Base Portal moved slightly to be right next to the Monorail, allowing easy access to both sides of the zone)
      • Terra Volta (Base Portal added)
      • Croatoa
      • Brickstown
      • Crey's Folly (Base Portal added)
      • Founders' Falls
      • Eden (Base Portal added)
      • Rikti War Zone
      • Kallisti Wharf
      • Peregrine Island (Base Portal moved down to ground level)
      • Dark Astoria
    • Extradimensional
      • Pocket D
      • Cascade Archipelago (Base Portal & Beacon added)
      • Firebase Zulu (Base Portal & Beacon added)
      • The Chantry (Base Portal & Beacon added)
      • The Storm Palace (Base Portal & Beacon added)
    • The Rogue Isles
      • Mercy Island
      • Port Oakes
      • Cap au Diable
      • Sharkhead Isle
      • Nerva Archipelago (Base Portal moved slightly to be right next to the Black Helicopter line, allowing easy access to both sides of the zone)
      • St. Martial
      • Grandville (Base Portal moved down from the top of the tower to the main square)
    • Praetoria
      • Imperial City (Base Portal & Beacon added)
      • Neutropolis (Base Portal & Beacon added)
      • Nova Praetoria (Base Portal & Beacon added)
      • First Ward (Base Portal added)
      • Night Ward (Base Portal added)
    • The following zones have had their beacons removed:
      • Echo: Dark Astoria
        • These beacons will now be directed to Dark Astoria
      • Echo: Galaxy City
        • These beacons have been destroyed by an energy spike of unknown origin
      • Note: Both of these zones can still be accessed through Ouroboros
  13. 1 minute ago, Grouchybeast said:

    How about awarding a badge for unlocking each LRT zone?  Then at least they could be in a group in the badge window, and you could scan down the list and see which were missing.


    Also my badger would get so many new badges the first time they logged in, oh, my God, I'm getting giddy just imagining it.

    They could even use the current accolade badges given for acquiring all the exploration badges in each zone and put them in a new category of badges. Maybe Sightseeing? 

  14. On 11/26/2020 at 4:02 PM, Flintlock Burnfur said:

    Maybe it's the fact that I'm 50 years old, but I just don't find the changes made to the way you teleport to a base that big a deal.  I kinda like 'em, and to be honest I would walk to a base porter before using the exploit (there's been a couple of times I used the exploit, but often that was to show off a base when I wasn't on with a character that was in that SG).  Overall, I don't mind the changes.  The only real issues I had was with A) teleport abilities in Mystic Flight and Speed of Sound and both of those still work as before B) the fact that Myst Haven has Echo: Galaxy City as a teleport point and all I need to do is remove that one C) the teleport travel power and I quickly respecced outta that one.

    The most reasonable post I have read here. 


    • Like 1
  15. 12 minutes ago, TheSpiritFox said:

    My biggest problem is that LRT is too grindy to unlock. 


    The enterbase thing, my biggest complaint is that the cosmic base became something of a minor social space. Lots of people crossed through it and it helped the game have a feeling of population. Thats gone, that sucks, whatever. 


    I get there are alot of options. I set up a base for this change. 


    The badge grind for LRT adds nothing to the game. It is miserably boring, insanely repetitive, and generally can take a solid half hour per character to complete. If someone has 40 50s that's just an extra 20 hours added to sink into the game. 


    I would really like to have the exploration badge requirement changed to just unlocking LRT locations on visiting that zone at all, put a badge at every portal in every zone to shorten the time this takes considerably, or having LRT locations unlock with your level, level into a zone and that zone unlocks. 

    The "badge grind" that your referring to is not accurate in the slightest. It took me less than 10 minutes to unlock the power on one of my brand new characters running though Atlas Park. If you are seriously in need of access to all zones at all times, instead of worrying about collecting ONE BADGE in each zone you want on your character, just buy the base transporter and use the /ebfp command as usual to the hub you described. If you don't want to spend a small amount of influence on the base transporter, log out next to a base portal and you will get charges for the day job accolade without any investment. There are so many more options available now.


    And to your point about 40 or 50 or 500 characters - if a player wants to unlock this ability for every character, they must put in the effort to do so. They aren't forced to, they aren't required to, they miss nothing from the game by not doing so, but if they feel they WANT the power, they have the option to gain it on as many characters as they would like.


    Your last suggestion feels like a free hand out to me. Let's take it a step further, why not just unlock all the badges for your characters with a simple command? Why not give your player all the influence in the game? Or make them undefeatable? This boils down to 'Giving me something for absolutely no investment in my time or effort'. That does not sound fun or challenging or rewarding, it sounds like entitlement.

    • Like 2
  16. 37 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

    So the majority of characters below 50 will not get this automatically.  That's what was suspected.  As far as now getting direct access to every zone, thanks but that isn't what some people asked for.  Some of us actually like visiting bases and didn't need a way to bypass them completely. you keep pushing the LRTP thing but again, thanks it wasn't what some of us asked for.   You're ignoring the community that was built around simple access to them.  and Supergroup Portal = 10 million inf.  TT = 10 million inf.  Where is the inf price difference again?  One should cost more than the other because it's a direct drop to the mission door for an entire team.  The other isn't.  you're pricing a Toyota the same as a Ferrari.  I realize I'm talking to a brick wall here, just hoping that next time you all consider actually engaging the community a little more to help flesh out ideas before making sweeping changes. 

    This is factually incorrect. This community has been given even more access than before. You're ignoring the actual data that Jimmy presented to you. Every single post you have made in this thread screams of "not good enough for me, not listening to the community" repeated over and over with the same talking points. Yet in this very post, you say you realize you're talking to a brick wall - is there a mirror in front of it???

  17. Just now, blue4333 said:

    Because there appears to be an arbitrary line of what counts as player experience. On one hand, you have the P2W temp and prestige powers that are made available at lower costs, the incarnate system is made less tedious by having Incarnate XP dropped outside of Incarnate content and Incarnate Threads/Emp Merits provided upon level up. Not to mention Base Building being made free.


    Wouldn't these go against the reasoning behind the whole Zone Travel revamp (aside from the exploits that is)? 

    I think the line isn't arbitrary at all. The example you use of P2W temps and prestige powers aren't altering the experience of the game to such a degree that it requires a higher influence or time investment. Incarnates are only available at Level 50, meaning characters have invested time in getting to that level. Base building being made free opened up an opportunity for the community to be creative while not affecting other players gaming experience at all.

    • Like 2
  18. 5 minutes ago, blue4333 said:

    To an extent, yes but why do you need 3 powers (LRTP, Base and Ouro) to move from one zone to another? Not to mention the costs (time and inf) involved in unlocking the first two.


    I have two suggestions.


    Option 1: 

    Condense everything into LRTP (includes Ouro and Base)


    Option 2

    Scrap LRTP and make Ouro the travel hub.

    Because they are options, that aren't required. They give players more options. I don't understand the problem with having more options? You can choose not to have any options if that is your playstyle. You can literally choose to keep the macro out of your tray even if you accidentally unlock it. 

    • Like 2
  19. 2 hours ago, ZacKing said:

    How many under level 50s will get it?  I don't think you understood the feedback there.  unlocking all zones on all alts regardless of level and getting it set up with all zones is a lot of hoop jumping in a game that already has too much hoop jumping for accolades, incarnates and such.  now you're adding a big time sink and inf sink for people with a lot of alts.  this kind of stuff was needed for a live, pay to play game, not so much here.


    Appreciate you listening to feedback.  just wanted to say there was feedback in the beta on this that said it's too confusing and convoluted now with all the new options but that largely got ignored.  Hopefully you'll all come up with something to fix that.


    It should be a lot of work to unlock the accolade on all characters, do players just want things handed to them without any difficulty? If a player really wanted to unlock every zone, they will do so on every character you want it on. If a player wants the reward, they will work on the challenge to unlock it. Where is all of this entitlement coming from? Nothing valuable is unlocked account wide in this game.


    This isn't even a time or inf sink, you unlock the LRT without any cost of inf and taking a player less than 10 minutes to do so.


    The feedback was listened to on beta just as it has been now. This is not a "too confusing and convoluted" system if a player actually takes the time to learn something new. Change is difficult for people, but this is a much more streamlined and consistent travel system to get players around the game world.

    • Like 4
  20. 2 minutes ago, cohRock said:

    I love the Long Range Teleport (LRT) power.  In the long run it is actually a more convenient travel power than the instant-base-access-from-anywhere kludge we had before, since you can go directly to a zone instead of to base first.  But I have two ideas to improve it.


    1. (Easy) Make the list of unlocked zones always available.  Currently, once you use the power, you cannot see the list again until LRT's recharge is complete.  This could be done in at least two ways.  The first is to make the power always available, even during recharge.  The entries in its zone list would be ghosted while recharging.  A possibly easier-to-implement solution is to keep a 2nd zone list in the Detailed Info for the power.  One could simply look at that instead of activating the power itself.  Note:  inconsistently, the power goes into recharge even when [Cancel] is selected.  IMO this is a bug, and the power should not be "used" unless the character actually travels.
    2. Reward badgers.  To activate the power, one needs all the exploration badges in at least one zone, earning the exploration accolade (EA) for that zone.  My idea would be to reduce LRT's recharge time by 6 seconds for each EA one has.  For example, if 10 EA, then the recharge time would be reduced by 10*6sec, or one minute. The recharge could be calculated on login, and updated on earning of another EA.  Having just one exploration badge in a zone, once LRT is already available, would still add that zone to the list, but having all the zone's badges would slightly improve the power overall.

    These are good suggestions. I would recommend you add them to the discussion found here: 


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