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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 17 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

    no one is preventing you from ignoring posts you don't like.  listening to opinions is a good thing because you'll learn something from them that you probably didn't think of yourself.  healthy debate isn't a one way street. 

    The opinions that have been expressed in this thread have been listened to, and then restated, over and over and over again, throughout the thread. The HC team has acknowledged those opinions, over and over and over again. The same people continue to complain, over and over and over again.


    There are other people's opinions being literally drowned out by the same few people posting their complaints over and over and over again. Can you tell me that this is fair to everyone? Can you honestly say that is the best way to give feedback?

    • Like 1
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  2. 7 hours ago, therealtitanman said:

    Wait few more weeks, if this issues unaddressed, the population will decrease without needed addressed in this forum.

    Where's your evidence to support this claim? In this game, where can you show evidence that any change the Homecoming team has made that decreased the population? This data doesn't exist because there isn't a methodology publicly in place to record changes in the population BASED SOLELY ON CHANGES  MADE BY THE HOMECOMING VOLUNTEERS. Your speculative opinion is not grounded in reality and does not provide substantive feedback to the volunteers who run this game who don't have all the time in the world to sift through basic level opinionated complaints and real criticisms out feedback that can actually be addressed. 


    I'm tired of reading posts from people just complaining because they don't have an outlet for it elsewhere and think they are entitled to wasting volunteer time with their non-contributing opinions. 


    Not liking something in this game is entirely different than describing an actual problem that can go in a bug report or lead to actionable changes after being reviewed by the HC team. 

    • Like 4
    • Confused 1
  3. There was something related to this in an earlier build in the beta, but it didn't make it to the live version. 


    Movement Buffs

    • This change has been reverted
    • This will be looked at again in the future, potentially Page 2, as we look into proliferating Ninjitsu
    • The following travel powers will suppress Primary/Secondary equivalent power travel buffs:
      • Jump_CombatJump.png.a160a263e44d63bc2fcdbf62d38c81e2.png Pool > Leaping > Combat Jumping
      • Jump_LongJump.png.6b020dfc18386ba6566d3f0badbc8e89.png Pool > Leaping > Super Jump
      • ForceofWill_MightyLeap.png.87eed40e33b37938ffc5644069cfdb51.png Pool > Force of Will > Mighty Leap
      • SuperSpeed_SuperSpeed.png.4f9dcffbf97e96335f05897c8568815f.png Pool > Speed > Super Speed
      • Experimentation_SpeedofSound.png.3e140116f13135d86b2f1cfb5f117a29.png Pool > Experimentation > Speed of Sound
      • Inherent_NinjaRun.png.4397e15de17ae71110e6e5e12d87c4cf.png Prestige Travel > Ninja Run
      • Inherent_BeastRun.png.f3b1803fe72afc29398932c473ca2e02.png Prestige Travel > Beast Run
      • Inherent_AthleticRun.png.7b69ff39f84cadbbd7e613d65a27af3e.png Prestige Travel > Athletic Run
    • Primary/Secondary powers impacted by this:
      • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Scrapper Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
      • Ninjitsu_Run.png.634f535aaa2d582038a0a89d5622952d.png Sentinel Defence > Ninjitsu > Shinobi-Iri
      • NinjaTools_Assassin.png.50ddb59179d9fadb8264b97b10275495.png Blaster Support > Ninja Training > Shinobi-Iri
      • tacticalarrow_quickness.png.44daf1fa7ac354a4f37fe6e7a9adc6cd.png Blaster Support > Tactical Arrow > Gymnastics
  4. 3 minutes ago, therealtitanman said:

    You should know, even post patched, player still can suggest they dont like it.

    exploit can be solved, but not in punish everyone. long cd is a not punishment for certain player "abuse the game" but everyone

    They are literally always accepting feedback from players, look at the first post for this example:



    Teleporter Batteries

    The next thing we're looking into is the idea of Teleporter Batteries. This stemmed from looking at more modern MMOs (such as Guild Wars 2), where fast travel is instant once you unlock a destination (like with Long Range Teleporter), but has a small currency cost.


    Enter Teleporter Batteries - these would be a special type of Salvage, which would instantly refresh the cooldown of LRT. You'll be able to access them via the Fast Travel menu (or through your own macros, popmenus and keybinds, or from the Salvage window), and then instantly use LRT to zip to another zone.


    We'll also be looking at integrating batteries into the relevant Day Jobs in order to replace the duplicate powers, but what form that takes (or if it even happens at all) is completely up in the air right now.


    • Like 1
  5. 19 minutes ago, krj12 said:

    As far as Jimmy's post where he thinks no one should be able to do it, well, I guess...

    After many volunteer hours of testing, receiving many players feedback and suggestions, incorporating this feedback in to subsequent builds, testing again, going out of their way to find the best solution with the least impact on gameplay, all the while reiterating likely hundreds of times in all official platforms of communication to the player base over the past year that this exploit would be removed.


    The Homecoming volunteers have gone above and beyond in their efforts to balance fixing an exploit and keeping the player base happy. 

    • Like 3
  6. 3 minutes ago, krj12 said:

    I don't care for you making drastic changes to zone travel just to fix a supposed pvp exploit.     What percentage of players actually pvp,  maybe 5% at most?   

    The old devs kept breaking pve for the sake of pvp,  why continue that tradition?

    This is change is not related to PvP in any way, shape, or form.


    I'll point you back to Jimmy's first post in this thread:



    As for why it’s being changed, well that’s simple: You should not be able to teleport to any base, instantly, with no cost, regardless of your character’s level or progress, by using a simple slash command.


    Additionally, this command and other related commands had numerous other lesser-known exploitable issues.



    • Like 1
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  7. 1 minute ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    "This game is maintained by volunteers and you get to play for free."


    Is this seriously going to be posted in response to EVERY SINGLE CRITICISM OF EVERYTHING BY ANYONE?


    Yes, this game is run by volunteers. There do not exist words in the English language that enable me to express how grateful I am to those volunteers. Yes, I get to play this game for free. I'd pay for it but I keep missing the donation window. I'll hit it eventually.


    Do you think we don't know this? Or does this mean that we're not ALLOWED to dislike or criticize anything?

    That's fair @PeregrineFalcon. I dig your signature btw.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 minute ago, ZacKing said:

    Feedback that went against the grain didn't seem to matter at least to me.  their ideas were set in stone and there wasn't much discussion other than "like it or leave it", so don't really see how having more people provide feedback would have mattered.  what should have been a simple copy/paste of the Oro portal functionality to make a new base portal was turned into a jumbled mess IMO of a bunch of different stuff we really didn't need to add "time/inf sinks".  there was a simple direction to go with this and it seems like they are dead set about overcomplicating it.  I really appreciate the effort and work that went into what they put together as I'm sure it's a lot of work so thanks for that, just kinda a "thanks but it's not what I wanted or needed" kind of thing.  maybe next time they'll engage the players in the design process first.

    agreed and not to mention the inf cost across lots of alts to get the P2W power.  this made bases a lot more expensive than it needed to be IMO

    PUGs are still going to want you to have LRT or whichever of the new fast travel things, so nothings changed. 

    I'm looking at three entirely different builds for these changes in the beta forum that addressed many players feedback. I would have to disagree with this opinion. 

    • Like 4
  9. 1 minute ago, Taboo said:

    Does the level 53 Hami exploit count as something that needs to be rolled back? New change costing some folks a lot of $$. Billions.

    If you're referring to folks who placed their excess in-game currency on the market place via higher than Level 50 HOs assuming that those orders wouldn't be filled, then I would disagree with your opinion.


    Other players noted ahead of time the pending outcome of such changes. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Crowe said:

    I'm already hearing the griping in SG chat and in game.  I don't think enough players actually use the forums and weighed in on this facet of the changes.  If there were exploits with the original, it should have been removed promptly.  Instead, it was left in place for over a year and during that time became a de facto feature of the game.  And it was enjoyable and made certain activities less burdensome (the Numina multi-zone hunt X mission, for example).  Perhaps if the LRT accolade was account-wide, it wouldn't have been such a bitter pill to swallow.  The re-design of the game encourages alting but the new LRT system penalizes it.  I have 70+ characters... I just looked at several of my 50s and they have NO destinations for LRT.  I'm not a badger but in addition to the penalty of per-character LRT, I'm also now forced to become a badger multiple times over to achieve what was taken. I'm certainly not happy with this change and would be thrilled to roll it back even if that took the all of the other new things with it. 

    You and your SG members feedback could've been provided on Discord or via actually beta testing over the past four weeks. It wasn't just on the forums, a notification window in-game /gmotd tells you these changes were being implemented and sought feedback.

  11. 2 hours ago, Taboo said:

    Lots of work probably went into Issue 27. Nows we gets to heap praise, poke holes and point out blunders.


    Some things I'm keen on others not so much.


    The Bad

    making powersets the same

    'revamp' to existing sets that kinda give what was asked for but mostly what many didn't want

    Long Range Teleporter, Base Transporter P2W (10min?! so lame)


    The Fugly

    small groups pushing big changes

    rushed release of some unfinished changes

    Did you do any testing whatsoever or provide any kind of substantive feedback to help address concerns with your "The Bad" and "The FUGLY"? 


    You pay absolutely no money to play a game supported by volunteers. Yet you start a whole thread just to indicate your likes and dislikes. Issue 27 has literally been out for four hours...

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 3
    • Sad 3
  12. Hey badgers! With Issue 27 now live, a bunch of new badges are available to collect. One badge in particular I think may require some extra effort in acquiring, so I thought I would post some helpful information that a few forum posters and players found from clues left by Piecemeal for this content over the past couple months. That being said, there are spoilers below for this awesome content!


    Story Arc: The Freakish Lab of Dr. Vahzilok (Villain, Level 30-39) 

    Contact: Doc Buzzsaw, Sharkhead Isle

    • Listed in Ouroboros under Captain (Level 35-39) > The Freakish Lab of Dr. Vahzilok (27.02)


    Special thanks goes to: @Grouchybeast, @Lines, @Ironblade, @LQT, @FoulVileTerror, and @Piecemeal . 




    305632434_SL6_TStarcopy.png.f3434a36c506af7fdf8aabe5c84a0094.png Tarnished Star

    Earned in Doc Buzzsaw's arc (spoilers in the box below):


    "Fill every jail cell in The Zig during your life as a hero, before becoming a villain and releasing Bile during "The Freakish Lab of Dr. Vahzilok" story arc."


    This will require defeating (or sparring) the following NPCs prior to beginning the arc and/or collecting their story arc souvenirs:


    These five are found in the Admiral Sutter Task Force:
    1.      Primal Col. Duray
    2.      Praetorian Col. Duray
    3.      Harbinger
    4.      Jane Temblor
    5.      Fusion


    The next three are found in Striga Island:
    6.      Archon Burkholder from Ernesto Hess Task Force
    7.      Heracles from Stephanie Peebles story arc "Ring of Peebles" (3.01 Level 25-29)
    8.      Arakhn from the Moonfire TF


    Steel Canyon Story Arc:
    9.      Sun Xiong from Graham Easton's story arc "Last Rites" (NOTE: YOU MUST SPARE HIS LIFE, NOT DEFEAT HIM FOR HIM TO SPAWN IN CELL)


    Faultline Story Arcs from Jim Temblor "Rumblings of the Past" Souvenir (8.01 Level 20-24) thru Doc Deliah "The Buried Past" story arc*:
    10.    Night Widow Nocturne
    11.    Kurse

    *NOTE: It appears that in order for these two enemies to spawn in the Zig prison cell in the mission, all four Faultline Story Arcs are required to be completed.


    Shauna Stockwell's Souvenir "The Superadine Ring" (24.01 Level 15-19)
    12.    Chernobog Petrovic


    Kings Row Story Arc from Eagle Eye "Lords of Death" (24.02 Level 15-19)
    13.    Veles Petrovic


    Hollows Story Arc from Talshak the Mystic "Heart of the Hollows" (2.04 Level 10-14)
    14.    Atta


    Synapse Task Force (Badge: Synapse Cohort/Betrayer)
    15.    Clockwork King from Synapse TF


    Positron Task Force Part Two (Badge: Dam Hero, with prerequisite of Rule of Three Badge) and the original Positron Task Force via Ouroborus
    16.    Dr. Vahzilok AND Rollister


    One Talos Island Story Arc from Marvin Weintraub or Collin Larson (IP) "Freaklympics" (0.20 Level 25-29)

    17.    "Mistah Static' from the last mission in the Freaklympics Gold Medal Souvenir Story Arc


    • Like 6
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  13. 2 hours ago, Solarverse said:

    I ran tests against a low level character who had zero IOs and absolutely zero resists to slows or -recharge. It was sad really. I think you are right though, PvP today (I have not PvPed yet since i13, prior to i13 I lived and breathed PvP) is all about Defense (since resistance seems to be given without much effort) vs Straight forward DPS and high Accuracy +ToHit.

    And even the state of pvp that you described (def vs acc/to-hit & dmg) is really one sided thanks to the diminishing return curve of defense in PvP and the absolute insanity of damage procs. Damage is king. 

    • Like 3
  14. 38 minutes ago, Magnarsh said:


    Nah, I recreated some of my old ones, but ultimately decided to start fresh and make new ones. Maybe one day I'll recreate Magnarsh 😃 Was that your handle on Victory? Glad you're back on HC 


    I think I played on Triumph primarily, but I had some alts on Victory IIRC. Glacier Peak was my main on Live and I recreated him here on HC. Great costumes! Ethergreen looks awesome.

  15. 2 hours ago, Communistpenguin said:

    I was planning on reusing some of my old ram, though someone on the pcpartpicker forums said that is a bad idea since my old ram is not that great.  The whole idea with overbuying on the processor is so that it will last longer. I figured the ram is an easy swap so i wasn't particularly concerned about upgrading that later, but a processor is a pain to swap out so i would rather get something that will still be pretty fast 8 years from now. I think I need a new case, one of suggestions on the pcpartpicker website was to add three $15 fans, so that makes a $60 case a $115 case, so wouldnt it make sense to just get a better case rom the getgo?

    As long as the RAM is compatible, I don't see any issue. As for the CPU reasoning, yeah that is fair. I look at getting between 5-8 years of computation out of my CPU. Case (and case fans) choice is fine. PC cases rarely determine the build either way (unless you're going small form factor (SFX)). Ideally, if you're going to be staring at the case for the next few years, you get something that is not hideous. It looks like you picked a good looking and affordable case.

  16. This is great data to chew on, though I would hesitate to draw any conclusions past what your methodology intended. A base line is an important place to start, so if other folks think your methodology is not accurate, perhaps they will supply their own data and testing procedures which can be replicated by other players to determine their validity. Either way, great post.

    • Like 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Magnarsh said:



    A collage of some characters from my concept SG. 


    Dark Eden - Staff/Nin

    Father Mitternacht - DP/Dark

    Blood Prophet - Savage/WP

    Ogbun - Bio/Spines

    Teuflisch - Dark/Titan

    Nice! I remember you had a cool original costume for your namesake on live, did you recreate it on HC?

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