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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 48 minutes ago, Indystruck said:

    Ignoring the usual mechanics of the game and playing on a level more demanding than anything else in the game is required for Kheldian DPS to match a scrapper that is decently played.


    If they have to lose Glowing Touch for a DPS bump, so be it.

    Why do you think they should match a Scrapper in DPS?

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  2. 2 hours ago, Laucianna said:

    And being in a team really doesn't boost our damage greater then anyone, if anything we suffer as a lot of other damage ATs have higher damage cap hence why I suggested an upgrade to the cap

    I'm not sure how you came to this conclusion. The in-game inherent description describes the benefit of teaming. No other Archetype inherent benefits from teaming, except for Defenders. 




    InherentPeacebringer InterSpacialLink.png Cosmic Balance

    Kheldians naturally thrive off the energy and essence of their teammates. Peacebringers' metamorphic nature allows them to bring balance to their team. Your Damage will increase for each nearby Tanker, Mastermind, Corruptor or Defender teammate. Your Damage Resistance will increase for each nearby Scrapper, Sentinel, Brute, Stalker or Blaster teammate. Each nearby Controller or Dominator teammate will grant you limited Protection from Control effects. Finally, each nearby Peacebringer, Warshade, or teamed Arachnos Soldier or Widow grants you some resistance to attack time slow effects. You cannot put Enhancements in this power.


    InherentPeacebringer InterSpacialLink.png Dark Sustenance
    Kheldians naturally thrive off the energy and essence of their teammates. Warshades' absorbing nature allows them to draw on the power of their teammates' power to increase their own. Your Damage Resistance will increase for each nearby Tanker, Mastermind, Corruptor or Defender teammate. Your Damage will increase for each nearby Scrapper, Sentinel, Stalker, Brute or Blaster teammate. Each nearby Controller or Dominator teammate will grant you limited Protection from Control effects. Finally, each nearby Peacebringer, Warshade, or teamed Arachnos Soldier or Widow grants you some resistance to attack time slow effects. You cannot put Enhancements in this power.



    Teaming with a Corruptor, Defender, Mastermind, or Tanker provides a +20% Damage boost (stacks with existing effects) to all attacks. Their damage scales are already equal, or in some cases higher than other damage-oriented Archetypes also.


    Archetype Melee Damage Scale Ranged Damage Scale
    Kheldian 0.850 (1.000 in Dwarf) 0.800 (1.200 in Nova)
    Blaster 1.000 1.125
    Scrapper 1.125 0.500
    Sentinel 1.100 1.100
    Arachnos Widow 1.000 1.000
    Arachnos Solider 1.000 1.000
    Dominator 1.050 0.950


    They tie for fifth out of 15 Archetypes for best in Melee Damage Scale while in Dwarf form, behind Scrapper (1st), Dominator (2nd), Sentinel (3rd), and Dominators (4th) - tied with Blasters and Stalkers. While in Dwarf form they have higher max hp, damage resistance, and defense than all other Archetypes except Tankers, Scrappers, Stalkers, and Brutes (tied with Arachnos Widow & Solider on damage resist and defense).


    What's more, while in Nova form the ranged damage scale is also the highest in the game (in addition to increased accuracy, endurance recovery, and two attacks with farther range than a Blaster standard range (100ft vs. 80ft)). As you know, you can activate Light Form then switch to Nova for a rather tanky squid also!


    They hit 400% maximum damage total, however - this is equal to all other Archetypes besides Blasters, Corruptors, Scrappers, Brutes, Sentinels, Stalkers, and Tankers who have 500% (or 700% in the case of the Brute). That's where some direct comparisons become somewhat muddy (Aim+Build Up for Blasters not up all the time, Fury needs constant maintenance, etc. Basically everyone would need to chew Reds to get to their cap or have teammates provide +damage buffs). 


    Also take in to account the aforementioned max HP I referenced above. This makes more of an impact when coupled with Dwarf or Nova form, however, in Human form it also acts as a secondary heal.


    Archetype Base HP Max HP Cap
    Blaster 1204.8 1847.3
    Controller 1017.4 1606.4
    Defender 1017.4 1606.4
    Scrapper 1338.6 2409.5
    Tanker 1874.1 3534
    Peacebringer 1070.9 2409.5
    Warshade 1070.9 2409.5
    Sentinel 1204.8 2088.3
    Brute 1499.3 3212.7
    Stalker 1204.8 2088.3
    Mastermind 803.2 1606.4
    Dominator 1017.4 1606.4
    Corruptor 1070.9 1606.4
    Arachnos Widow 1070.9 2409.5
    Arachnos Solider 1070.9 2409.5


    2 hours ago, Laucianna said:

    Our damage is 100% upsetting without changeling


    Based on these data points, what does "upsetting" mean in this context? And how would you balance increasing the damage to compensate?


    My point is that there has to be trade-offs to balance your increase in one thing with a decrease in another. Kheldians are not meant to be the best at everything or even at one thing - they are a balanced Archetype that can do everything well (breadth vs. depth as it were).

  3. 10 minutes ago, Laucianna said:

    Without changeling binds our damage is far below what it should be

    Where is damage currently at and where should it be? The base modifiers tell part of the story, but damage alone isn't all there is. The status effects and debuffs also add to the overall survivability of the Kheldian - just as playing with teammates does too. This [being teaming] increases the damage output of a Kheldian to a greater degree than any other Archetype. 


    By adding higher damage base modifiers or resistance - if I'm reading your suggestions right - what does this accomplish? What are the trade offs willing to be made? 

    • Confused 1
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  4. 1 hour ago, Cold Bob said:

    It's worth checking out, but don't just go running in there without firing off a Barrier or something, because you will die.


    I wonder if this little secret area is foreshadowing something... 😉


    Did you see the Nemefish in the pools?


    • Banjo 1
  5. 52 minutes ago, lemming said:

    So, long day today and decided to do a little testing before just vegging and found myself just being starting to just look at this box.  And tend minutes later the timer went off telling me dinner was ready


    I thought it was an original Item of Power from the Cathedral of Pain with some recoloring, but after doing the same thing you did, I started to see the old Windows 98 screensaver maze.

  6. 1 hour ago, Burk said:


    Well, you forgot Trick Arrow's EMP Arrow, but its important to keep in mind that not all -regen is the same. It's a far cry to compare Cold doing -500% regen or Traps doing -1000% to Kinetics or Poison only having a pitiful -50%. That -50% would be alright if the main targets where people want -regen didn't have a lot of regen debuff resistance. Take, for example, a standard level 50 AV has 85% resistance to regen, reducing that -50% to a mere -7.5% which is basically equivalent to doing 7.217 dps.


    I'd say the only sets that have -regen worth talking about are Traps, Radiation, Trick Arrow, Cold, Dark, and Thermal.

    Well said - in addition to doing -regen, there are other debuffs in play from those powers as well (all to varying %s). Is there a design formula to follow for debuffs, particularly the -regen component? Knowing that and seeing where Marine Affinity is at comparatively would help assess the powerset. 

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  7. 21 minutes ago, JayboH said:

    Yeah Benumb is another one like that (Brine.)  I don't mind the single target huge debuff long recharge nature if it didn't have a tohit check.  So painful to miss with something that limited with such a long cooldown.  The rest sounds pretty good.  The tier 1 power sounds skippable on a respec.  People don't have as much need for defense debuffs at high level.  For leveling this set sounds pretty good.  Probably can run only one Leadership toggle though (if any) due to the expensive nature of Shifting Tides.  Similar with Radiation and Storm in that respect.

    Benumb doesn't slot any sets, so it's normal to throw an Acc/Rech Dsync or just a 50+5 Acc IO in it. 


    Slotting is key to see performance. 

  8. 43 minutes ago, lemming said:

    Wish there was a -Regen just so we get something other than bring someone with Benumb for some fights

    Poison Trap from Traps. Spore Cloud from Nature Affinity. Howling Twilight from Dark Miasma. Shock from Electric Affinity. Transfusion from Kinetics. Envenom from Poison. Lingering Radiation from Radiation Emission. Heat Exhaustion from Thermal Radiation. Time Crawl and Time Stop from Time Manipulation.


    So 9 debuff/buff powersets have the -regen and 6 don't have -regen.

    • Like 1
  9. On 3/28/2024 at 12:59 PM, The Curator said:

    New Support Powerset - Marine Affinity - Defender, Controller, Corruptor, Mastermind

    Marine Affinity allows players to command the power of the Oceans to buff their friends and wash away their enemies. This set focuses on turning the tides of battle with several area-based buffs and debuffs, specifically bolstering ally damage while dampening enemy damage potential. Thematically, the set's area coverage allows you to either spread out areas of effect in a wide but shallow pool, or dive deep in one spot to bowl over enemies.



    MarineAffinity_ShoalRush.png.b278d5cfa3d187fc9736aa4a913f772b.png Shoal Rush - By sensing the water in an area, you can direct a shoal of marine life to detect your foes. This lowers the defense and stealth of all enemies struck.


    MarineAffinity_SoothingWave.png.e80dbbf6495135dcef474b6b5d0301ab.png Soothing Wave - Send forth a calming wave of water, washing over friend and foe alike. Allies will be healed by this power, while enemies will have their offensive power watered down.


    MarineAffinity_ToroidalBubble.png.b480e038bb1ad4966fde4050c54405ab.png Toroidal Bubble - You create a ring of Bubbles that encase your allies, constantly hydrating them to replenish endurance and reducing the effects of endurance drain. The bubble also reduces all incoming damage, providing extra resistance to Fire and Cold damage, and also increases jump height thanks to added buoyancy.


    MarineAffinity_Whitecap.png.a0f68b395718d289a1bb4dbfa3a8061f.png Whitecap- Summon and ride a wave of water towards your target, crashing down to knock over all enemies in the radius and staggering them, lowering their damage resistance! Enemies close to where you crash will receive harsher debuffs for a brief time.


    MarineAffinity_TidePool.png.1b0eb1550ebd2e55b00ac7c3340f03db.png Tide Pool- Create a large pool of water at a targeted location to swell the damage that your allies deal, while reducing the damage and movement speeds of enemies within the Tide Pool. If an enemy is defeated in the pool, the marine life present will be thrown into a frenzy! While frenzied, the Tide Pool has a chance to knock over enemies and the damage buff and debuff is stronger.


    MarineAffinity_Brine.png.dc5e2631004adc47478b052b0dc90231.png Brine - You coat an enemy in an extremely salinated layer of deep-sea brine that reduces your foe's damage output, maximum hit points, and resistance to damage. The lowered resistance to damage will degrade over time to a lower value. The lowered maximum hit points cannot stack from any source.


    MarineAffinity_ShiftingTides.png.8b493a174f029535ef783ac75dae6e25.png Shifting Tides - Select a target to create a field of shifting waters around them. Enemies within the shifting waters will take bonus damage when any power hits them, as well as provide you and your allies a stacking Rising Tide buff that increases ToHit, Damage, and Recharge time. 


    MarineAffinity_Wellspring.png.8150b9051fb4284e428f1d9ad6b14f09.png Wellspring - Summon a Wellspring teeming with life at your target location. The Wellspring will emit an aura that washes over allies in range, providing them with a defensive cover of water that will absorb and deflect some damage.


    MarineAffinity_PowerOfTheDepths.png.795d88444d16230aefdd00bf096a68f0.png Power of the Depths - Becoming a conduit of the ocean itself, you boost the max hit points and endurance of allies within range. This power will also increase the Regeneration rate of all nearby allies, while also increasing the Range of all of their powers. A portion of these effects will decay over time.

    Thank you for addressing the over indenting - is there any way we can have the dev note in pink about what they want tested? I'm assuming the standard power set testing, but if there's something specific maybe? Thanks!

    • Microphone 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Ironblade said:

    Seriously, how the hell does the first person even find something like that?

    I didn't have foreknowledge of it. I was orientating myself to the new base changes in RWZ and thought why are there so many boxes in this hallway? Then I saw cobwebs and thought maybe there was something being obscured. I guess curiosity got me to find it. What did you think of it?

    • Banjo 1
  11. Just now, Bopper said:

    It's actually not that bad when you realize it ignores resistance and is auto-hit. Typically, higher ranked foes have higher natural resistance to ToHit debuffs (Bosses have a minimum 20% resistance, LTs have 10%). Throw in enhancements, and you can somewhat counter any purple patch you might face. 


    So treat it as a steadfast protection, with a little extra on top. A perfectly fine one-slot wonder power.

    That's where my brain went next on the third edit lol. There's only so much def can do!

  12. 58 minutes ago, KaizenSoze said:


    My highest damaging attack behind placate/spin is placate/slash. On fast moving teams Psychic Scream will beat out Spin.


    Placate can be as low as 7-8 seconds recharge. I have mine in the 10 sec range. One you get the rhythm down, it's quite a damaging combo.


    From stealth you can dive into the mobs Spin, target a boss or lt, placate, slash. Crit city. On fast moving teams I lead with Psychic Scream, because mobs die too quickly to get into melee AOE range. In that case, I head for the boss, placate/slash.


    Nothing resists placate, you need a sec to pop an insp, placate. You need to keep part of a spawn from attacking you, though they will heal/buff, placate.


    The real reason I keep Smoke Nade in the build is for careful pulling and some resists. If you want a real challenge try an AE 801.3 at 4x8. It's the reason the build exists.

    How many targets does Smoke Grenade affect


    Okay so 16 targets. But only -3.75% tohit?? That's awful


    And it's enhanceable - so maybe -7.50% tohit or so? Do enemies have -tohit debuff resistance? 

  13. 1 hour ago, temnix said:

    I filed a ticket about this in game to support under Technical Issues. They marvelled and suggested that I write about this bug on the boards. I don't want to write about it AGAIN. The ticket should pass on to the bug fixers. If GMs can't do that now, make it so they can and will. All right, here goes: my dual-pistoling character ends up without holsters at her sides every time I go to edit her costume. The guns disappear, and I have to reenable them showing. Their colors also reset to the same palette, and so does the type: she uses Semi-Auto with Laser Scope (how come none of those scopes actually emit a ray of any length, by the by?), but they turn into simple Semi-Auto. I don't know whether this is a problem unique to that model. Another character of mine carries two Navy Colt Revolvers, and they remain in the editor, though he doesn't use holsters and they are not tintable.



    Looks like they posted the same thread twice, but this has a different title. The rest of the post looks fine!

  14. 1 minute ago, Sunsette said:


    Yes, every time I've led a tinpex and several times I've been a secondary on one.



    People feel pressure to not be the last one in and get embarrassed easily. Occasionally other players are straight up jerks about it, too. And it's hard to get people to keep from going ahead on Tinpex, so have ended up with newbies or recently-returned who show up to a map just in time for everything else to be done.


    These changes are never about some grave injustice or harm, they're about acknowledgment of likely outcomes and mitigating them.

    Well if it can't be helped, what are the specific design changes being requested and how has the suggestion been validated to mitigate the aforementioned inconvenience?


    It sounds like just making the mission waypoints actually connect to the mission doors.

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  15. I'm not moved by the reasoning for this suggestion, but I'm not against it. 


    My perspective on the new design was that because I was used to it a certain way for many years, I take should take initiative and see what has changed before doing anything else in the zone.


    I spent upwards of 30 minutes looking at how the motor pool, infirmary, hidden Easter egg, and Architect Entertainment wings all connect. Once I was comfortable with that I participated in an MSR to my satisfaction. 


    I don't think it was difficult to find my way around after I looked on my own.


    Did anyone mention the new design to their teams before running content in these anecdotes? And was the extra 5 minutes getting to the mission that big of an inconvenience? If a "bad" player learns how to navigate to a mission instead of just mashing Team Teleporter or Mission Teleporter, is that a bad thing for the rest of the community? They could then pass that information along to others to prevent it from happening. 

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