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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. On 4/6/2024 at 11:45 AM, Midnyte said:

    Tuesday edit: I've been trying to find time this week to post these! Here is the first TF. I know I messed up on Jax's character, but will fix it later. I have to go out tonight, but will wrap this up tomorrow when I get home. 🙂 


    Apex TF - Unique ATs - Original costumes

    Saturday, April 6, 2024






    Cinnamon Apple, blaster by @TrixieKixx



    Ayuna, Arachnos Widow by @Princess Cecilia



    Kataigis, controller by @Burnt Umber



    @Glacier Peak, corruptor



    Bane Spider, Nytemayre, by @Midnyte



    Civil Powers, tanker by @Jaxman100





    While the team was still forming, Glacier Peak took us on an easter egg tour in Rikti War Zone









    Let the games begin!
















    ~ The End ~ (Tin Mage pictures tomorrow!)



    Oh these are great! This was a well done Apex / Tin Mage combo.

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  2. 10 hours ago, Zect said:

    With all accolades and the steadfast piece you have 1758.9 EHP against SL damage that hits. With all accolades and the unbreakable guard 7.5% HP instead you have 1826.8 EHP against SL damage that hits, and in addition the bonus HP also works vs other damage types.

    What's EHP?

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  3. 5 hours ago, Scarlet Shocker said:



    I stopped reading your wall of text at your 2nd para.


    Do a cheap option

    I won't speak for @KaizenSoze, but in my experience, in order to really harness the truly awesome power that can be wielded by an Arachnos Widow, it requires a substantial investment.


    I'm not just talking about inf either, though with three build slots it might be my most expensive character. There's also the opportunity cost of trying out new things in different situations that players have learned from over years of playing an Arachnos Widow.


    Time is an investment. Some of us were fortunate enough that players like @KaizenSoze, @Bopper, @Harakh, @Gulbasaur, and others have passed along what they've learned in the form of their fantastic builds and considerations.


    I didn't know I could solo the ITF on my Arachnos Widow until I read @Bopper builds. I didn't think Elude was a great power until I discussed it with @nihilii. I didn't know how important an Immobilize power was until I read about it in a @KaizenSoze build guide. 


    I thank the Arachnos Widow community for staying active. I know it's the lowest population Archetype on Homecoming. Glad they've shared as much as they have, as I really enjoy playing my Arachnos Widow. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, Ukase said:

    Would it be so bad to simply disable judgement outside of incarnate content? And for that matter - why can we use lore in non-incarnate content? We don't get the level shift from lore, why do we get to keep the pets? And yeah, I personally LIKE having judgement and lore pets available outside of incarnate content. But, I get it. Fighting Adamastor, we had 3 teams, and suddenly I'm surrounded by lore pets. Why? Not like we need them. If it were a team of 3 or 4, sure. But 24 supers tackling a dummy like Adamastor? Overkill. 

    @Ukase I'm with you on this. It's the City of Overkill. Damage creep has never been as abundant as it is now. At the same time, I don't want to impact others playstyle if all I needed to do to disable judgement outside of incarnate content was unslot it from the Judgement incarnate slot. Sort of a 'meet me halfway' situation I think.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Raleigh Stones said:

    Being Cool...not a problem...but my question is...when that line can/should be crossed...

    I played the original from 2004 until D-Day in 2012.
    Subscribed when I could and loved the long rage discounts given.

    I, like all other players, let TPTB do the things that TPTB do.

    Including taking care of the lawsuits that were brought on by DC/Marvel et. al

    concerning copyright infringement.


    The other day I saw a dead-on copy of a Friendly neighborhood Spiderman.

    It was about 98% accurate. I've seen other characters as well...Ms Marvel, and a few others...

    Do I report this? Do I approach the player?
    I am asking as one who simply wants to protect this game from legal harassment.

    This game is a life blood me at times.

    What are my options or what would YOU, TPTB prefer a mere player do?

    It's your responsibility to contact/report the 'suspected' Code of Conduct violation to a GM to adjudicate the situation. GMs rely on the players eyes and ears since they can't be everywhere at once. Beyond that, you're not expected to do anything.


    Copyright Policy

    Use of copyrighted characters and content without permission is not permitted when creating characters or Architect content.


  6. On 4/6/2024 at 9:58 PM, BeowulfinIA said:

    What mistakes am I making in my build.  This character will likely be used in hard mode TFs as well as normal content.

    Beobot PBCD - Corruptor (Psychic Blast).mxd 5 kB · 6 downloads

    I'm looking at the Cold Domination side of your build, so take my comments with that in mind.


    Infridigate is a wonderful power! I've teetered on how I want to use it over the years as it's utility shines in a lot of different situations; it's able to slot up to 7 different procs, 6 of which have a 93% chance of firing (assuming no recharge is slotted in the power!). It's either a great additional attack in the rotation with added +dmg and -def and -res (when slotting the Achilles Heel proc) or it's two-slotted wonder with a 50+5 Acc IO and the Achilles Heel proc if you're short on slots. The power is a great opener in any boss fight because it sets the pace (with -speed!) for follow on attacks by enabling higher likelihood of the next attack landing thanks to it's -25% def debuff (base %, but yours is nearly -40% for 20 seconds!). It's also great against fire-typed enemies, as it drops a whopping -30% fire dmg on the target as well. It looks like you went the middle ground by getting in the cold proc and adding some great HOs to get the most out of the power before ED. You'll enjoy this power!



    This Cold Domination Level 1 power has access to 7 procs in total! This is due to the Invention Origin 'Set Categories' that the power can slot - Defense Debuff, Accurate Defense Debuff, and Slow Movement all being proc-abundant sets. Note: Proc-per-min (PPM)


    image.png.eb780d083662ee3f6b24106a2e861c51.png Achilles Heel: Chance for Resistance Debuff (3.5 PPM)

    image.png.8821e4fd03f6b735465e1fa4ef6252e9.png Touch of Lady Grey: Chance for Negative Energy Damage (3.5 PPM)

    image.png.3b459e282e1d60801d691bf4577e2f03.png Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (3.5 PPM)

    image.png.5b7b2b697c5c8857242ff7fa09bb0dca.png Analyze Weakness: Chance for +To Hit (2 PPM)

    image.png.bef6b94a86ea2e00aec489d2c678e8a6.png Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage (3.5 PPM)

    image.png.98f6d441566dd5e7049dc31877e3c1e5.png Ice Mistral's Torement: Chance for Cold Damage (3.5 PPM)

    image.png.b45840c425792ecea7d2d7e1325a80b5.png Pacing of the Turtle: Chance for Recharge Slow (3.5 PPM)


    Now  image.png.69a0641b5a950229ad29a757c0370875.png  Infrigidate has a 1 second cast time and a base 15 second recharge time (across all archetypes with access to the Cold Domination powerset). It's the poster child for procs! With these two points of data, we can calculate the Chance to Proc:


    Formula for Single Target Attacks: ((Base Recharge/(1+Recharge Slotted)+Activation Time)xPPM/60)


    ((15/(1+0%)+1)x3.5/60) = 93% Chance to proc any of the 3.5 PPM procs listed above.


    In my opinion, 6-slotting image.png.69a0641b5a950229ad29a757c0370875.png  Infrigidate would be a waste in most cases, but it's still cool to see all the procs fire off!


    I'll touch on Ice Shield and Glacial Shield together. These are either LoTG +7.5% rech mules or you can do two-slots if you have the capacity for slots. I'd suggest going with the Gladiator Armor +Def global and/or the Shield Wall +Res in either of the two in addition to the LoTG if you are chasing easy boosts to your resiliency. While the shield's both grant mediocre +def (both positional and typed) and can be enhanced to around 20% +def, I would caution in over investing in that unless you plan to focus on either a support build or using a pet to tank/taunt incoming damage. Otherwise, it looks like what I've got on mine (those are LoTG +7.5%, but I went and +5'd them for the added defense)!




    Snow Storm... I've been back and forth on this power. It's a fun power to abuse if the target it susceptible to -immob (which is nearly every enemy critter in the game!). Throwing Snow Storm on flying targets is also helpful against Sky Raiders and other flying targets. At the same time, the endurance cost is pretty high (but that is off set easily by Heat Loss) and it's debuffs are already captured by using Infridigate, Benumb, and Heat Loss. If you decide to take it, I would tell you I've had limited success in using it in teams, mostly because targets drop so fast these days because of damage cascading. If you use it on an AV and have a pocket -immobilize power, your Tank friends will thank you! Otherwise if I had to pick a power to drop to find something else, it would be Snow Storm.


    Frostwork is slotted exactly how I have mine. The +Absorb proc is a global proc, so it will fire while it's in Frostwork regardless of if you cast the power on an ally. Looks good!


    Arctic Fog in your build is normal in my opinion. The +Def boosts are minor, even when heavily slotted. I tend to slot the whole LoTG set in here for the endurance reduction and minor bump in Def, but you could use those slots elsewhere if you're in a pinch. The two Resistance IOs are interesting - it looks like you're using Arctic Fog defensively, so that +23% res to Fire, Cold, and Energy will stack nicely with Tough's Smashing and Lethal to give you decent cross typed damage resistance coverage. The cool thing about Arctic Fog is that when you attack an enemy, you still retain the 35.5ft of Stealth! This disappears completely when you click a mission objective though.


    Benumb & Heat Loss are key powers in the set, along with Sleet. You've slotted Benumb and Heat Loss the same as I have on my Ice/Cold Corruptor build. I consider these exactly how you should do so. Benumb is such a heavy hitter with it's -regen and -dmg. 


    Sleet I think you might be overslotting this one in the build you shared. The +dmg procs are a nice addition, but Sleet is not built as a damage dealing power (unless you make it one with dmg procs!). The benefits you get from the -def and -res (though I should note the Achilles Heel -res proc doesn't stack, it replaces it's debuff on a target already affected by it (think Infridigate if you keep the slotting the same)) will be where you feel the biggest impact. I would offer you an alternative slotting where you could focus more on getting the recharge down so it's ready after each mob is defeated (approx. 15 seconds or so) and stick with the two d-syncs and the Achilles Heel proc. 


    Have fun, Cold Domination is super versatile and comes in clutch in many circumstances.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 24 minutes ago, Sovera said:

    Do I actually expect NCsoft to make a press release about this?

    @Sovera, I and I'm sure others, grasp what devil's advocate means.


    I assume you read the article where a spokesperson from NC responded to the license announcement. That's more than has ever been said by NC publicly in over a decade about City of Heroes. I think it's beyond a reasonable doubt at this point, so devil's advocate should read the devil's in the details, if not. 


    "NCSoft, too, had its reservations. "We were initially skeptical about their proposal," a spokesperson told PC Gamer. "To our knowledge, a AAA publisher/developer like NC West had never undertaken a non-commercial license of a sunset game. Ostensibly, such an undertaking would be too resource-intensive and risky to justify without benefiting a meaningful number of a game’s fans." 


    Yet NCSoft wasn’t blind to the unusual fervour of City of Heroes veterans in the wake of the game’s shutdown. "This support created unique conditions in which evaluating Homecoming’s proposal about working together as a serious venture was not dismissed.""


    "NCSoft appreciated the Homecoming leadership’s familiarity with City of Heroes’ lore and game operation; its dedicated staff, sophistication, and vision of where to take the server next. "From there we needed to subject Homecoming to meaningful guardrails in its operation of City of Heroes," NCSoft says. "And take steps to confirm that, as a practical matter, Homecoming was likely to abide by all guardrails we imposed." 


    "Many back-and-forth conversations, "tire-kicking sessions" and contract drafts followed. Whatever guardrails the Homecoming team agreed to, they’re not telling—perhaps as a result of that professionalism that has gotten them this far. In the end, NCSoft was convinced. "Only once we believed they would be capable stewards of the City of Heroes IP did we begin exploring a license agreement," the publisher says."


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  8. 5 minutes ago, Scarlet Shocker said:

    I do like the idea of being super survivable 🙂

    I've got two builds on my Widow. If I had another fortune to spend, I would have three builds. Each build has a uniquely tailored purpose that it is exceeding good at. The closest thing to a shortcoming or weakness is on my Night Widow, dealing with runners. I have to take an EPP immob to deal with AVs running when I solo them. 

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  9. On 1/15/2024 at 3:46 AM, Carnifax said:

    Can't help with Storm Blast but you might reuse the two I have for Storm Summoning which are "dump Freezing Rain or Tornado onto the target"


    /macro FR "powexec_location target Freezing Rain"

    /macro TO "powexec_location target Tornado"


    Gives you two buttons and when you click them the power is automatically cast at your target (rather than needing to manually place). I keep them on Tray 1 with Tray 2 immediately above showing the native version (for when you want to place manually)



    Am I mistaken, or couldn't a player also add the power image of Freezing Rain and Tornado to the Macro also? 


    So yeah, it is pretty easy to do. By using the below macro, I made the Sleet power icon with the command as executing the power on the target.


    /macro_image "ColdDomination_Sleet" "On Target" "powexec_location target Sleet"




    Only problem is the macro is static, so when the power is on cooldown, the macro still shows the image as if it were up and ready. At least it don't have to keep dropping the location of Sleet or Blizzard!


  10. 16 minutes ago, Figurehead said:

    Maybe a week or two ago, a team of perhaps 5-6 people did the imperial city event, which is supposed to grant Takedown Artist on completion.  My warshade "Umbral Flux" did not get that option at the end -- I thought that was weird but didn't report it (meant to try to investigate it further -- I was in nova form at the time of rewards, in case it matters). The options were instead the temp attacks, bonus inf, and I think a reward merit.  After I next came into the game, I did it again on Umbral Flux (along with a supporting character Figments) and this time earned it.


    Today  I was on another team (from memory, so may not be exact, Figments, Zopan Thornwood, Myriel Thornwood, myself (French Twist), and Synthetic Ice) did the neutropolis zone event, taking the police side and fighting the ghouls. We managed to eke through it, although French Twist was dead at the very end (but the pets did a significant amount of damage during the fight, so I'm pretty sure I should have been getting credit as taking part). French Twist did not get the Laureate badge option, although other options were available. I've verified that French Twist did not already have the Laureate badge. 


    French Twist has not yet redone the event to earn the badge, if there's any trouble shooting I can do.


    So, two bugs:

    1. Is there some issue where not all members of the team will get the badge option as a reward for these zone events?

    2. Laureate event still offers emotes (ghoulflex, tantrum) as a reward even though they're already unlocked for everybody.

    Unless this is specific to testing conducted on the Closed Beta server, I recommend posting your bug to the below thread:



  11. 8 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    Not sure, but I don't think so. It just looks like the existing mobs were taken from their factions and given echo appearances to be Lore pets. Which is why the BP Lore pets needed to be (and finally were) nerfed.

    Thanks! I was looking through the above post and it looks like Banished Pantheon are the only ones doing Cold Damage. I figured that was intentional, since there's not a lot of high level mobs that do Cold Damage.

  12. 1 hour ago, Maelwys said:

    Just script the mouseclicks using GlovePie or something similar - set it going before you go to work/sleep/whatever then come back later.


    (I occasionally use a simple repeating Glovepie macro to trigger a sequence of preset keyboard keypresses at various intervals whenever I'm AFK farming. It beats having to rely on just the one built-in yellow autofire circle...)

    Just a heads up if you aren't aware...


    Code of Conduct:

    1. Do not cheat or abuse exploits
      1. If you find an exploit please report it to a member of staff immediately
      2. This includes the use of scripts and programs to automate gameplay
      3. This includes trying to deceive or otherwise cheat other players for your own gain


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  13. On 4/4/2024 at 11:23 AM, jprewitt73 said:

    Have you considered transferring your main badge character to a more populous server, getting the badge, and then transferring back?

    Blasphemy! 😆 

    • Like 2
  14. Just now, Laucianna said:

    What I'm suggesting isn't changing the how the AT works though, it changes how we will perform at level 50 mostly. The difference I think we have is you believe they are balanced right now, which is fine it's your opinion, but the majority of Kheldian players I know that also know the AT believe they are not and have shown multiple times how they are not ❤️ When I get home from work I will try to get more data to hopefully help convince you 🙂


    Also FYI: to everyone please don't make this toxic and have the GMs lock it, we all lose then ❤️


    @Laucianna I appreciate this discussion and I appreciate you making a suggestion about how to improve an Archetype we all enjoy. I am not against your suggestion - I am only asking that whatever design changes occur are based on empirical data and not an opinion. I think it's great everyone has an opinion, nothing wrong with that. Saying it is fine and providing the design metrics for the Archetype is how I shared my belief that Kheldian's are in a good place. I could also use damage per second or -defense debuffs or endurance costs or activation times - all these things are finite data points that don't rely on opinions. When we use these in our discussions when advocating for changing an Archetype, it removes the individual subjectivity. 


    Again, I am not against your suggestion. I just want to ground my discussion in data points instead of subjective opinion.


    Totally agree with your last point. 

  15. 4 hours ago, Indystruck said:

    They should probably be good at *something.*

    They are good at being able to do everything well, but not the best. They can be built to play close to the best at one thing, but not be equal to or better than. They are the game's equivalent of a multi-tool. That's a super useful Archetype to have and why I enjoy playing it. 

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  16. 2 hours ago, ScarySai said:

    Why do you think they shouldn't? Where would you put them? 


    Khelds need a buff, so do others, but we've been in line longer. Just saying 'nuh-uh' and listing off existing caps and scales is about as worthless of an argument as you can make.


    Scales don't matter if the powers they modify are undertuned.

    They fufill their roles perfectly and meet my every expectation for the Archetype. I can play them as really good at everything and enjoy the content of the game without feeling like I'm missing anything.


    At least @Laucianna listed DPS from two other Archetypes to provide context. Every other poster literally replied that I have no idea what I'm talking about. That's incredibly disappointing and inappropriate. Attack my argument, but don't attack me. List actual data so we can have a actual discussion instead of this turning to name calling. 

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