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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 31 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    So I am trying out a dominator now.  i have this dark dark dom all situated.  the costume, hand colored every power.  dark, evil.  


    oh, and the domination power?  looks like a unicorn crapped on my head....


    why is an "villain" archetype set up with this pretty pretty princess affect color for their signature archetype power.  which cannot be recolored?

    Dollface would like a word with you. 

    • Haha 2
  2. 3 hours ago, 50caltech said:

    temp pets or tradeable? account only trade? etc?

    The Mini-Pets are permanent and can be acquired by opening the Time Capsules. They can be awarded as a rare drop or by using 10* Anniversary Tokens at Luna. You can find them in the Beneovlab Vendor or in the Hologram Matrix accolade power.





    As noted in the above patch notes, Anniversary Tokens are tradeable on the Auction House.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. Good stuff, time to test!


    9 hours ago, The Curator said:

    Open them for prizes and nostalgic encounter enemy encounters; You might even encounter rare enemies from the distant past!

    This sentence could be cleaned up before publishing.


    Further Edit: I noted on Gold Standard the temporary power grant for Stamina mixed up with Tank Signature Summon, which is fixed in the next patch. All other testing consisted of an hour of opening Time Capsules in Atlas Park, which netted 20 Anniversary Tokens total. All purchases through Luna worked as expected. Nothing further to report (unless testing is needed to verify Time Capsule spawns match Winter Event present spawns in other zones).

  4. 3 hours ago, TrixieKixx said:

    4/27 - Ice Mistral (Level 35-40 - Red Side - St. Martial) - All Ice Team (one of your powers must be ice) / Icy Costumes

    Put me down with my namesake:

    Glacier Peak 🧊 Ice/Cold 🧊 Corruptor.

    • Thumbs Up 1
    • Pizza (Pineapple) 1
  5. It's a binary issue. Either the enemy has endurance and attack or they don't and can't.


    I think Homecoming should've thrown in a purple patch addition of res to -recovery, instead of making endurance drain do nothing to AVs. That way the -recovery could mean something and bypass resistance to -recovery given enough effort, while balancing the explicit secondary effect of some powersets who's whole purpose is to provide a mechanism to mitigate damage. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, FupDup said:

    The recharge provided by Agility and Spiritual is not global, it counts as slotted recharge (which reduces proc rates). Global recharge is stuff like Hasten and Luck of the Gambler. 

    Oh yes! Good catch, I was mixing up the two terms.

  7. 1 hour ago, Xaddy said:

    So..I read. A lot. Been through these forums a lot. Didn't say much until recently. 

    But man...there's a few of you who play this game for reasons that escape me. You take no joy in the content - at least it seems that way by some of your posts. 

    Look at this: 



    No, nothing special about me beating a few nemesis in some random sewer mission in Bricks. 
    But look at the bugs buzzing around the light! Someone made the effort to try and put some realism in this crazy instance of a world where reality just doesn't really apply. If I knew how to make it one of those fancy gifs where they moved...you'd see these bugs going nuts by the light, just like they do in the real world. 

    Granted, I have to suspend a lot of disbelief when I play, but tiny details like this really help with immersion for me. It's been..20 years? since this game came out...small wonder so many folks missed this game with attention to minor details like this. 

    If small details like this are what you like, you should take a look at what the community has found over the years in this game...



  8. 1 hour ago, Xaddy said:

    My character is an ice/cold corruptor. I really like ice. Cold..parts of it are good, heat loss is...disappointing so far. A bit underwhelming, but it's not got more than the token slot. Anyway, while looking for build ideas, I did a search, and found folks who were looking for info, folks who were giving info. 

    Without necro-ing a thread..is that a word? Necroing? Anyway, the post was from 2019. Some time ago. One of the folks trying to be helpful suggested Musculature over Agility because (paraphrased) Musculature will help your damage, and that of your lore pets. 

    This doesn't make sense to me. Alpha is an extra enhancement, right? for every power that would take that enhancement. Lore pets don't have slots, other than the incarnate slot that IS the lore pet. So how can this be true? Or is the helper needing help? 

    I'm guessing it was just a misunderstanding about alpha, but I could be the one misunderstanding. So, here I am, asking. 

    The Alpha Incarnate slot allows a player to basically slotted enhancement which for the most part bypasses the effects of Enhancement Diversification (diminishing returns basically). However, with Alpha Agility and (another Alpha I'm forgetting), it provides global slotted Recharge which decreases proc rates. 


    You can see in the pet window when you summon a Lore pet it inherents the casters Incarnate Alpha and Interface effects.

  9. 15 hours ago, Xaddy said:

    So...I came here hoping to find a solution to Arctic Fog. It puzzles me. A decent amount of benefit, at an extreme endurance cost. I would grasp the cost if it did damage, but it doesn't. And heat loss isn't available until 30, I think. So, that's 10 levels of relying on team buffs or something external.

    Seems like Heat Loss should come BEFORE Arctic Fog, so you can actually take AF and use it. But...while I'm sure at 50, taking Cardiac solves all the issues...it doesn't do much for me leveling up from 20 to 30. 

    I suppose with 2xp those 10 levels don't last THAT long, but long enough to notice. A bit disappointed in my initial build. It plays so much like a blaster, and I kept waiting for Frigid Protection...and suddenly I remember, I'm a corruptor not a blaster. No Sustain, just an exhausting arctic fog, and a fairly lengthy recharge time on heat loss - too long to be of much use until 50. 

    As far as builds go, I'm delighted to see the two different approaches to a build. It gives me some ideas. Appreciate the sharing. 

    Here's my recommendation for your quandary:


    Keep Arctic Fog, ensure it is slotted to your desire. For example, I have it 6-slotted (by Level 50...) with the Luck of the Gambler set, which gets is down to 0.27/s endurance cost if you +5 them. What I would also say is to pick up the Recovery Serum temporary power from the S.T.A.R.T. vendor. You can carry a lot of these and they work in a pinch during the 10 levels between Arctic Fog and Heat Loss power access. Arctic Fog is a great power in that in addition to getting some resistance and defense (which persists even in combat), it also grants Stealth (35ft) which persists even in combat also (if you click a glowie it will shut off like normal stealth powers). 


    Edit: There is also the base temporary power station that you can craft the Increase Recovery temporary power. 

  10. I'd like to continue along the same thought as @Herotu (I've recently been levelling a Scrapper and it feels... weak.  It's damage isn't as impressive as I imagined).


    I absolutely enjoyed every second of playing my Fire/Fire Tanker back in the legacy days (Issue 0 onwards). I decided to make a Fire/Fire Scrapper on Homecoming after reading about some power changes back in Page 5 of Issue 27. I'm at Level 4 and I'm enjoying it so far - very simple and I like DoTs from Fire as a secondary effect. However, I can't get away from Mids and build optimization (once you open that pandora's box, it's a curse!).


    Is it reasonable to expect this build will not be the worst Scrapper I could've rolled? Hopefully that bar is low enough 😄 

  11. To your question: 


    4 minutes ago, CrusaderDroid said:

    What do you all think? I like Brute a bunch, and I don't want players to be in a situation where they need to give up the fantasy of "you wouldn't like me when I'm angry" in the name of meta optimization. Brute needs love well past a simple numbers buff to be able to hit that point, and I'm hoping this is a decent start to getting Brute a unique identity that gets it away from the unenviable middle child of Scrapper and Tanker.


    The comic book character(s) I think are Brutes are Wolverine and the Hulk. Whether those two were a design element or not is speculation on my part, but it's also how I see Brutes (or really how I hope they could be). A Berserker of sorts - how this gets applied from a technical stand point is outside of my comprehension. I think Fury is a staple to the Archetype and it should grow as the Brute experiences combat. 

  12. I dunno where they went, but only going back to Page 6 of Issue 27 on the 'Patch Notes' sub forum kind of sucks. My suggestion is to add the patch notes back, starting from when they were first posted in April of 2019. Thanks!



  13. 3 minutes ago, macskull said:

    Cages are 4 and 8 seconds, but the rest of the stuff on there doesn't have an AT-specific modifier.

    I think Slows are also a form of mez too? 


    Edit: wow even more - repel, knockback, knockdown, sleep, confuse, fly, only affect self, and  blinded. Sorry for the tangent, learning and sharing as I go!

  14. 2 hours ago, macskull said:

    Regardless, 2 seconds is also the incorrect duration, since taunt and placate don't follow the same 2 second/4 second rule that stun/sleep/hold/confuse/immobilize do.

    I think there's also a caging and intangible status effect rule in there too. And fear. And teleport mag/resistance. And invulnerable status. 


    One rule to rule them all though? Not so much. I guess I thought it was more rigid design than it actually is. 

  15. Toggle Suspension allows toggles to pause their periodic activations when under specific modes (e.g. Granite Armor, Kheldian Forms). This means the toggles will stop working and stop costing endurance while in one of these modes. Once you leave the mode, the toggles will resume automatically without the need to re-toggle. Once a toggle is suspended, you will no longer be able to activate it or deactivate it until you come out of the mode that caused the suspension.


    Tank & Brute/Stone Armor/Granite Armor suspends the other Stone Armor armor toggles in the set while transformed instead of deactivating them. Also will suspend travel toggles (Run, Jump and Fly). Suspended toggles cost no endurance while running.


    Peacebringer/Luminous Blast/Bright Nova suspends the other Peacebringer toggles in the set while transformed instead of deactivating them. Also will suspend pool power toggles. Suspended toggles cost no endurance while running.


    Peacebringer/Luminous Aura/White Dwarf suspends the other Peacebringer toggles in the set while transformed instead of deactivating them. Also will suspend pool power toggles. Suspended toggles cost no endurance while running.


    Warshade/Umbral Blast/Dark Nova suspends the other Warshade toggles in the set while transformed instead of deactivating them. Also will suspend pool power toggles. Suspended toggles cost no endurance while running.


    Warshade/Umbral Aura/Black Dwarf suspends the other Warshade toggles in the set while transformed instead of deactivating them. Also will suspend pool power toggles. Suspended toggles cost no endurance while running.

    • Like 1
  16. 38 minutes ago, macskull said:

    Those powers use toggle suspension which is different from toggle suppression.

    Might need to clean up the power attributes/effects naming.


    "Set Mode

    (Suppress_PoolToggles) (self only) for 2s"


    Set Mode

    (Suppress_JumpToggles) (self only) for 0.75s


    Set Mode

    (Suppress_RunToggles) (self only) for 0.75s


    Set Mode

    (Suppress_FlyToggles) (self only) for 0.75s

  17. 1 hour ago, Rudra said:

    Considering placate effects are broken when you attack the target and the in game data says it is supposed to be 9 seconds duration in PvP as opposed to 15 seconds in PvE, how can you say it is a bug?! (Edit: If the game says something is supposed to work a certain way and it does, then it isn't a bug. If you think a 9 second duration is too long, then submit a suggestion.)

    I think what Deadly is pointing out is the standard PvP mez duration "rule" of 2 seconds for non-Controller/Dominator Archetypes and 4 seconds for Controller/Dominator Archetypes. This rule applies to Primary, Secondary, and Epic/Patron Pool powersets.


    Pool powers appear to use the Melee_One attribute to determine the number of seconds for mez duration in Misdirection, as well as in the Presence Pool powerset. 

  18. 3 hours ago, Diantane said:

    Clicked on the link, That's funny.


    I used to do other arcs in RWZ besides Borea. Don't think this one is a real arc. They keep repeating missions a lot. Seems endless too. It's just grinding (boring).

    Borea is an endless source of missions, much like the Police Radio or Ephram Sha/Maharaj in Dark Astoria. 


    You should really try the new RWZ story arc though. It is the conclusion of Issue 27.

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