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Christopher Robin

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Posts posted by Christopher Robin

  1. On 2/10/2021 at 2:25 PM, Darth Delicious said:

    I have a lurky presence.. with CR as my notification system 😉
    Hi EnnVee!! *waves* 😄


    "This is a test. This user is conducting a test of the Darth Info Beacon Satellite system (DIBS!).

    Had there been actual awesomeness in progress then the prodding you just felt would have been followed by

    official information, instructions and a possibly a link to said awesomeness. This concludes this test of the DIBS system" rFYv2e1c_o.gif




    • Haha 3
  2. Sad that I missed this until now Fox. I was helping to extricate a neighbor whose car got plowed in up to the windows

    last night and apparently the trial of some formerly prominent person had most of the country glued to their screens today.


    That said oooh where to begin? Guess I'll do a running thought commentary in panel order and try to keep it brief?


    Favorite. Page. Thus. Far.



    Glass looks great with the variety of markers at your disposal.

    The IMP has a new color scheme and I approve. It's not the Orange

    from page one but it reads better than the other ½ dozen colors since IMO.



    A quick shot of Joe and off we go. Lash game is strong.



    You do "half" emotions really well. I love her ½ smile when she first notices Brahn and DD.

    This is now my second favorite of all the Nyx faces I've seen drawn so far. love2.gif

    Also I now want POWER COFFEE to be a thing in my life.



    I love this panel!!! Brahn looks great in your style and I'm quite sure DD has made that expression before on more than one occasion.

    I like to think that because she is an Archer by nature she always keeps one eye on her target even if the projectiles

    are a +1 facepalm and a derisive comment. Love the marble texture and fluting FTW!

    Thought the City Rep was more Raven haired than Brunette?



    Bwhahahahaha! Not at all what I expected but hilarious none the less.

    Wait do we have Monkey Controllers now??? Simian annoyance is well drawn (and

    the monkey looks good too rs4wmRnk_o.gif). Perspective win awarded for stairs (ruler or free-hand I wonder).



    Claudia Hopeshot cameo! Speaking to a Natural contact makes sense.

    Susan Davies really under dresses for a division called E.L.I.T.E. There's a lot of

    green in this scene, Seen2BeGreen should be happy. Door hinges make a brief cameo! rs4wmRnk_o.gif


    Panel#7: And they're gone! 07K1tHnz_o.png

    Love the wood grain texture though.

    It's a good thing the game uses Doric columns

    rather than Ionic amirite??? I mean the volutes alone... rs4wmRnk_o.gif


    Closing thoughts:

    I appreciate the higher scan resolution in recent pages. Thanks!

    Monkey in a tutu with a gun lol! Nowhere gets weirder faster than Paragon City...

    truth although Austin Texas might take exception to that remark. 07K1tHnz_o.png I love the "hugs and kisses" frieze!

    I'm not sure if it was intended as an Easter Egg or just a pattern simplification but I feel rewarded for having spotted it. zb7XgP0P_o.png

    • Like 5
  3. I know she doesn't post that often of late but Darth Delicious is here too.


    6 hours ago, EnnVee said:

    ......................................................Sadly I cant find anything from Christopher Robin aside from one image i don't care to post for personal reasons........


    As for not finding anything from me... **notices Ennvee's avatar**  ahem.


    Also before @Caemgen gets his hopes up I think it's an ex's art and not something racy.

    Speak of the Diabhal, what's Fenian doing in a painting with General Knowledge? 07K1tHnz_o.png


    Kidding aside it's good to see you posting again too Ennvee. zb7XgP0P_o.png



    • Haha 3
  4. Phew!

    What would one even do with such a slew of tutu's? I haven't a clue. Maybe ask the Tsoo?

    In lieu of something new it would ruin the view and be just a few too many to do, even for you.


    Also yay progress... coo-koo-ca-chew. zb7XgP0P_o.png



    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  5. Unfortunately Healix appears to be AFK since about Nov. so it may be a while

    before she receives this but I'll just say I hope all is well and I appreciate

    all that you do to help new and returning players feel welcome.

    Thanks Healix and cheers!




    This was my first go at colors but there is more I want to do yet. I thickened her body too as she looked a bit lanky.

    I'm not really loving the background either so I'll probably try a few variations later as they only take a few minutes to make.

    • Like 6
  6. ummm Scalpus? Stypel?

    Bigby's +2 Hand-Stabbing Back Biter Pen? HmWYqjbR_o.gif


    Also, just speaking for myself here, I like surrealism. Horror... not so much but hey the quality

    of the work is unmistakable even if the content gives me the heebie-jeebies.


    That first pic looks like something straight out of Shadowrun's Universal Brotherhood

    (insect shamans going around possessing people with bug spirits until

    their bodies transformed into human sized insects).



    • Haha 3
  7. Sucker eh? 

    You all heard him, he said "however you see fit," GET HIM FOX! HmWYqjbR_o.gif

    I vote for him using superspeed and ending up face down in one of the plaza

    pools or stuck to the underside of the Atlas statue's foot? So many fun possibilities.


    How about getting slapped by the Pay2Win vendor for claiming her prices are outrageous? rs4wmRnk_o.gif

    Lost a bet and has to wear a giant chicken costume to promote Up and Away Burger's 

    chicken sandwich and 2 piece nugget meal (for a limited time just 4.99k influ!)?

    Dangling by his cape hung up on one of the AP statues outstretched hands?



    • Like 1
    • Haha 3

    Update: So @battlewraith gave me some good advice back on page two

    for my drawing of @Healix so bearing what he said in mind I did more work

    on it reducing the eyes and lips to more proportional dimensions and worked in my

    own mental note to flatten her ears back and put them under the mask material like Spidey.


    I'm already doing some more blending and detail work on her body but here's where I am at now.

    Thanks for the fresh pair of eyes and constructive criticism BW. It's much appreciated.

    She's still very smiley looking but I think we're safely out of Joker territory. 07K1tHnz_o.png







    • Like 7
  9. 56 minutes ago, Seen2BeGreen said:

    Yeah, for about 5 seconds... Hero! 


    Thought so!


    I am not in the google ecosystem so no youtube account here maybe someone else can?


    @ToxinFox yeah sorry I should've been more specific. I don't have any characters here on homecoming yet I only just got here a few days ago by following a link Christopher left (THANK YOU FOR DOING THAT!) on DA. I am so happy to see the game back but I honestly don't know where to start. Do I make all new heroes? Do I try and remake the old ones? Do I even remember the old ones?

    For now I am just lurking about the forums finding my way about. Sorry I don't have anything for your comic right now.

    Oh yeah?!? Well... actually you're right that place leaks villains like a sieve.

    Somebody should really plug up all those escape routes.




    Seriously if anyone knows how to find LizzieLizzie go poke

    at her and let her know the game is back if she doesn't already know.


    No worries I try to tell everyone and I leave messages everywhere I see CoH artwork.

    I know there is a much bigger art community that love this game than are here right now.

    I at least want them to know this forum section exists. I played for years before I learned of it.


    As for where to start, if you meant literally, like Fox says you got the slots. Go forth and do all of the above.

    If you meant it in a "trying to start all over again is overwhelming" kind of way just shoot me a DA note or PM.

    I am always happy to help new and returning players get their bearings back. I have several level one's already made so

    I can go tool around Atlas, run some starter missions and whatnot. Don't be afraid to ask questions either, the community here

    remains one of the most helpful. I've got starter influ to help get your roster going too, just pay it forward when you get more situated. zb7XgP0P_o.png

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  10. On 1/24/2021 at 11:40 PM, ToxinFox said:

    Those'll work just fine! And thank you for giving me some (reasonable, sane) ideas for what they're up to. No one wants me to get creative. (I mean, unless you do.)

    And @Seen2BeGreen , if you would like Captain Yarrrr, drop me a screenshot or some art in here, and let me know what their business in City Hall is.


    You're welcome.

    I mean it's really up to you if you have something different in mind I just wanted to give you

    some idea about the character's personalities. Brahn could just as easily be showing off in some way over

    by Ms. Liberty if you need an outdoor shot rather than indoor. Xllusya does have a post in the SYAB thread if that helps.


    I believe that comment was for me, Yarr is not her character it is the obscure reference I was making. 07K1tHnz_o.png



    On 1/24/2021 at 2:34 PM, Seen2BeGreen said:

    We'll see about that... Hero!

    ((actually I have mostly heroes, with a few villainous ne'er do wells sprinkled in))


    Captain Yarrrr?

    and that is some pretty pretty art of your heroes Christopher!


    I love this comic @ToxinFox keep it up!

    The only thing you'll be seeing is the inside of the Zig... Villain!


    Lol yep it is a Captain Yarrrr reference, nice! It was a really short lived series but I thought it was quite funny and

    who knows maybe she'll pick it up again now that we're back. If anyone has a YouTube account go holler

    at her that Christopher Robin says the game is back and we need more tQoK episodes would ya.

    There is a @lizzieizzie account here which is only 1 letter away from her YT (LizzieLizzie).


    Thanks! I should give credit where due, the 2 first images are screenshots (obvi), the other two of Brahn

    were drawn by me and the last was colored by Bobby Aquitania (RIP). The middle Xllusya

    is by the talented Wernope and the last is by our very own Darth Delicious.

    She's hiding around here somewhere and I am honestly amazed, being that she is such a fan

    of this comic, she hasn't put her eponymous hero DD up to be a background character. I'll go poke her again.


    On 1/25/2021 at 6:54 AM, Corlagon said:

    Claudia Hopeshot (screenshots and artwork here) might be talking to Susan Davies or Derek Amberson or somebody about the Council and/or the 5th Column.

    Or there might be Angel Tina (probably in the outfit seen here and here) discussing her SG. Given the group's silly name and her relative lack of responsibility, the clerk is probably somewhat annoyed.

    Nice designs @Corlagon, I like Angel Tina's look. zb7XgP0P_o.png



    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  11. Not if I have anything to say about it Villain!


    Sure there are rumors of a few Hellions inside City Hall doing some "translating

    and stuff" for Azuria but I assure you they are likely just that, rumors.


    (yes I am aware this is an obscure reference for most and an

    actual current in game bug... I regret nothing rs4wmRnk_o.gif).



    • Haha 4
  12. Sure I would love to be a cameo. zb7XgP0P_o.png

    All of my characters are heroes but the most well known would

    be most likely be either Brahn Fuhrnos or Xllusya.


    My eponymous Christopher Robin, hero name Brahn Fuhrnos, is a Fire/SS/"Regen" tank, show off and natural quipster.

    He would most likely be in City Hall chatting up City Rep. Something like asking her "Are you sure I don't

    need a permit for these guns?" while doing the flex emote. Screenshot and art of him below.


    daxijsu-c7b5f077-414d-4e05-9595-b1b5ce2c   d3iridp-7174bf12-0f21-4855-a7b2-58e51ba7   brahn_face_colored_by_christopherrobinar



    Xllusya my goddess of Light and Illusion, an Ill/Emp defender, is rather stoic and not accustomed to the ways of mortal bureaucracy.

    She would most likely be telling the SG registrar that it is unreasonable for her to have to pay a "pet tax" since

    her "pets" are literally figments of her imagination. That or asking how exactly does one pay

    for things with "influence and prestige?" In game screenshot and artz below.


    db4lr10-2bd84974-c247-48f0-9e49-37586555   XduJZSsm_o.jpg   xllusya_by_anjasylvie_d4ndyz8-fullview.j


    Click images for larger versions, other heroes available if these are not suitable for your purposes.


    • Like 4
  13. On 8/12/2020 at 8:05 PM, Healix said:




    1st photo:

    "Well this is just peachy!"

    "The one time my bell bottoms are at the cleaners Reginald

    decides to have the big  "Save Our City" group emote."

    "Thankfully Mikey forgot his torch so I'm not

    the only one who looks out of place."


    2nd photo:




    • Haha 4
  14. Imminent backstory implied! zb7XgP0P_o.png


    Favorite details:

    1. The underlit fire escape ladder.

    2. What color is red brick at night? That color.


    3. Despite earlier claims of bad continuity the most important

    detail is present... that of course being the pizza contains pineapple. HmWYqjbR_o.gif


    I do have one nit to pick though, the door chain as you have it drawn without a

    closed end would slide right out of the locking slot when someone tried to open the door.

    Not the best deterrent but hey maybe they gave her the apartment with the defective lock because

    she's a hero and won't need it? Or maybe the superintendent is secretly a Skull?!??! Dun Da Duuuuuuuh!!!!!!


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