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arcane last won the day on November 27 2024

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  1. AFK farming is alright. I guess I’ve done it once or twice.
  2. Sure buddy. People must be seeking attention if they’re not validating your bad ideas. Whatever helps you sleep at night 🙄
  3. Look bud, I just found highly ironic that you spent so much time lecturing us and alleging that people were blocking good ideas from being implemented by disagreeing with those ideas… and then you drop a steaming turd of an idea like this. I find it both humorous and vindicating.
  4. Just remember… the OP wants you all to believe that quality ideas like this would be implemented if not for evil posters like Rudra and myself.
  5. I am in favor of: - Proliferation of more Minimal FX options. - Creation of more alternative animation options as the developers are able. I am NOT in favor of: - Porting animations from one set or pool to another. If you want Martial Arts animations, play Martial Arts.
  6. Jaunt is a long range Combat Teleport, not the power Teleport. If you want it to have hangtime and unlimited uses, you will have to have a much slower animation. I don’t personally want that to happen, because we already have Teleport and Translocation for that sort of thing. Combat Teleport and Jaunt fill a completely different niche and do not need hangtime or unlimited uses. I use both Teleport and Combat Teleport regularly on all of my characters because both have their use cases. Adding a hover effect to Jaunt or Combat Teleport would actually be a nerf in several use cases. Working as intended. No issue.
  7. As others have mentioned, if you want a pure sandbox instead of a serious game, there are better servers than Homecoming for that.
  8. I think it sounds like he’d be happier on Thunderspy, which he presumably doesn’t find as boring based on his post. And I think some people are pretty tired of this exact same thread popping up every month, too. And I’m not super concerned about the Homecoming population taking a nosedive because of the post in question. Does that address your question.
  9. Who the fuck do you think you’re talking about? I have never reported you or called you a meanie, and I consider you one of my favorite posters here overall. As for the first part of your post, they’re kinda already on the way out, no?
  10. Have fun on T-Spy and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
  11. The AT having low DPS without changeling is nowhere near ample justification to leave literal cheat codes in the game for years. I don’t give a shit if they don’t know how to buff kheldians yet; the exploit/glitch/cheat needs to go now. And in my humble opinion, whichever developer made the decision to delay this fix for several years should be removed from the development team. In other news, my non-cheating kheldian looks forward to the day he won’t inherently be a second-class kheldian for choosing not to abuse the fuck out of an exploit, but, thanks to the aforementioned years that have passed, I’m pretty sure that day will never come. Oh and anyone using language such as “kheldians ‘need’ changeling” is just running interference at this point for the developer that won’t do his job. Cut that shit out. P.S. Bug fixes aren’t nerfs. Enough gaslighting from the changeling defense league.
  12. Damage output looks like it will be really low for this build. At a bare minimum DNA Siphon and Savage Leap should be proc bombs. You’ve also got nearly zero S/T damage too so Char or Gloom would be good additions…
  13. Yeah it’s a fucking disgrace that the developers won’t fix this exploit. I’m not sure if the developer team is being controlled by a few hyper-popular kheldian players or if they’re just plain incompetent.
  14. I’m sure that’s exactly why I downvoted. I must hate fun. Your take is very perceptive and intelligent. You got me. (I really simplified this response so there’s no misunderstanding with my team of forum moderator handlers)
  15. You misunderstood my post.
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