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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. It looks like you can rent it on Amazon Prime. I think Disney just may want to forget it exists after its Box Office losses.
  2. I haven't seen Brightburn since it came out but it's a pretty formulaic horror movie with a super. I enjoyed it but from what others post around here I think I just have a soft spot for B material.
  3. @ThaOGDreamWeaver You fell for my trick and have now seen Kung Fury. Muaha muahahaha. I take no responsability for the Hasslehoff music video though, or for any time hacking that may or may not occur. Just whatever you do, don't watch Iron Sky next.
  4. Mom and Dad Save the World was one of my favorite movies as a kid. Can't go without mentioning some of my martial arts favorites: Kung Fury, Kung Pow! Enter the Fist, and Kung Fu Hustle
  5. You realize this means Blankman makes the list of spoofs.
  6. I'm just glad someone besides me likes/remembers Meteor Man. I didn't know that movie was a spoof, it stands pretty well on it's own.
  7. I'm hoping they can get DiMaggio on board. Nevermind, looks like he may be signing on.
  8. I'm currently reading The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson. I'm on book two of four. I'm liking it as much as The Mistborn Series, though The Way of Kings was a little slow and didn't really pay-off until towards the end. Still a good read if you like Sanderson's work and this series has some great characters and a unique world setting. Note that these books are monsters with each being over 1200 pages long.
  9. I'll give it a try when it comes out. I enjoyed Wheel of Time but it definitely had its flaws and I felt some the story changes took the focus off of the actual story. We'll see how this one goes.
  10. The laptop specs look good. I noticed its native resolution is 1920x1200 (16:10) so keep that in mind when setting your graphics. The 1650 chipset doesn't do ray tracing but it does support DX12. If you only play COH then its nothing to worry about at all.
  11. Just finished the first season of this and decided to give the show it's own thread. Ridley Scott directed the first two episodes and his hand is all over this. If you don't like alien worlds (not those ones, sorry), synthetic humans, freakish plot twists and other-worldly occurrences then it's probably not going to be your cup of tea. The show is written by Aaron Guzikowski of Prisoners fame. Synopsis: War between The Atheists (a faction of technocrats) and The Mythraic (a faction of crusaders led by a clergy with a militant arm) threatens humanities extinction. A rogue Atheist scientist hacks two snyths called Mother and Father and sends them to the planet Kepler 22-B with 12 human embryos to begin a new human colony. The Mythraic send their own Ark to Kepler 22-B with colonists in hyper-sleep around the same time. The Atheist mission arrives 12 years in advance. I enjoyed the show. Plot twists abound and if you like Ridley Scott's work then you'll like this as well. Religious and ethical themes are a primary focus, combined with both a plot and character driven story. I'd call it a science fiction psychological thriller and the show doesn't disappoint with the subplots and overall storyline. Better than Prometheus and easier to follow. Season One wraps up with some answers but more questions in a good way that left me wanting to see what happens next. Recommended if you like anything you read in this review.
  12. I think that's a time honored tradition. Whats a good snow without some good donuts?
  13. I love Elvira, I bet her memoir is a hoot. I need to give that one a read sometime.
  14. Just finished it and can't recommend it. Good setting with a lot of potential marred by bad characters and too much plot dragging. Much better post-apocalypse stuff out there.
  15. Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong novel adapted into a movie, I was thinking it was based off of I am Legend that was turned into Charlton Heston movie The Omega Man. It just felt too familiar in that way.
  16. I stumbled upon this show on Hulu and have finished most of the first season. I'm really liking it but I'm really only familiar with the 70's movie version. My only real gripe is thinking the show should have been called Y The Last Man-child. Kind of hate the male lead and the way he acts. Otherwise it's a pretty interesting look at a world without men and a struggling government trying to deal with an apocalyptic event. Anyone else watching this one?
  17. Quit ruining my YouTube recommendations! 😛
  18. We should just be thankful they take the time out of running the cosmos to play along with our hostage rescues and kidnapping schemes. They could just push us all out of the way,
  19. My actual headcannon is all of the civilians are a race of God-like beings that allow us children to run free and play because Paragon City/Rogue Isles is how they keep us out of real trouble. Nothing else explains the game world.
  20. That's honestly why I believe Amanda Waller is one of DC's best characters. She's just so real world with her perspective on things. She knows she's not a "good guy". She's someone with a job to do and that is to protect the US from all real and potential threats. She's completely unapologetic about it.
  21. I have to say I think D+ is the most fitting name possible for Disney.
  22. Societies. No other standard matters (one could argue religion as a thing but outside of a few places religious law is not common law so we'll stick to justice in this earthly realm). As long as a common framework exists then anyone operating outside it is a criminal, no matter their intent. As a whole that's all law is; a set of rules that allow society to function with a minimum of anarchy. Batman has probably done just as much harm as good. By placing himself above the law he creates room alongside himself for others to do the same or worse. I kind if feel like I'm taking us off track here.....
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