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About Naomi

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. You can post it or I can move it for you into the Bug Reports sub-forum or Report Costume Issues Here thread in the Bug Reports sub-forum. Your comment here is not feedback related to any costume changes listed in the patch notes for Page 7.
  2. Approximately zero when posted in a Focused Feedback thread. Here is a link to the Read First guidelines. Please post unrelated ideas in the Suggestions & Ideas sub-forum.
  3. The latest build did indeed change the SFX.
  4. Now this is a suggestion I can get behind.
  5. I'll look into this, however you will likely lose the top two shoulder capes, with the Sybil top wrapping together behind the neck instead (as options). I did test it the way it is now, and the two capes clip too much with all of the back pieces, capes and wings with them there. This isn't all of them, but they mostly follow this theme (credit primarily goes to Cryptic/Paragon for these, as the bulk of the texture data was sourced from the enemy group itself, with some editing and adjustments to port them as capes):
  6. You'll have to remind me what this was. Are you referring to something that happened pre-2012? According to our repository, the file that controls this hasn't been modified since Homecoming's inception. As I recall, someone asked for a version that could have the middle stripe tint more strongly last summer, which is what was added this patch. The modification history only shows a duplicate of the original boot settings as it was when Homecoming came about, and adds a new tint texture. Comparing the two, there is no difference in shininess:
  7. Can you elaborate more? Nothing was changed or taken away with this note. Something was added.
  8. Okay, these are only available with regular mantles.
  9. I was not able to reproduce this, are you able to provide a screenshot?
  10. There is often no usable texture data in the empty spaces outside of the UV mapping. If the UVs got updated, it would negatively effect hundreds of texture files that were authored for the current UV set. Whether or not a particular texture looks quirky right now is simply due to the care given to that area on the seam by the original artists. The UVs in that particular spot are not optimal to work with for texture artists though, so that's likely why a lot of them had a hard time making it seamless before the advent of 3d texturing. You are correct in that they should be fixed, but it's not worth the time involved to check and fix every single hip texture it would impact in order to do so, vs fixing the worst offenders that come up. Also, while there are ways to automate things like that very quickly for flat files, that wouldn't apply to the source PSDs themselves, which are where changes to textures would actually need to occur.
  11. We do have a way to prevent these combinations. Unfortunately, the costume validation screen when you load a saved .costume file does not currently work with parts using that method yet.
  12. Nothing was added or changed with sitting emotes this patch, just got tired of typing sitchair out of habit instead of sitchair1, so an alias was added. I'll keep your post in mind if what you ask for happens.
  13. This has been on my list for quite awhile, as have a number of requests, but it's slightly involved for niche parts that it always falls to the wayside (primarily because those legs often don't play very well with animations). The proper way to do it is the same way it was done for regular skirts, which is to duplicate the monstrous hips mesh, tuck the bottom in, and then duplicate all of the skirt and short options and adjust to the legs. For males, and huge, which wouldn't technically be necessary, but only fair, boxing shorts and kilts would need the same treatment. For new parts entirely, they need to be more specific than just 'new things'.
  14. This is a limitation on back options currently. Scales don't apply to the back node.
  15. It shouldn't, but I had an odd issue with it on one of my own characters yesterday, similar to yours.
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