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Everything posted by roleki

  1. I don't know if I'm 'doing it wrong' or what, but I took Flash on my Ill/Dark *and* I had slotted Blind with 4x Gladiator's Net and both the Lockdown and Decimation procs, the idea being, if something turns its eye on me, I want it stopped, now. My dudes do a fair amount of damage without me, so I run more towards mitigation on Ill/Dark. As far as Ill/Dark advice goes, I concur with pretty much everything everyone here said. You'll want PA *available* as often as possible, so look at powers/sets that can easily add bits of Recharge. For example, if you take the Flight travel pool and Superior Invisibilty, you can get an easy 22.5% +Rech just from throwing LotG into Hover/Afterburner and SI. I took Fireball or whatever from Flame Mastery just so I could fit a Ragnarok in it and get an extra 10% +Rech there. It's like that. Another thing I would echo is: don't hold Howling Twighlight back waiting for a teammate to die. It's too good a power to be wasted like that. Also, work it so that Soul Absorption is at/near the top of your combat chain... it's not a heal, it's a +Regen that is drastically more effective the more bodies it hits. Last thing, Tar Patch/Spectral Terror. Spectral Terror is waaay underrated as a form of soft control, remember to use it often BUT be prepared to chase things around if you don't have a Tar Patch down to keep them from just booking outright. Overall, you could do much worse than Ill/Dark as your first controller, but don't take your experience with Ill/Dark as an example of how a 'typical' controller runs. It's a weird beast among weird beasts.
  2. Now that I have had time to think about it, it occurs to me that I am bound to see weird results with anything dealing with endurance and recovery, on account I have Superior Conditioning/Physical Perfection and Stamina all slotted with PShift procs and Miracle/Numina's/Panacea procs in Health, then Ageless Core Epiphany on top of all that. For all I know, one, some, or all of those could have occasionally hit one after another after another and given me weird numbers in my Attributes window. I will say that, slotted in my damage aura, the notification text for when the +End/+Regen only appeared in the combat logs every 10s.
  3. I just hated the aesthetics Redside, and the one villain AT that held any appeal to me (MM) was a major disappointment in execution. Don't know what I was expecting, but, not THAT.
  4. Easy, easy... nobody stole anything. I *copied* it.
  5. The proc in the Damage Aura seems to hit every 10s; it seemed to work out better for the +End/+Regen proc than for the Fury proc, and it *seems* the duration AND the proc check are both 10s for that End/Regen proc. You'll have to forgive me because the way they display Endurance Discount in the Combat Attributes window is a little funky, but: I have 114 endurance and walk through the door with a -10.10 endurance discount. Once I hit a mob and the proc fires, I go to a -15.17 discount. Ten seconds later, I go to a -19.70 discount. Ten seconds later, I go to a -23.77 discount. Now, here's where it gets weird. If combat with my first 'supermob' goes on forever, I'll stay at a -23.77 discount until the last of the mob is dead. But if I hit -23.77 then flit off to rile up one mob, then flit into another and hit THAT mob, I get a brief spike to -30.79, then almost immediately -33.53, then a spike to -36.62, and all the way back down to -23.77 where I will stay until everything is dead. All that wild movement takes place over a period of about 5 seconds. Another odd thing (to me, but maybe the Fury mechanic explains it): With the Fury proc in Burn, if I faceroll through combat I'll start at 89 Fury or so, pop to 93, MAYBE hit 96, then settle in the 92/94 range as I go through my attack chain. But if I just stand there mashing Burn every 6.4s, I hit 100.00 Fury for about 4s, drop, to 97/98, hit 100 again on the next Burn, and repeat. It seems like the less I do, the more Fury I have? That seems... off.
  6. Nope; takes Universal, Accurate/Defense Debuff, and PBAoE. As for results, I was going 'by-eye' but I'm consistently seeing mid-90s Fury with the Fury Proc/set in Burn, and pretty steady 4x Endurance Discount stacked with that ATO slotted in Atom Smasher. Decent improvement in the Fury department, about the same results I was getting out of the Endurance Discount when it was in an ST attack. I could probably proc more often if I slotted them in the two low-end ST attacks, but I think I liked where these are sitting because my attack chain has always been Fusion -> Burn -> Atom Smasher -> Devastating Blow -> Fiery Embrace -> Burn... then resorting to STs if something was still left in front of me. When I put the ATOs in ST attacks, I tend to break stride just to fire those off.
  7. @Bopper No go on the ATO in Irradiated Ground, it doesn't accept them; am going to try them in Blazing Aura and either Burn or Atom Smasher and will check back in.
  8. From the dawn of time, only, people seem to forget that it was much, much worse back on Live. In those days, people would sell inf on eBay outright. Then AE came along and everything at Wentworth's went off the charts. HC doesn't have that problem, despite popular reports that say otherwise.
  9. That makes sense too, or maybe leave everything at 1.00x as it is now, then for 'rarer' content, scale rewards accordingly? What I was thinking when I made the suggestion earlier is, how would I get players to naturally gravitate back to contacts and TFs "... like we used to" and still put a bump out for people who prefer to do 'X' and only 'X'? So that's where that came from; I would NOT favor anything that discouraged people from doing what THEY do outright, but I am fully behind something that would incentivize trying (gasp) Other Things. ETA: not advocating so violent or drastic, but IMO ED improved the game immensely because it ALLOWED us to try enhancing secondary effects and still get our beat on. It was wildly unpopular and people still bristle when it is mentioned, but, maybe the in-game economy is due a tectonic shift of similar scale?
  10. April 27th 2004, according to my copy of google.
  11. In this case the idea itself is toxic because it is grounded entirely in "people are enjoying themselves in a way that is different from what I do" and, unfortunately, there are enough persons with that idea in their head to make "just because" seem like a legitimate reason to force their wants on the world through sheer weight of numbers. Any opposing view, no matter how well-reasoned or gently expressed, is dismissed wholesale. People in these forums, on THAT side of the argument, have accused me of having a personality disorder for preferring to skip low level content, and one suggested I learn how to "woo women" instead of devoting time to farming. Now that I think about it, it's kind of weird because I didn't see the toxicity police on patrol THAT week. Luckily I didn't need their assistance because I am an adult who understands some people squeeze words out of different ports than others, and that's ok. Bottom line, railing against the practice of efficient resource gathering within the published framework of the game makes as much sense as complaining that Costume Contests ruin your immersion, and should be treated with a similar level of disdain. Instead, people wiggle out of the woodwork every hour on the hour to beat the dead horse of influence. It's my opinion that, in the face of such constant chittering, if I want to continue to play the game the way I prefer, I have to weigh in every time they do just to keep a thumb on the scale.
  12. Oh, I didn't know this was already a thing, but, if that much of the framework is already there... wonder how hard it would be to put the rest in place?
  13. And again, I find it interesting that the 'toxicity' of someone's approach is singled out for censure, but not the toxicity of the very idea that prompted them to speak in the first place. "Would you please stop shouting obscenities at me sir? We are simply trying to break your thumbs with hammers, it hardly warrants such an UNSEEMLY outburst!"
  14. Wondering if, and this is just me spitballing, but wondering if there could be some way to piledrive different types of content into temp powers/badges that grant temporary/scaling inf/exp bonuses to characters/accounts. Like say, for every N story arc missions you complete in a week, you get an X inf/xp multiplier, up to a cap of Y and for a duration of Z. Same goes for TFs, participating in raids, radios and so forth, and the duration stacks but not from the same source. Figure that way, people who prefer playing one specific kind of content get a small boost, but those that do a little of everything get even more, which would kind of keep the LFG lubed up and maybe keep the AE squeaks a little quieter. Dunno, just an idea that I bunsourced just now.
  15. Dang it, just when I cycled Taunt back into my builds 🙂
  16. Also entirely possible that the constant treadmilling of this topic inherently lends it to digressions that some would view as trolling when it's really just done in service to how pointless the discussion is in the first place. Me, I just think it's funny that we have "your words are destroying the community!" and "they aren't playing the way *I* want them to so the activity they engage in should be curtailed!" all on the same sheet of glass. I mean, people have tried to prop up homogeneous communities before, but the effects of inbreeding take a huge toll on them. Diversity, now that is viable and evergreen.
  17. It is possible, however unlikely, that Jub was not actually hurt by those statements but rather offered them as a flat echo of the kind of things people seem to let slide without objection before singling Jub out for using hurty words.
  18. @Bopper I can test this tonight; I've tested procs in IG before and not come away impressed, but that was months ago before I was actually logging numbers
  19. In this case (Rad/Fire) I've got multiple AoE clicks and auras, but I can't seem to 'level' the procs. I either get high peaks with long valleys, or sustained low bonuses that don't seem to offer much payoff for how much is invested in them.
  20. Is there a 'rule of thumb' for ATO proc slotting per archetype, ST vs AoE vs Toggle? For example, I had read on these forums that the Controller Font proc should go in an AoE like Crushing Field, and having done so I *do* see more Fonts, but, taking that over to my Rad Brute, I am not seeing the same proc rate on the Fury bonus proc in Atom Smasher. I'm burning through unslotters like crazy trying to find the most effective slotting for my Brute ATO stuff, and referencing builds, people seem to put them darn near anywhere.
  21. /Kin absolutely can make good use of Wormhole - in fact, Wormhole is what makes Grav/Kin 'work' as well as it does. As designed, /Kin wants you in melee to get the best of your own buffs, and offers almost NO mitigation in return... as designed, it's all risk. But Wormhole that mob into a corner, and you suffer zero Alpha, siphon all the +Speed and +Damage you want, fill up on Endurance if you need to, and crush the daylights out of your mob without taking so much as a loud noise in return. As mentioned everywhere, with the KB-KD proc you don't even need to find a corner to do it in. Until /Time came along, /Kin was THE perfect complement to Grav/, with only a few weirdos opting to go /Rad. One thing I will say is that with the way the game has changed over the years, past a certain point, Grav/Kin is only 'useful' to solo with. Between IO bonuses and Incarnates, your impact on a team is kind of unnoticeable if not nonexistent. That's not to say there's anything bad about Grav/Kin, just that for much of the game, buffs and debuffs are about equally valuable, then buffs drop off a cliff and debuffs are all anyone is looking for. Doesn't nix my love for Grav/Kin, but if I get a rando invite to a team, I'll ask to switch to something a little more dramatic.
  22. I don't often agree with @jubakumbibut seems to me y'all are shooting the messenger here. There most assuredly IS an undertone of moral superiority that comes out whenever a thread about the in-game economy bubbles up, and that is soon followed by the calls to outlaw AE, strip its rewards further, or "just buttonize" 50 or suggesting people just play on Test "...because they're skipping the game anyway..." These are suggestions that marginalize the experience of other players, assigning a status of 'lesser' to those who somehow find enjoyment in the behavior you condemn. It's especially passive-aggressive to come in here suggesting changes to the system that your bad-math-brain thinks will affect you naught. To be quite honest, this world already has too many people trying to force others to live by THEIR rules, we don't need it in video games on top of it. To that end, I will always support any effort to stuff the control clowns back into their car.
  23. That's any /Time I've ever run. I can count on one hand the number of times that a chain of Time Crawl -> Time Stop -> Slowed Response-> Attack have all hit.
  24. This. While flipping lumps of brown stuff into gold is the most efficient method of padding your wallet in CoH, it doesn't move the needle on leveling a character or exercising a build, so FOR ME, it's not something I am interested in. That said, just to give it a fair shot I spent about 30 minutes last night converting slows and sleeps to Resistance/EndMod/Healing procs and made about 40M. Still not my cup of tea, but, it appears to be a working strategy.
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