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Everything posted by roleki

  1. Herding is pretty much obsolete these days; it takes more time for the tank to run around the room and bring the mobs back to a central location than it does to just melt the mobs where they stand and move on to the next. This is especially true at 50+ when every player has at least one nuke and many have multiples. Not saying one approach is better than another, but personally I prefer the way things are now. I really disliked the drama that often cropped up when teams weren't bending to the Tank's playstyle. So yeah, I might not lead with an AoE Immob, but I won't be standing around waiting for some Tank to get everything "just so" before melting stuff, either.
  2. What if you've frankenslotted? Do all the procs still go all the way to the right, or just to the right of the nearest related IO?
  3. Merry Christmas, person. I hope to see you bounding like a jag between doors somewhere.
  4. And single-slotted fly with capped 7.5 bonuses is faster than that. And you're not wasting slots on fucking hurdle.
  5. There are tons of arc and TF missions that would be stupid to attempt without travel powers.
  6. I don't really CARE that someone is slow to zone or get to the door, but I do wonder (internally) why someone would willingly suffer without a travel power, or expect not to get some eyebrows over being last into every mob, last on the elevator, so on and so forth. ETA: I mean, I kind of get it, because I like to roll inefficient controllers, blasters and defenders, but I make sure whatever it is they DO, they excel at and therefore contribute in that way to the team quite visibly. I just would hate to be on an ITF waiting for the Brute to sprint to Romulus or whatever.
  7. I understand what you're getting at, but, why would having two ferries be so odd? Would the sight of two city buses with the same destination be equally as odd?
  8. Eh, I average a 50 a week. I don't play around, per se.
  9. True enough, unless you consider the opportunity to start a new alt that much sooner as an award.
  10. Way I figure, you have to have one hell of a game if people can volunteer to forego something so basic as a travel power and still have a good time with it.
  11. roleki

    Hybrid Slot

    It really depends on what you are running and what that character's strengths/weaknesses are, or, what attributes you want to accentuate. My Fire/FF just needs to melt things, so I went Assault. My Ice/TA will never deal much damage, but it has 30000 mezzes, so I went Control on that one.
  12. roleki

    Pet question

    Just as a "for instance" my Ill/Dark has 121.5% global recharge from bonuses, and gets 70% recharge from Hasten. PA recharges about 3s before they start blinking and fade out. ETA: I suppose this is useless info without my PA slotting, which I can't recall offhand. IIRC it's frankenslotted, I'll touch this up when I check it for particulars. ETA2: I've got it slotted 4x Expedient Reinforcement (A/R, A/D, A/D/R, E/D/R) and 2x Soulbound Allegiance (A/R, D/R) for 118% recharge.
  13. Repulsion Bomb still gets a bad rap from its original, horrible design; even as amended, it doesn't SOUND very useful. That said, it is an *excellent* opener if you're a solo squish and you need to be in melee to do your thing. Lob the bomb and follow it; you arrive in melee just as everything hits the deck. Now you can fire off Nova or Void Judgment or whatever you're there to do and not take any alpha. Sure it's situational and if it were a pool power I wouldn't dream of taking it, but if FF hands you lemons, might as well make dead goons with it.
  14. All true; you can gin up a ton of global recharge in the build without really trying, and even when not wedging one in every available nook & cranny, I was still able to throw 7 FF+Rech into the build on mids. And the best I could think to do with all that was... make perma-Mass Hypnosis. Which, boo.
  15. I've got that macro'd out! My gripe was facetious; while my en/en is pretty much built for perpetual combat, the out-of-combat snipe is worth slowing down for. Well, once in a while.
  16. Not griping BUT! the 8s wait for my combat status to cool down seems interminable, especially if there's a dude I can pop who is barely in my perception radius and I just... want... to... explode them.
  17. It could be that my by-eye guesstimate of 8% on Annihilation was the result of a larger debuff being resisted, and it actually *IS* 12.5% to begin with. On that front, my testing methodology wasn't particularly scientific: I plopped an Annihilation Proc in Oil Slick Arrow, then watched the DoT increase after 10s, go for about 8 ticks, then drop back to what it was. At the time I was just testing to see if the proc 'carried over' to the pseudopets; I just did the math on the ticks reported back from the combat window to arrive at ~8% as the amount of -Res, ignorant of resisted debuffs as a variable to consider.
  18. YMMV, but I get waaaaay more shards/threads soloing than I do on teams. If you're sufficiently death-proof, you might want to dip into a 0/8 AE farm and just whomp bums until you have a plethora.
  19. I would say that FF may be a decent pairing in this concept because it requires almost no slotting, gives you mule slots for LotG+Rech, and a couple of attacks that can slot the +Rech proc. Though if you go that route, don't bother slotting the +Rech proc in Repulsion Field. It never seemed to fire on my Fire/FF, and that dude lives in melee. ETA: come to think of it, Repulsion Bomb may be a must-have in that concept... a 15' sphere on a 30s timer that can hit up to 16 targets.
  20. I take the ranged P2W powers on all my characters because those come in handy during flashback missions and when you need to hunt up X more vampires/werewolves for the Atlas Medallion. I keep them all in Tray 7, so I can just bring that up when I get flashed too low.
  21. Eh, I never understood the PL-shaming on Live, and it's even worse on HC. While it is uncomfortable to say it, we don't know how long this will be around; the plug could get pulled at any minute. If that were to happen, I'd rather be flitting around PI on a fully armed and operational level 50 controller than stuck in Skyway, working towards Hasten or something. But maybe that's just me. I am utterly agog that the OP has never dinged 50 in all these years; I get itchy if a week goes by and I haven't brought one around the corner.
  22. I have to admit, I was having trouble wrapping my head around "Resistance resists resist debuffs" but I get it now 🙂 This is on an Ice/FF controller, which is why I am suddenly very interested in -Res. I wasn't aware that Acid Arrow could take -Def enhancements, or that Achilles' Heel was so much better than Annihilation. Looks like I'll be fitting that in somehow.
  23. So in testing the Annihilation: Chance for -Res proc, it would SEEM that it is doing 8% -Res for 8s, BUT, when I slot it in Acid Arrow (which RedTomax reported has 15% -Res for 20s) I am actually seeing a damage spike of about 28%. Does anyone know solid numbers on the -Res proc, or solid numbers on the -Res in Acid Arrow, or, know that the numbers cited above are accurate but they stack in such a way that results in a larger hit when multiple -Res effects hit?
  24. I had the same feeling the first time I toggled on Super Jump. I spent an inordinate amount of time that day just jumping across maps, just to do it.
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