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twozerofoxtrot last won the day on November 6 2023

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  1. Since a few ideas for TFs have been thrown out there, I'll submit mine for consideration. First Ward TF so it's co-op for all. The Palatine Task Force, unlocked after you help Anna become the Palatine. Would start off fight off a slaver raid on Eltentown, featuring that incredibly underused group the Dregs. Unlocks a clue about Anna's past (a story which is left unresolved as you move on through First Ward). Go through a series of missions in zone uncovering clues for a big reveal(?). Possible cameos include Katie Douglas and Noble Savage. Would be fun to have some (non-posessed) DUST named characters as AVs along with obligatory Hamidon AVs in the final mission. End result is knowing more about the Palatine and setting conditions for the escape of the Eltentowners during the dying of Praetoria. Probably set for 20-29 since a lot of the First Ward mobs groups are locked to that range... but it would be nice to have it a little higher to help with the 30-45 slump.
  2. Truly? Go to the Mansion in Night Ward for the badge and you can't LFG Teleport to Imperious?
  3. This is even moreso for SR for some reason. After hearing about it from the great dragon of Everlasting I started paying closer attention and SR tanks can peel pretty much anything. I did a UG once and without intending to, flipped the Infested War Walker around and got a bunch of people killed. I wasn't even attacking 😕 My fan theory is that the scaling Dam Res from SR's three powers somehow triggers a mobs threat list and it registers as you buffing yourself three times every half second.
  4. Does she have "conventional" parents* or is that part of her amnesia? Based on that (literally her very origin point) you can branch out a framework of milestones for her history and flesh those points out on an ad hoc basis. I do this with a lot of my "rp by concept" characters. *by which I mean something like a Dr. Light from Megaman or Dr. Tenma from Astro Boy, in which her parents are aware she's synthetic even of she doesn't (initially). And if not, then you can work from the point of her self awareness and dev out how she came to realize she can control robots, time, etc.
  5. Go to your combat attributes (top of your powers panel, next to the anchoring radio toggle) and click the "Base" tab if it's not already open. Scroll down to "Stealth Radius (PvE)" and right click, then select "Monitor Stealth Radius (PvE)" which will add it to your Attribute Monitor. Whenever that value is equal to or greater than 60, you're "stealthed." Snipers and drones can see through until about 130, I think. Not 100% sure the exact number. At 30-35 you can move past most groups quickly without drawing too much attention but they will see you up close. Besides the aforementioned pivoting your camera, you can also turn on your own name in options and use that as a visual guide.
  6. A lot of people who RP, who might want to share a close space or seat, usually have a hard time cause hitboxes are boxy. A workaround for a lot of people has been to use Speed Phase power from Super Speed. Would like to see something like this as a purchasable from S.T.A.R.T. similar to the turn off powers and only affect self powers. It would save having to make mechanical choices for RP convenience, as well as eliminate the glow from Speed Phase for those who find it immersion breaking. If the power needs balancing, it could speedcap you (so people didn't just take this and Speed of Sound) as well as make you OAS as Speed Phase does. Just food for thought. All the components are already there for this power to be implemented. And I think it's been at least one patch since the RP hounds have been fed. 🙂
  7. Permadom requires +120 Global Recharge (over baseline 100). Perma Hasten requires slightly over +170. If you can get to Perma Hasten, by default you are at Permadom. So yeah... don't worry about Permadom.
  8. It does in the sense that you're porting over a concept from a game which it works reasonably well to one where it doesn't. Not trying to be cruel, I'm an old school EQ player myself. This is just a different beast. At a glance since I can't devote the time to study in depth: Overall seems fine If you're planning to use Spring Attack as a repositioning tool, sabe yourself some inf by just slotting a basic Recharge IO; it already does Knockdown. You're gaining nothing from the Dark Watcher's proc in Darkest Night. The proc chance is floored because it'd a toggle and the proc itself is pure trash 🗑. A regular End Redux IO serves better here, or if you have the resources a +3 Hami that gives End Redux/ToHit debuff/Def debuff (enzyme?). I'd pick up Conbat Readiness as soon as it's available, not at 38. It's pretty handy. Taunt at 49 seems like an afterthought. If you're not planning on really using it, then I'd suggest Combat Teleport (more repositioning), Teleport Target (helpful for MoTF runs), or even Summon Widow for a little extra dps on AV fights.
  9. Couldn't get into Overwatch and couldn't get into this, either. Nothing to do with PvP either. I grew up on competitive shooters. I was obsessed with TFC. Both Rivals and Overwatch seem... overly flashy? Non-kinetic? Dunno. Not my thing.
  10. It's a little bizarre to attempt to refute the primacy of SS and Sav over Spines when there are various posts of test data showing objectively where they stand in comparison with each other across a range of scenarios. They're not equal. It's okay that they're not equal. It's also okay to lower the animation time on a single power in an underplayed set for the purpose of bringing it into line with other sets.
  11. The way Jet Pack worked effectively made it into the game during the big travel powers update years ago. For those who remember how Flight Pool used to be structured, we didn't have Fly_boost Afterburner in it's current form. That's the boost power from Jet Pack, cannibalized into the rework. Free Running from Utility Belt? That's been diced up into multiple parts. It's core functionality already existed with Ninja/Beast run, so adding an Atheletic Run option for normal looking zooming appears to be the solution. Oh and that icon from Atheletic Run? It's the same from the Atheletics boost power from Free Running. That power itself seems to have been modified and baked into Super Speed during the Travel Pool update as the jump boost you're granted. Finally the animation for Free Running is cobbled into the Blitz/Parkour travel power customizations. Why do I know all this? I don't. These are outside guesses by someone who has played the game on various private servers and messed with the incomplete Origin Pool sets. I just recognized their component parts during the various updates. So, what's this mean? Here's my guess: after getting a lot of negative reception from vocal players on the release of 3/5 OPPs, the Dev team thought it better to just scrap the most meaningful parts of the remaining 2 into useful updates for existing powers, since the remaining 10 powers in those pools didn't effectively offer anything new or exciting for the players and the Devs would be signing themselves up for more feedback grief releasing them stock. Not to mention the animation issues for some powers. Oh and how having the click Absorb Barrier for every AT would cause huge balance and power creep issues. It's not a coincidence that the two most well regarded melee armorsets have a click absorb power. That's probably not getting in game for Blasters, etc to use.
  12. No, don't do this. Never prioritize mitigation over damage on an attack power, period. Dead enemies do no damage. And this is going to be your only AoE for lower level content. My recommendation would be to drop the KD/Recharge IO from Lightning Field, put Pulverize's Slotting in Whirling Mace, put Jawbreaker's Slotting in Pulverize, and put a 5pc Hecatomb in Jawbreaker. You should have 4+1 slots for Jawbreaker after pulling that KB/Recharge IO from Lightning Field. Use generic IOs in Jawbreaker until 50. Now you'll do more damage, and have better set bonuses. Already has Focused Accuracy in the build.
  13. Simplest version: Everthing but Bash and Taunt. Unless you want to taunt. 4 single target, all with fairly long cooldowns. I'm assuming based off your post that you don't build for bleeding edge performance, so you'll need all 4 to keep attacks consistent. Clobber is the best of the bunch. Two AoE, but once you have Crowd Control you may find yourself ignoring Whirling Mace since it isn't very good. Crowd Control does more damage, faster, and although it's a cone its 180 degrees so it'll hit everything forward of your hips.
  14. It's not a dream. Damage Resistance works as its own debuff resist stat. So if your tanker its at say 100(+) SLFCEN resist, then even though you're only getting 90 Dam Res, you're still getting 100% debuff resist on those stats.
  15. I mostly play on Everlasting so most of these folks are people I've seen there. In no particular order: @Felis Noctu & @Metalios who, along with a few other people, help keep Mids updated and chugging away. I'm pretty sure they helped saved it from going vaporware but I don't have the inside scoop on that so maybe I'm mistaken. @Amur is a quiet professional who helps others with actual accurate information in help chat, free of conjecture, bias (inasmuch as one can) and unsolicited thoughts. Along with silently popping up in game to help get hard content run. @sundew runs casual iTrials every Sunday (maybe Saturdays, too?) on Everlasting after the scheduled stuff is complete. Despite being "casual" (ie: not going for badges) they are professionally ran, with the same detailed instructions that the other Everlasting TFs content leaders provide, and are a great way for people who are new to iTrials to experience without a lot of stress, as well as farming up a few extra and Incarnate merits and salvage for old-timers with severe altitis. @Andreah has consistently run casual RP teams in PI and other places for years now, possibly since HC opened. It might not seem like a big thing, but as time has gone on these sorts of easy-entry roleplay teams have become increasingly scarce, and this sort of public service lets people who both want to casually dip their toes into the experience as well as veterans who want a change of pace from big organized plots or spicy nighttime writing. @PresidentDSG has run weekly open roleplay content in the form of AE story arcs you may or may not have tried for years under the premise of a Hero Corps job fair, and for villains their "Hench Co." analog. Again, another great help to people who want to get out there and actually roleplay their character with others either for the first or fortieth time. @Defeat All Snakes is a true hidden treasure. If you like to RP, they have some of the most well-written, well-voiced characters you'll ever find. If you can find them. They also make incredible stand-alone AE arcs. Speaking of which, try #45220 "The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year" since it's that season. It won a Dev's Choice award so it should be at the top of the list. @Fictional is another diamond in the rough. I don't know if she plays anymore, but she's been running small-group Hero and Villain RP teams for years, creating elaborate bases, months and months of AE story content, weaving each character's personal arcs into the overall story of the group, etc. And best of all, she's down to earth and level-headed. Always wanting to have fun, and make sure others are having their fun and their voices heard, too. @Darmian & @TwoDee for being Homecoming's resident Praetorian Loremasters, as well as cranking out some legendary AE story arcs and being generally cool guys. I'm not sure about Darmian but TwoDee was also a huge pillar in the Everlasting RP space for a long time and his characters will always have a fond place in my heart. @Nayreia for being one of us weird storywriters, and then one day getting uplifted to the Dev team to become one of the best members of the City Council and producing not only some of the finest content this game has ever had since launch, but also keeping in touch with us and staying responsive to bugs and even little requests like helping a lupine guy let his hips sway. There's probably many, many more. But my memory fails me, as it often does.
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