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twozerofoxtrot last won the day on November 6 2023

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  1. It's literally one minute. Think about it for exactly that duration of time, then reassess your request.
  2. None of those game have a system for reaching lvl 50 in a few hours of concentrated grinding with zero risk involved: AE Farms. No, it would mean the exact same thing as it does now. See above. Even if you went through the ass pain of somehow figuring out how to lock these Hardcore players out of AE (sort of an indication that this isn't the bug idea you think it is), there are still literally dozens of level 50 kill-all missions that are designed the same way in Peregrine Island, and were used to farm ad naseum minus completion, prior to the introduction of AE. You'd basically have to disable sidekicking these hardcore players. And if you remove one of the core aspects of how this game operates, it probably begs considering whether or not this game is enough like those other MMOs to sustain the amount of interest they did with this challenge mode.
  3. Troo I thought you were a demon, not a necromancer.
  4. Dark/Ice is your true tanktroller.
  5. Speaking of the main floor, what's with the sudden appearance of that pad not far off the left side of the screen from where this was shot? It doesn't seem to do anything yet, and I didn't catch anything in the patch notes about it.
  6. My spitballing offer is to give the two RAs the "reverse Regen nerf" treatment amd turn both into toggles; Pain already did this with one of the two. This is not to exclude other suggestions out there.
  7. It is. This is the origin for Family boss powers. Science by way of Heisenberg-level pure Superadine.
  8. That power provides scaling Damage Resist similar to how SR auto powers do.
  9. Is it just Cortex you're having issues with or can you cite a few more examples of where you've had issues? Fighting an EB Psi Blaster isn't a cakewalk for most builds. It's going to exploit your weak defenses and resists to that type and slow your recharge if you haven't slotted for Recharge Protect. That's going to gimp the one protective tool you have against heavy psi damage: Ablative.
  10. In addition there's the message popup you get on mission load. It's right in the player's face and everyone has a chance to see it even on teams. Just gotta keep the character count tight.
  11. Incorrect. Yes, because... ...it is not the same power as in Traps. TLDR: Trip Mine in Arse Assault is basically like a Foot Stomp you can preposition. Taking a quick look at a snip from City of Data: We see that Arse Assault trip mine has an uninterruptable 2 second animation time. And it will go off immediately if you are near an enemy. That means you can run into a fight and set it off like you would any other Dom Melee AOE attack, without being penalized. On top of that? You can still drop it as a trap setup to blow up baddies. It still animates over twice as fast as /Traps Trip Mine, but can be stacked up for a big boom. Not quite as big as /Traps mind you, again more in line with normal Dom Melee AOE attacks.
  12. That's a 4 sec animation time. Dr. Strange's DPA is a dumpster fire, even Kin Melee out does him.
  13. States never stood a chance.
  14. Ironically, a lot of the old "rescue" missions from the original release and earlier issues were like this. You just had to rescue the person, not escort them to the door. I figured this out during my "do every story arc" phase via Ouro. @Zombra and for others who don't know, if you mark the entrance, run to the hostage, clear the initial group and then recall to your marked spot, the hostage comes with you. I've no idea if that's WIA or just a helpful bug. It does require you go through the steps to get the Mark & Recall Accolade Power, which isn't exactly helpful for characters still going through their levels, etc. Here's a quick demo:
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