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  1. maybe add a different day for victory server? tt is on tuesday's, brutes on thursday's, saturdays is reunion, what location is the victory server? north america? or eu?? or else where around the world? maybe a survey/ chat with those folks will be needed to determine another time/day?
  2. everything on the auction house atm is completely FUBARED , rare salvage is way over priced, and mini pet recipes or other types are under priced compared to venders pricing, i don't bother selling mini recipes any more since they will not sell for what they are actually worth, i just give then away...
  3. great idea/concept, would love a skull and crossbone/pirate belt, the smileys face one might not be available...due to the fact of copyright....roman Attwood has from you tube... has smile more logo... seen here...https://www.bunkerbranding.com/products/copy-of-smile-more-podcast-sticker-pack
  4. agreed okie and others who run incarnate arcs so much, for others can use that info
  5. fyi it should have been linked with these story arcs for both sides...https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Conspiracy_Theorist_Badge#Inherent_Power
  6. agreed it should have been level attuned better for steel canyon..., the paragon protectors are supposed to be lvl 35ish with similar arcs in bricks town and doc aeon runs in cap diablo at 35ish plus... they are a pain in the butt to get for the accolade, the crey pistol is still underpowered,...
  7. the trash value does not matter, reduce the cost to make it, 2.5 mil is way too much, most recipe are dropping so much that they do not sell on the AH . they are so common now that they are not worth 10k yet alone being trashed at 100 k.
  8. fyi living brain 3000 how to ....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPVZxcDgPNo
  9. please make all the mini pets account tradeable, instead of being character auto bound, it would have been much better if the anniversary event had done the same...
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaZ9q9Nky5Q
  11. try turning your difficulty settings lower to reduce their strength, try diff at regular 0 setting with plus 2 0r 3 team... and yeh if using higher setting treat them like malta sappers, target the bosses first you'll encounter the same hassles with family bosses in the st martial repeatable event
  12. heads up tankers, monday the 30th TT event will be the start of the anniversary events, besides the usual wst runs, any thoughts / ideas for what could be tanker special anniversary run? etc?....https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/51157-city-of-heroes-20th-anniversary-time-capsule-event-qa-with-original-team-costume-contests/ Starting on Tuesday, April 30th, these time capsules will begin appearing all over Paragon City, The Rogue Isles and Praetoria. Within them you'll find a range of goodies including some brand new vanity pets, new temporary powers, new badges, new temporary costume powers, Anniversary Tokens (which can be used to acquire most of these rewards from Luna in Ouroboros and Echo Plaza), as well as some additional surprises from the past...
  13. also low lvl arcs such as twin shots story arc has them, red side arcs for epics also has them
  14. temp sword ? what is its stats?
  15. which what? detail explain or it not worth it
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