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Everything posted by 50caltech

  1. it was clear enough what it was about , an evil father abusing his son for his own gains....my alts will not be running those arcs, they need to be fixed for better functionality and the badges have no collection value to be worth it
  2. just ran both arcs solo to test them and there are many fubars, mission enemy target locations are wrong and need to be hunted to be found, for arcs that are supposed to be vigilante and rogue , mission end rewards are hero only, even with the longbow in doctor stribbings arc do you get villian reward instead of vigilante, some parts of these arcs should have been separated and made their own arcs elsewhere in the game....such as the first mission of doc Stribbling ( aka doc aeon ) all the animals in his lab should be a mission in nerva to release them from the crey holding cells, the warriors in Houston arc no doubt came from previous mentions of warrior arcs that are supposed to be in kalisty wharf.. the only good part of these arcs was actually letting the bad guy ( aka kid mutant ) go at the end and severely wanting to kill doc stribbling aka doc aeon my self to compare story arc verses previous vigilant/rogue arcs such as , https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Shauna_Braun i would rather feed doc aeon/stribbling to lusca and would save the young mutant from his evil father any time
  3. what i mean by 3 form.... 1 keld with 3 complete separate builds of each form 1 all dwarf for tanking, 1 squid for ranged blaster and human form....each with their own full use slots,, instead of tri form which combines all 3 and shares slots....
  4. what would be better...tri form, or 3 form build? never used 3 form builds on any AT combos so need advice....
  5. lmao@ legs spiders are not like doc octopus with claw arms that can be used as transport, player spiders only have 4 blaster arms and 2 human arms, take a look at lord recluse himself, he has 8 spider arms and 2 human arms...
  6. fyi, to add to the bugged theme, there are of course, actual bugged problems with the event, much like nemesis gm....the map server gm has not arrived properly and was seen off the map in steel canyon and other maps, also due to the severe lag, my warshade had hasseles while transforming and visually being stuck in one of 3 modes , but still freaky event and so far no actual server crashes forcing down time, very glad its more then one day event and ongoing until the regular maintenance schedule....love the brawl extra power boost and wish it would stay.....
  7. i have tried to post the 2 different videos for those scenes but this forum, discord and several other platforms are restricted to 500mb up loads only or less and my vid files are over 700 plus mb each....,
  8. first time new tanker invulnerable/super strength , she is currently a rogue atm, and just joined the tanker channel, so i asked if you wished to do a fun vigilante arc, its min lvl 25 to 29 in indy port, https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Shauna_Braun it has 2 badges depending on the end scene results, kill the bad guy or save him.....you will love the kill option, its the only story arc in the game where you actually feeding lusca instead of just trying to kill her for merits,
  9. just logged on to the beta server and noticed halloween events going on....
  10. try multi colors like this...https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=159138933504679&set=gm.1325705408248124&idorvanity=1107104873441513 very beautiful butterfly wings and dress combo
  11. very kool wings design and yes love the shoulder holster .
  12. the witches in Croatoa need to be updated to a sexy versions instead of drab robed mormons
  13. there needs to be updates on the achronos side, and hybrids of both widow/soa would be kool.....ie widows with their own pets ability, besides the patron powers pets would be nice, or Soas with widow pets mixed with their spider pets would be kool options, mini spider pets with thrown poisoned blades, or much like mm thugs summon reinforcements like the achronos flier deploys mass pets....
  14. what do they look like compared to male version with the new pep merits? hope fully no beards? tsoo tattoos ? males are shirtless so what are upper body choices? martial arts robes? any pics?
  15. easy fix, do the mission, kill her to complete it, she's usually up on a roof top
  16. its a nemesis plot combined with clock work bots, if they can build the paladin as fast as they do, they can deconstruct powerful objects such as buildings with powerful holographic's ?
  17. my favorite story arc is vigialty shana brauns in indy port.....fun story arc, mostly mooks / mobsters which goes towards gangster accolade, plus its the only story arc that actually feeds lusca instead of killing her
  18. what does the musical power set sound like? actual music notes or different type of scream / howl etc... any one care to record it yet?
  19. while doing a tips mission on the beta server, two notifications for the Paladins in kings row came up at the same time, once i finished my mission i went to kings row to check it out if its was confirmed, and yes 2 paladins had showed up and parked them selves in north kings row as usual, i did spot one of them running thru the ae buildings drones and not get zapped. its bad enough there's a glitch for twin twin shots some times, but to my understanding the paladin in kings row is not supposed to be more then one at a time, you'll see there is 2 of them surrounded by hordes of clockworks like bees or hornets protecting a nest and its queens?
  20. thank you for the replies, keep the ideas coming.....i have not started her build yet..... currently working on a fire/fire brute, started with a spines/fire brute, people have mentioned foot stomp being endurance heavy, any advice about power sets to use to keep fury/rage from crashing? also...mentioned on the character creation page is super strength has knockback powers, is it built into their attacks or is it optionable for damage? i do have a sentinel and noticed how knockback is a part of their attacks with out actual knockback sets...
  21. advice needed about Power Girls abilities and how they would best suit a brutes powers, since she is supposed to related to super girl and man, would their abilities be compared to super strength or street justice, and invulnerability or regen ? i am dedicating this build to a former player who i got to know both in game and real life, back during live on the freedom server, but unfortunately she passed away years ago before being able to return to the current game. Power Girl was one of many characters that she loved, due to copywrite hassles the character will be named to her real life nick name instead
  22. not a afk farmer build, but for regular content, currently lvl 29, just starting to rebuild and increase endurance/fury,
  23. it is selfish stupid impatient speed idiots that do that in alot of missions, it is why i avoid alot of speed runs, especially with self rezing freaks missions, most often they rez behind you and swarm you
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