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Chance Jackson

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  1. Panacea proc got nerfed hard in powers like Triage Beacon & Spirit Tree
  2. Maybe you can ask the mods for a mulligan
  3. You don't... they get in contact with you
  4. How are you liking that combo? What is your 3dmark Firestrike & Timespy scores?
  5. Team members don't have to be shoulder to shoulder, they can split up to tackle different challenges within mission parameters, as is popular during that one TF (numina?) One of my favorite teaming experiences involved soloing Clockwork king with my bots/traps/mu MM during a LGTF when the game was live. No one complained about it, but someone missed that i said i would solo him so by the time they got Penny to the door someone asked "what happened to the Clockwork King?" Someone else answered "Cheetatron solo'd him" felt really cool tbh
  6. Pretty sure devs wanted to avoid ethno centric gangs & all the problems they can bring so you get a cadre of multi ethnic crooks
  7. I'm all for getting away from copraganda
  8. I won't oppose this, i usually clear trays
  9. I definitely like the idea of an metal based armor set with animations that give off big Tech &/or Magic vibes
  10. Short of giving boxing & kick access to the animations of other power pool opener melee attacks, I think those other power pool melee attacks should be available as power pool openers attacks in the fighting pool Admittedly it's not quite the same as OPs request
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