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Posts posted by Arc-Mage

  1. 4 hours ago, rektnarok said:

    OK yeah I don't have a slot opened. I wish they would have said something. Thank you.

    I know you already answered this question but just an fyi. When you do slot it eventually, if you create more then one type of incarnate power, there is a cool down period between unslotting and slotting again. 

  2. 10 hours ago, Razor Cure said:

    I just downloaded the updated Maps..and it is still broken (only for AP). I got them via the CityModder program and the adding the new Vidiotmaps from there. Then I removed the

    old versions as per your Vidiot Map thread

    shown below..and that removed the overlay in every zone? So now I am even more confused, Haha


    Old versions of vidiotmaps were installed to the following folders:


    <CoH Root Folder>\data\texture_library\MAPS
    <CoH Root Folder>\data\texture_library\P_MAPS
    <CoH Root Folder>\data\texture_library\V_MAPS

    I removed P_Maps and V_Maps folders first. Then DLd the city mod installer and then DLd Vidiotmaps through the city mod installer. Once the old maps are removed and the new map’s installed it should work. 

  3. That happened to me also. I Deleted the old Map Overlays and DLd the City Mod Installer and uploaded the new Videotmaps. All was fixed. At some point they went to a new Map Overlay. The stopped using the Maps, V_Maps and P_Maps. Do it the new way and you wont have any problems.

  4. So while ToTing tonight I pulled out my Robot MM. (Lvl 43 Robot/FF Leadership/Speed/TP/Charge Mastery)


    I noticed every time I leveled All my Bots would take a HUGE hit. From time to time they would all even be wiped out. It happens so quickly but my gut instinct says that just before I get the INS Bonus for leveling all my Defenses would drop for a moment.


    Anyone else notice this oddity?

  5. 2 hours ago, Greycat said:

    One of the main problems is that those local files are ... local. Not a big deal to some, but I (for instance) have two desktops - one in sorta-retirement I don't really game on these days much - and two laptops, and those local files aren't necessarily in sync.

    You know you can combine those files if it’s desired?

  6. Going to my buddy Dave’s home during Beta play and having him introduce me to CoH. I created a toon and hearing the fan fair music for the first time ever was incredible. 

    My buddy passed away just before HC launched. He would have loved the fact the game is public again. 

    The funniest memory I have was the first time I entered Crey’s Folly and punched Rikti Monkey. To my surprise, due to not having limitations in KB, he flew half way across the map. Everyone on my team blew up with laughter. 

    The biggest “awe” moment was the first time I saw a Tank aggro the entire map in the Woodsman Trial. Watching the Tank run into one of the Volcano pits and the XP and INF numbers just tick off as every baddie on the map follows to their doom.

  7. I hunt GMs almost exclusively on Excelsior. I shout out on multiple channels before attacking the GMs, as others on the server do too. 

    If I had to give it an average I’d say 1 out 100 GMs are attacked before everyone gets in zone. Even then the game is set up to give you credit even if someone else starts the fight. 

    The only way your claim holds a tiny bit of water is if you are an extremely low level toon with no travel powers or temps. The time it would take for you to go from say AP to KR may possibly be longer than the time it takes to destroy the GM for example. The game has travel short cuts if this is the case, you may want to invest the time in gaining this travel power.

  8. 16 hours ago, Techwright said:

    Why not request a "magic" bubble over the platform?  Akin to the mothership bubble.  Something that pushes/teleports all player characters out of range.  Have it activate 10 minutes after Adamaster falls, and drop the moment he is available again.

    I really like this idea.

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