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  1. It would probably help to use the /whereami command and a screenshot to correctly ID the map in question.
  2. The Tool, Utilities, and Downloads subforum might also prove helpful: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/60-tools-utilities-amp-downloads/
  3. There's no current open Beta, so I suspect it's not a high priority task. I mean, they leave it up as a courtesy, it's not something they owe us or anything. (Plus it's Saturday fer goshsakes.)
  4. No, it makes less than zero sense - because the message I'm quoting is the very first mention of any sort regarding urgency. It also misses the point that allowing griefers to talk to Posi can mess up teams of people, more than one of which might want the badge.
  5. I've seen it happen a couple of times, and I have a very hard time believing that something that takes two clicks is an accident.
  6. On the flip side, my Controllers, Defenders, and Masterminds (who are all support/pet support focused) have been having a blast. If you can keep your allies alive, the mission is almost trivial.
  7. I find my EA toons, with it's combination of ranged group buffs and heals, solo the mish surprisingly easily.
  8. Gold won't work because that color is associated with Goldside. Otherwise sounds good.
  9. Yeah, I ended up buying a new computer (that could just barely run CoH) because the one I had was a .2FPS slideshow during combat. When I came back to Homecoming I set everything to max just out of curiosity... and, wow. Though I am finding the start of the wedding mission or a Rikti invasion sometimes turns into a bit of a slideshow, but that much going on in that small a space is something of an anomaly.
  10. She is very obviously a Defender. 🙂 🙂
  11. Do bad badge locs go in this thread or in dedicated posts?
  12. I am Doc Scorpion and I approve of this message.
  13. Though I wish the game hadn't died... I'm very glad we were spared that nightmare coming to life.
  14. Oh, we knew about it. But given the insane costs for all but the most useless set IO's... (Heck, even desirable common IOs could get pretty spendy.) It just wasn't practical for any but the most hardcore.
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